You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import LifecycleUnit from '../lifecycle/Unit.ts'
import {Unit} from '../lifecycle/decorators.ts'
import Kernel from '../http/kernel/Kernel.ts'
import {Logging} from '../service/logging/Logging.ts'
import {serve} from '../external/http.ts'
import {Request} from '../http/Request.ts'
import {withTimeout} from '../support/timeout.ts'
import {http} from '../http/response/helpers.ts'
import {HTTPStatus} from '../const/http.ts'
import Config from './Config.ts'
* Lifecycle unit which starts the HTTP server.
* @extends LifecycleUnit
export default class HttpServer extends LifecycleUnit {
protected _server: any // TODO replace with more specific type
protected readonly kernel: Kernel,
protected readonly config: Config,
protected readonly logger: Logging,
) {
public async up() {
this._server = serve({ port: 8000 })
this.logger.success(`HTTP/S server listening on port 8000!`)
const request_timeout: number = this.config.get('server.request_timeout', 15000)
for await ( const native_request of this._server ) {
let req: Request = this.make(Request, native_request)
await withTimeout(request_timeout, this.kernel.handle(req))
.on_time(output_req => {
.late(output_req => {
this.logger.error(`Request timed out. Response was already sent on path: ${req.path}. Consider increasing server.request_timeout.`)
.timeout(async () => {
const factory = http(HTTPStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
const output_req = await factory.write(req)