Implement queue work and listen commands
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing Details

Garrett Mills 2 years ago
parent e098a5edb7
commit 16e5fa00aa

@ -468,4 +468,22 @@ export abstract class Directive extends AppClass {
protected nativeOutput(...outputs: any[]): void {
console.log(...outputs) // eslint-disable-line no-console
* Get a promise that resolves after SIGINT is received, executing a
* callback beforehand.
* @param callback
* @protected
protected async untilInterrupt(callback?: () => unknown): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>(res => {
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
if ( callback ) {
await callback()

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import {Directive, OptionDefinition} from '../../Directive'
import {Inject, Injectable} from '../../../di'
import {Bus, PushedToQueue, Queue} from '../../../support/bus'
import {Queueables} from '../../../service/Queueables'
export class ListenDirective extends Directive {
protected readonly queue!: Queue
protected readonly queueables!: Queueables
protected readonly bus!: Bus
getDescription(): string {
return 'listen for jobs pushed to the queue and attempt to execute them'
getKeywords(): string | string[] {
return 'queue-listen'
getOptions(): OptionDefinition[] {
return []
async handle(): Promise<void> {'Subscribing to queue events...')
await this.bus.subscribe(PushedToQueue, async () => {
// A new job has been pushed to the queue, so try to pop it and execute it.
// We may get undefined if some other worker is running and picked up this job first.
await this.tryExecuteJob()
})'Setting periodic poll...')
const handle = setInterval(async () => {
await this.tryExecuteJob()
}, 5000)'Listening for jobs...')
await this.untilInterrupt()'Shutting down...')
protected async tryExecuteJob(): Promise<void> {
try {
const job = await this.queue.pop()
if ( !job ) {
return // Some other worker already picked up this job
}`Executing: ${job.constructor?.name || 'unknown job'}`)
await job.execute()
this.success('Execution finished.')
} catch (e: unknown) {
this.error('Failed to execute job.')

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
import {Directive, OptionDefinition} from '../../Directive'
import {Inject, Injectable} from '../../../di'
import {Queue} from '../../../support/bus'
import {Queueables} from '../../../service/Queueables'
export class WorkDirective extends Directive {
protected readonly queue!: Queue
protected readonly queueables!: Queueables
getDescription(): string {
return 'pop a single item from the queue and execute it'

@ -13,3 +13,6 @@ export * from './directive/TemplateDirective'
export * from './directive/UsageDirective'
export * from './decorators'
export * from './directive/queue/ListenDirective'
export * from './directive/queue/WorkDirective'

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {Unit} from '../../lifecycle/Unit'
import {Logging} from '../../service/Logging'
import {Singleton, Inject} from '../../di/decorator/injection'
import {Singleton, Inject} from '../../di'
import {CommandLine} from './CommandLine'
import {UsageDirective} from '../directive/UsageDirective'
import {Directive} from '../Directive'
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import {RunDirective} from '../directive/RunDirective'
import {RoutesDirective} from '../directive/RoutesDirective'
import {RouteDirective} from '../directive/RouteDirective'
import {WorkDirective} from '../directive/queue/WorkDirective'
import {ListenDirective} from '../directive/queue/ListenDirective'
* Unit that takes the place of the final unit in the application that handles
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ export class CommandLineApplication extends Unit {
const argv = process.argv.slice(2)
const match = this.cli.getDirectives()

@ -55,10 +55,6 @@ export class Container {
.map(factory => container.registerFactory(factory))
.map((factory: StaticClass<AbstractFactory<any>, any>) => console.log(factory)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
.map((factory: StaticClass<AbstractFactory<any>, any>) => container.registerFactory(container.make(factory)))
@ -335,7 +331,7 @@ export class Container {
if ( factory ) {
return factory
} else {
logIfDebugging('extollo.di.injector', 'unable to resolve factory', factory, this.factories)
logIfDebugging('extollo.di.injector', 'unable to resolve factory', key, factory, this.factories)
@ -388,6 +384,8 @@ export class Container {
* @param {array} parameters
protected produceFactory<T>(factory: AbstractFactory<T>, parameters: any[]): T {
logIfDebugging('extollo.di.injector', 'Make stack', Container.makeStack)
// Create the dependencies for the factory
const keys = factory.getDependencyKeys().filter(req => this.hasKey(req.key))
const dependencies =<ResolvedDependency>(req => {
@ -415,7 +413,9 @@ export class Container {
// Produce a new instance
const inst = factory.produce(constructorArguments, params.reverse().all())
logIfDebugging('extollo.di.injector', 'Resolving dependencies for factory', factory)
factory.getInjectedProperties().each(dependency => {
logIfDebugging('extollo.di.injector', 'Resolving injected dependency:', dependency)
if ( dependency.key && inst ) {
(inst as any)[] = this.resolveAndCreate(dependency.key)

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ import {Singleton, Instantiable} from '../di'
import {Queueable} from '../support/bus'
* A canonical unit that resolves Queueable classes from `app/jobs`.
* A canonical unit that resolves Queueable classes from `app/jobs` and sets up
* any non-default queues.
export class Queueables extends CanonicalStatic<Queueables, Instantiable<Queueable>> {

@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
import {Inject, Singleton, StaticInstantiable} from '../../di'
import {BusSubscriber, Event, EventBus, EventHandler, EventHandlerReturn, EventHandlerSubscription} from './types'
import {
} from './types'
import {Awaitable, Collection, Pipeline, uuid4} from '../../util'
import {Logging} from '../../service/Logging'
import {Unit} from '../../lifecycle/Unit'
import {Config} from '../../service/Config'
import {RedisBus} from './RedisBus'
import {getEventName} from './getEventName'
export interface BusInternalSubscription {
busUuid: string
@ -18,6 +29,9 @@ export class Bus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends Unit implements EventBus<
protected readonly logging!: Logging
protected readonly config!: Config
public readonly uuid = uuid4()
/** Local listeners subscribed to events on this bus. */
@ -37,6 +51,7 @@ export class Bus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends Unit implements EventBus<
async push(event: TEvent): Promise<void> {
if ( event.originBusUuid === this.uuid ) {
this.logging.verbose('Skipping propagation of event, because it originated from this bus.')
@ -44,13 +59,19 @@ export class Bus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends Unit implements EventBus<
event.originBusUuid = this.uuid
this.logging.verbose('Raising event on process-local bus:')
if ( await this.callSubscribers(event) ) {
// One of the subscribers halted propagation of the event
this.logging.verbose('Process-local subscriber halted propagation of event.')
if ( await this.shouldBroadcast(event) ) {
this.logging.verbose('Raising event on connected busses...')
await this.connectors.awaitMapCall('push', event)
} else {
this.logging.verbose('Will not broadcast event.')
@ -91,7 +112,7 @@ export class Bus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends Unit implements EventBus<
const uuid = uuid4()
eventName: eventKey.prototype.eventName, // FIXME this is not working
eventName: getEventName(eventKey),
@ -99,6 +120,7 @@ export class Bus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends Unit implements EventBus<
this.subscriptions.concat(await this.connectors
.promiseMap<BusInternalSubscription>(async bus => {
this.logging.verbose(`Connecting subscriber to bus ${bus.constructor?.name}#${bus.uuid}...`)
return {
busUuid: bus.uuid,
subscriberUuid: uuid,
@ -166,6 +188,17 @@ export class Bus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends Unit implements EventBus<
// Read the connectors from the server.bus config and set them up
const config = this.config.get('server.bus', {})
if ( Array.isArray(config.connectors) ) {
for ( const connector of (config.connectors as BusConnectorConfig[]) ) {`Creating bus connection of type: ${connector.type}`)
if ( connector.type === 'redis' ) {
await this.connect(this.make(RedisBus))
await this.connectors.awaitMapCall('up')
this.isUp = true

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import {Awaitable, Collection, Pipeline, uuid4} from '../../util'
import {Logging} from '../../service/Logging'
import {Bus, BusInternalSubscription} from './Bus'
import {AppClass} from '../../lifecycle/AppClass'
import {getEventName} from './getEventName'
* Non-connectable event bus implementation. Can forward events to the main Bus instance.
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ export class LocalBus<TEvent extends Event = Event> extends AppClass implements
const uuid = uuid4()
eventName: eventKey.prototype.eventName,
eventName: getEventName(eventKey),

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
import {BusSubscriber, Event, EventBus, EventHandler, EventHandlerReturn, EventHandlerSubscription} from './types'
import {Inject, Injectable, StaticInstantiable} from '../../di'
import {Container, Inject, Injectable, StaticInstantiable} from '../../di'
import {Awaitable, Collection, Pipeline, uuid4} from '../../util'
import {Redis} from '../redis/Redis'
import {Serialization} from './serial/Serialization'
import * as IORedis from 'ioredis'
import {Logging} from '../../service/Logging'
import {getEventName} from './getEventName'
* Event bus implementation that does pub/sub over a Redis connection.
@ -16,6 +18,12 @@ export class RedisBus implements EventBus {
protected readonly serial!: Serialization
protected readonly logging!: Logging
protected readonly injector!: Container
public readonly uuid = uuid4()
/** List of events for which we have created Redis channel subscriptions. */
@ -40,18 +48,24 @@ export class RedisBus implements EventBus {
const channel = `ex-event-${event.eventName}`
const json = await this.serial.encodeJSON(event)
this.logging.verbose(`Pushing event to channel: ${channel}`)
await this.publisherConnection.publish(channel, json)
async subscribe<T extends Event>(eventKey: StaticInstantiable<T>, handler: EventHandler<T>): Promise<EventHandlerSubscription> {
const uuid = uuid4()
const subscriber: BusSubscriber<Event> = {
eventName: eventKey.prototype.eventName,
eventName: getEventName(eventKey),
} as unknown as BusSubscriber<Event>
this.logging.verbose(`Creating subscriber ${uuid}...`)
if ( !this.internalSubscriptions.includes(subscriber.eventName) ) {
await new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
if ( !this.subscriberConnection ) {
@ -63,6 +77,7 @@ export class RedisBus implements EventBus {
return rej(err)
this.logging.verbose('Successfully subscribed to channel on Redis...')
@ -95,10 +110,12 @@ export class RedisBus implements EventBus {
this.subscriberConnection.on('message', (channel: string, message: string) => {
if ( !channel.startsWith('ex-event-') ) {
this.logging.debug(`Ignoring message on invalid channel: ${channel}`)
const name = channel.substr('ex-event-'.length)
this.logging.verbose(`Received event ${name} on channel ${channel}`)
this.handleEvent(name, message)

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import {Event} from './types'
import {Container, StaticInstantiable} from '../../di'
import {ErrorWithContext} from '../../util'
export function getEventName<T extends Event>(eventKey: StaticInstantiable<T>): string {
const protoName = eventKey.prototype.eventName
if ( protoName ) {
return protoName
try {
const inst = Container.getContainer().make<T>(eventKey)
if ( inst.eventName ) {
return inst.eventName
} catch (e: unknown) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty
let stringParseName = eventKey.toString()
.map(x => x.trim())
.filter(x => x.startsWith('this.eventName = \'') || x.startsWith('this.eventName = "'))?.[0]
if ( stringParseName ) {
stringParseName = stringParseName.endsWith(';') ? stringParseName.slice(1, -2) : stringParseName.slice(1, -1)
if ( stringParseName ) {
return stringParseName
throw new ErrorWithContext('Unable to determine eventName from eventKey', {

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ export * from './RedisBus'
export * from './queue/event/PushingToQueue'
export * from './queue/event/PushedToQueue'
export * from './queue/event/QueueEventSerializer'
export * from './queue/BaseJob'
export * from './queue/Queue'
export * from './queue/CacheQueue'
export * from './queue/SyncQueue'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import {Queueable} from '../types'
import {Awaitable} from '../../../util'
import {Inject, Injectable} from '../../../di'
import {Logging} from '../../../service/Logging'
import {CanonicalItemClass} from '../../CanonicalReceiver'
export abstract class BaseJob extends CanonicalItemClass implements Queueable {
protected readonly logging!: Logging
abstract execute(): Awaitable<void>

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ export abstract class Queue implements BusQueue {
async dispatch<T extends Queueable>(item: T): Promise<void> {
if ( shouldQueue(item) ) {
await this.bus.push(new PushingToQueue(item))
await this.bus.push(new PushingToQueue(item,
await this.push(item)
await this.bus.push(new PushedToQueue(item))
await this.bus.push(new PushedToQueue(item,

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {uuid4} from '../../../../util'
* Event fired after an item is pushed to the queue.
export class PushedToQueue<T extends ShouldQueue<Queueable>> implements Event {
public readonly eventName = '@extollo/lib:PushedToQueue'
public readonly eventName = '@extollo/lib.PushedToQueue'
public readonly eventUuid = uuid4()
@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ export class PushedToQueue<T extends ShouldQueue<Queueable>> implements Event {
public readonly item: T,
public readonly queueName: string,
) {}

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {uuid4} from '../../../../util'
* Event fired before an item is pushed to the queue.
export class PushingToQueue<T extends ShouldQueue<Queueable>> implements Event {
public readonly eventName = '@extollo/lib:PushingToQueue'
public readonly eventName = '@extollo/lib.PushingToQueue'
public readonly eventUuid = uuid4()
@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ export class PushingToQueue<T extends ShouldQueue<Queueable>> implements Event {
public readonly item: T,
public readonly queueName: string,
) {}

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import {PushedToQueue} from './PushedToQueue'
import {Queueable, SerialPayload, ShouldQueue} from '../../types'
import {PushingToQueue} from './PushingToQueue'
import {BaseSerializer} from '../../serial/BaseSerializer'
import {JSONState} from '../../../../util'
import {ObjectSerializer} from '../../serial/decorators'
export type QueueEvent = PushedToQueue<ShouldQueue<Queueable>> | PushingToQueue<ShouldQueue<Queueable>>
export interface QueueEventSerialPayload extends JSONState {
eventName: '@extollo/lib.PushedToQueue' | '@extollo/lib.PushingToQueue'
itemPayload: SerialPayload<Queueable, JSONState>
queueName: string
export class QueueEventSerializer extends BaseSerializer<QueueEvent, QueueEventSerialPayload> {
protected async decodeSerial(serial: QueueEventSerialPayload): Promise<QueueEvent> {
const item = await this.getSerialization().decode(serial.itemPayload)
if ( serial.eventName === '@extollo/lib.PushedToQueue' ) {
return new PushedToQueue(item as ShouldQueue<Queueable>, serial.queueName)
} else {
return new PushingToQueue(item as ShouldQueue<Queueable>, serial.queueName)
protected async encodeActual(actual: QueueEvent): Promise<QueueEventSerialPayload> {
return {
eventName: actual.eventName,
queueName: actual.queueName,
itemPayload: await this.getSerialization().encode(actual.item),
protected getName(): string {
return '@extollo/lib.QueueEventSerializer'
matchActual(some: QueueEvent): boolean {
return some instanceof PushedToQueue || some instanceof PushingToQueue

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {BaseSerializer} from './BaseSerializer'
import {Awaitable, ErrorWithContext, JSONState, Rehydratable} from '../../../util'
import {Container, Inject, Injectable} from '../../../di'
import {Canon} from '../../../service/Canon'
import {ObjectSerializer} from './decorators'
/** State encoded by this class. */
export interface SimpleCanonicalItemSerialState extends JSONState {
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ export interface SimpleCanonicalItemSerialState extends JSONState {
* These instances must be CanonicalItemClass instances and take no constructor parameters.
* If the instance is Rehydratable, then the state will be (re-)stored.
export class SimpleCanonicalItemSerializer<TActual extends CanonicalItemClass> extends BaseSerializer<TActual, SimpleCanonicalItemSerialState> {

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {Awaitable, JSONState, Maybe, Pipeline, TypeTag, uuid4} from '../../util'
import {StaticInstantiable} from '../../di'
import {Instantiable, StaticInstantiable} from '../../di'
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
export interface SerialPayload<TActual, TSerial extends JSONState> extends JSONState {
@ -92,3 +92,17 @@ export interface BusQueue {
pop(): Promise<Maybe<Queueable>>
export interface RedisBusConnectorConfig {
type: 'redis'
export type BusConnectorConfig = RedisBusConnectorConfig
export interface QueueConfig {
driver?: Instantiable<BusQueue>,
/* queues?: ({
name: string,
driver: Instantiable<BusQueue>,
})[] */
