Start basic CLI framework

Garrett Mills 4 years ago
parent 4dc1f6d7c8
commit d57053703a
Signed by: garrettmills
GPG Key ID: D2BF5FBA8298F246

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
TLS support
uploads & universal path!!
CLI - view routes, template generation, start server, directives, output, args
nicer error and home pages
utility - is_windows, is_linux, is_mac
authentication - user/session, oauth, jwt, &c.
orm enum/bit fields, json handlers, scopes
orm enum/bit fields, json handlers, scopes, migrations, schema
redis - redis client, redis rehydrated classes, redis sessions
notifications - gotify/push/other mechanisms

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import LifecycleUnit from '../../lib/src/lifecycle/Unit.ts'
import {CLIService} from './service/CLI.service.ts'
import {Unit} from '../../lib/src/lifecycle/decorators.ts'
import {Logging} from '../../lib/src/service/logging/Logging.ts'
export default class CLIAppUnit extends LifecycleUnit {
protected readonly cli: CLIService,
protected readonly logger: Logging,
) { super() }
public async up() {
this.logger.verbose(`Handling CLI invocation...`)
const args = Deno.args
console.log('args', {args})

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import LifecycleUnit from '../../lib/src/lifecycle/Unit.ts'
import {CLIService} from './service/CLI.service.ts'
import {Unit} from '../../lib/src/lifecycle/decorators.ts'
import {UsageDirective} from './directive/UsageDirective.ts'
export default class CLIUnit extends LifecycleUnit {
protected readonly cli: CLIService,
) { super() }
public async up() {

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import AppClass from '../../../lib/src/lifecycle/AppClass.ts'
import {Logging} from '../../../lib/src/service/logging/Logging.ts'
export abstract class Directive extends AppClass {
public abstract readonly keyword: string
public abstract readonly help: string
static options() {
return []
public abstract invoke(): any
success(message: any) {
this.make(Logging).success(message, true)
error(message: any) {
this.make(Logging).error(message, true)
warn(message: any) {
this.make(Logging).warn(message, true)
info(message: any) {
this.make(Logging).info(message, true)
debug(message: any) {
this.make(Logging).debug(message, true)
verbose(message: any) {
this.make(Logging).verbose(message, true)

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import {Directive} from './Directive.ts'
export class UsageDirective extends Directive {
public readonly keyword = 'help'
public readonly help = 'Display usage information'
public async invoke() {
console.log('Hello, from Daton CLI.')

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import AppClass from '../../../lib/src/lifecycle/AppClass.ts'
import {Service} from '../../../di/src/decorator/Service.ts'
import {Collection} from '../../../lib/src/collection/Collection.ts'
import {Directive} from '../directive/Directive.ts'
import {Logging} from '../../../lib/src/service/logging/Logging.ts'
* Error thrown when a directive registered with the same keyword as
* an existing directive.
* @extends Error
export class DuplicateCLIDirectiveError extends Error {
constructor(keyword: string) {
super(`A CLI directive with the keyword "${keyword}" already exists.`)
* Service for registering and managing CLI directives.
* @extends AppClass
export class CLIService extends AppClass {
protected directives: Collection<Directive> = new Collection<Directive>()
protected readonly logger: Logging,
) { super() }
* Find a registered directive using its keyword, if one exists.
* @param {string} keyword
* @return Directive | undefined
public get_directive_by_keyword(keyword: string): Directive | undefined {
return this.directives.firstWhere('keyword', '=', keyword)
* Get a collection of all registered directives.
* @return Collection<Directive>
public get_directives() {
return this.directives.clone()
* Register a directive with the service.
* @param {Directive} directive
public register_directive(directive: Directive) {
if ( this.get_directive_by_keyword(directive.keyword) ) {
throw new DuplicateCLIDirectiveError(directive.keyword)
this.logger.verbose(`Registering CLI directive with keyword: ${directive.keyword}`)

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export default class ErrorWithContext extends Error {

@ -68,7 +68,16 @@ export default class Application {
* @return Promise<void>
async down() {'Stopping Daton...', true)
for ( const unit of this.instantiated_units ) {
if ( !unit ) continue
await this.stop_unit(unit)
setTimeout(() => {
this.logger.warn(`Force exiting...`)
}, 2000)
@ -106,8 +115,25 @@ export default class Application {
} catch (e) {
unit.status = Status.Error
this.logger.error(`Error encountered while starting ${}. Will attempt to proceed.`)
* Shut down the given lifecycle unit.
* @param {LifecycleUnit} unit
protected async stop_unit(unit: LifecycleUnit) {
try {
unit.status = Status.Stopping`Stopping ${}...`)
await unit.down()
this.logger.verbose(`Successfully stopped ${}`)
unit.status = Status.Stopped
} catch (e) {
unit.status = Status.Error
this.logger.error(`Error encountered while stopping ${}. Will attempt to proceed.`)

@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ export default class HttpServer extends LifecycleUnit {
const request_timeout: number = this.config.get('server.request_timeout', 15000)
Deno.signal(Deno.Signal.SIGINT).then(() => {'Closing server...', true)
for await ( const native_request of this._server ) {
let req: Request = this.make(Request, native_request)
