You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
import AbstractFactory from './factory/AbstractFactory.ts'
import Factory from './factory/Factory.ts'
import SingletonFactory from './factory/SingletonFactory.ts'
import FunctionFactory from './factory/FunctionFactory.ts'
import NamedFactory from './factory/NamedFactory.ts'
import { DependencyKey } from './type/DependencyKey.ts'
import { collect, Collection } from '../../lib/src/collection/Collection.ts'
import Instantiable, {isInstantiable} from './type/Instantiable.ts'
type MaybeFactory = AbstractFactory | undefined
type MaybeDependency = any | undefined
type ResolvedDependency = { param_index: number, key: DependencyKey, resolved: any }
interface InstanceRef {
key: DependencyKey,
value: any,
class DuplicateFactoryKeyError extends Error {
constructor(key: DependencyKey) {
super(`A factory definition already exists with the key for ${key}.`)
class InvalidDependencyKeyError extends Error {
constructor(key: DependencyKey) {
super(`No such dependency is registered with this container: ${key}`)
class Container {
private factories: Collection<AbstractFactory> = new Collection<AbstractFactory>()
private instances: Collection<InstanceRef> = new Collection<InstanceRef>()
constructor() {
key: Container,
value: this,
this.register_singleton('injector', this)
4 years ago
register(dependency: Instantiable<any>) {
if ( this.resolve(dependency) )
throw new DuplicateFactoryKeyError(dependency)
const factory = new Factory(dependency)
register_producer(name: string, producer: () => any) {
if ( this.resolve(name) )
throw new DuplicateFactoryKeyError(name)
const factory = new FunctionFactory(name, producer)
register_named(name: string, dependency: Instantiable<any>) {
if ( this.resolve(name) )
throw new DuplicateFactoryKeyError(name)
const factory = new NamedFactory(name, dependency)
register_singleton(key: string, value: any) {
if ( this.resolve(key) )
throw new DuplicateFactoryKeyError(key)
this.factories.push(new SingletonFactory(value, key))
register_factory(factory: AbstractFactory) {
if ( !this.factories.includes(factory) )
has_instance(key: DependencyKey): boolean {
return this.instances.where('key', '=', key).isNotEmpty()
has_key(key: DependencyKey): boolean {
return !!this.resolve(key)
get_existing_instance(key: DependencyKey): MaybeDependency {
const instances = this.instances.where('key', '=', key)
if ( instances.isNotEmpty() ) return instances.first()
resolve(key: DependencyKey): MaybeFactory {
const factory = this.factories.firstWhere(item => item.match(key))
if ( factory ) return factory
resolve_and_create(key: DependencyKey, ...parameters: any[]): any {
// If we've already instantiated this, just return that
const instance = this.get_existing_instance(key)
if ( typeof instance !== 'undefined' ) return instance.value
// Otherwise, attempt to create it
const factory = this.resolve(key)
if ( !factory )
throw new InvalidDependencyKeyError(key)
// Produce and store a new instance
const new_instance = this.produce_factory(factory, parameters)
value: new_instance,
return new_instance
protected produce_factory(factory: AbstractFactory, parameters: any[]) {
// Create the dependencies for the factory
const keys = factory.get_dependency_keys().filter(req => this.has_key(req.key))
const dependencies =<ResolvedDependency>(req => {
return {
param_index: req.param_index,
key: req.key,
resolved: this.resolve_and_create(req.key),
// Build the arguments for the factory, using dependencies in the
// correct param_index positions, or parameters of we don't have
// the dependency.
const construction_args = []
let params = collect(parameters).reverse()
for ( let i = 0; i <= dependencies.max('param_index'); i++ ) {
const dep = dependencies.firstWhere('param_index', '=', i)
if ( dep ) construction_args.push(dep.resolved)
else construction_args.push(params.pop())
// Produce a new instance
return factory.produce(construction_args, params.reverse().all())
make(target: DependencyKey, ...parameters: any[]) {
if ( this.has_key(target) )
return this.resolve_and_create(target, ...parameters)
else if ( typeof target !== 'string' && isInstantiable(target) )
4 years ago
return this.produce_factory(new Factory(target), parameters)
throw new TypeError(`Invalid or unknown make target: ${target}`)
4 years ago
get_dependencies(target: DependencyKey): Collection<DependencyKey> {
const factory = this.resolve(target)
if ( !factory )
throw new InvalidDependencyKeyError(target)
return factory.get_dependency_keys().pluck('key')
4 years ago
export {