You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Collection } from '../../../lib/src/collection/Collection.ts'
* A single query row, as an object.
export type QueryRow = { [key: string]: any }
* A valid key on a model.
export type ModelKey = string | number
* Interface for the result of a query execution.
export interface QueryResult {
rows: Collection<QueryRow>,
row_count: number,
* Database column types.
export enum Type {
bigint = 'bigint',
int8 = 'bigint',
bigserial = 'bigserial',
serial8 = 'bigserial',
bit = 'bit',
bit_varying = 'bit varying',
varbit = 'bit varying',
boolean = 'boolean',
bool = 'boolean',
box = 'box',
bytea = 'bytea',
character = 'character',
char = 'character',
character_varying = 'character varying',
varchar = 'character varying',
cidr = 'cidr',
circle = 'circle',
date = 'date',
double_precision = 'double precision',
float8 = 'double precision',
inet = 'inet',
integer = 'integer',
int = 'integer',
int4 = 'integer',
interval = 'interval',
json = 'json',
line = 'line',
lseg = 'lseg',
macaddr = 'macaddr',
money = 'money',
numeric = 'numeric',
decimal = 'numeric',
path = 'path',
point = 'point',
polygon = 'polygon',
real = 'real',
float4 = 'real',
smallint = 'smallint',
int2 = 'smallint',
smallserial = 'smallserial',
serial2 = 'smallserial',
serial = 'serial',
serial4 = 'serial',
text = 'text',
time = 'time',
timestamp = 'timestamp',
tsquery = 'tsquery',
tsvector = 'tsvector',
txid_snapshot = 'txid_snapshot',
uuid = 'uuid',
xml = 'xml',
other = 'other',