You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

584 lines
21 KiB

import {EscapeValue, QuerySafeValue, raw, SQLDialect} from './SQLDialect'
import {Constraint, inverseFieldType, isConstraintGroup, isConstraintItem, SpecifiedField} from '../types'
import {AbstractBuilder} from '../builder/AbstractBuilder'
import {ColumnBuilder, ConstraintBuilder, ConstraintType, IndexBuilder, TableBuilder} from '../schema/TableBuilder'
import {ErrorWithContext, Maybe} from '../../util'
* An implementation of the SQLDialect specific to PostgreSQL.
* @todo joins
* @todo sub-selects
export class PostgreSQLDialect extends SQLDialect {
public escape(value: EscapeValue): QuerySafeValue {
if ( value instanceof QuerySafeValue ) {
return value
} else if ( Array.isArray(value) ) {
return new QuerySafeValue(value, `(${ => this.escape(v)).join(',')})`)
} else if ( String(value).toLowerCase() === 'true' || value === true ) {
return new QuerySafeValue(value, 'TRUE')
} else if ( String(value).toLowerCase() === 'false' || value === false ) {
return new QuerySafeValue(value, 'FALSE')
} else if ( typeof value === 'number' ) {
return new QuerySafeValue(value, `${value}`)
} else if ( value instanceof Date ) {
const pad = (val: number) => val < 10 ? `0${val}` : `${val}`
const [y, m, d, h, i, s] = [
`${pad(value.getMonth() + 1)}`,
return new QuerySafeValue(value, `'${y}-${m}-${d} ${h}:${i}:${s}'`)
} else if ( !isNaN(Number(value)) ) {
return new QuerySafeValue(value, String(Number(value)))
} else if ( value === null || typeof value === 'undefined' ) {
return new QuerySafeValue(value, 'NULL')
} else {
const escaped = value.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') // .replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/`/g, '\\`')
return new QuerySafeValue(value, `'${escaped}'`)
public renderCount(query: string): string {
return [
'SELECT COUNT(*) AS "extollo_render_count"',
'FROM (',
...query.split('\n').map(x => ` ${x}`),
') AS extollo_target_query',
public renderRangedSelect(query: string, start: number, end: number): string {
return [
'FROM (',
...query.split('\n').map(x => ` ${x}`),
') AS extollo_target_query',
`OFFSET ${start} LIMIT ${(end - start) + 1}`, // FIXME - the +1 is only needed when start === end
/** Render the fields from the builder class to PostgreSQL syntax. */
protected renderFields(builder: AbstractBuilder<any>): string[] {
return SpecifiedField) => {
let columnString: string
if ( typeof field === 'string' ) {
columnString = field.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
} else if ( field instanceof QuerySafeValue ) {
columnString = field.toString()
} else if ( typeof field.field === 'string' ) {
columnString = field.field.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
} else {
columnString = field.field.toString()
let aliasString = ''
if ( typeof field !== 'string' && !(field instanceof QuerySafeValue) ) {
aliasString = ` AS "${field.alias}"`
return `${columnString}${aliasString}`
public renderSelect(builder: AbstractBuilder<any>): string {
const rawSql = builder.appliedRawSql
if ( rawSql ) {
return rawSql
const indent = (item: string, level = 1) => Array(level + 1).fill('')
.join(' ') + item
const queryLines = [
`SELECT${builder.appliedDistinction ? ' DISTINCT' : ''}`,
// Add fields
// FIXME error if no fields
const fields = this.renderFields(builder).map(x => indent(x))
// Add table source
// FIXME error if no source
const source = builder.querySource
if ( source ) {
const tableString = typeof source === 'string' ? source : source.table
const table: string = tableString.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
queryLines.push('FROM ' + (typeof source === 'string' ? table : `${table} "${source.alias}"`))
// Add constraints
const wheres = this.renderConstraints(builder.appliedConstraints)
if ( wheres.trim() ) {
// Add group by
if ( builder.appliedGroupings?.length ) {
const grouping = => {
return indent(group.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
queryLines.push('GROUP BY')
// Add order by
if ( builder.appliedOrder?.length ) {
const ordering = => indent(`${x.field.split('.').map(y => '"' + y + '"')
.join('.')} ${x.direction}`)).join(',\n')
queryLines.push('ORDER BY')
// Add limit/offset
const pagination = builder.appliedPagination
if ( pagination.take ) {
queryLines.push(`LIMIT ${pagination.take}${pagination.skip ? ' OFFSET ' + pagination.skip : ''}`)
} else if ( pagination.skip ) {
queryLines.push(`OFFSET ${pagination.skip}`)
return queryLines.join('\n')
public renderUpdate(builder: AbstractBuilder<any>, data: {[key: string]: EscapeValue}): string {
const rawSql = builder.appliedRawSql
if ( rawSql ) {
return rawSql
const queryLines: string[] = []
// Add table source
const source = builder.querySource
if ( source ) {
const tableString = typeof source === 'string' ? source : source.table
const table: string = tableString.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
queryLines.push('UPDATE ' + (typeof source === 'string' ? table : `${table} "${source.alias}"`))
// Add constraints
const wheres = this.renderConstraints(builder.appliedConstraints)
if ( wheres.trim() ) {
return queryLines.join('\n')
public renderExistential(builder: AbstractBuilder<any>): string {
const rawSql = builder.appliedRawSql
if ( rawSql ) {
return `
const query = builder.clone()
return this.renderSelect(query)
// FIXME: subquery support here and with select
public renderInsert(builder: AbstractBuilder<any>, data: {[key: string]: EscapeValue}|{[key: string]: EscapeValue}[] = []): string {
const rawSql = builder.appliedRawSql
if ( rawSql ) {
return rawSql
const indent = (item: string, level = 1) => Array(level + 1).fill('')
.join(' ') + item
const queryLines: string[] = []
if ( !Array.isArray(data) ) {
data = [data]
if ( data.length < 1 ) {
return ''
const columns = Object.keys(data[0])
// Add table source
const source = builder.querySource
if ( source ) {
const tableString = typeof source === 'string' ? source : source.table
const table: string = tableString.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
queryLines.push('INSERT INTO ' + (typeof source === 'string' ? table : `${table} AS "${source.alias}"`)
+ (columns.length ? ` (${ => `"${x}"`).join(', ')})` : ''))
if ( Array.isArray(data) && !data.length ) {
queryLines.push('DEFAULT VALUES')
} else {
const valueString = => {
const values = => this.escape(row[x]))
return indent(`(${values.join(', ')})`)
// Add return fields
if ( builder.appliedFields?.length ) {
const fields = this.renderFields(builder).map(x => indent(x))
return queryLines.join('\n')
public renderDelete(builder: AbstractBuilder<any>): string {
const rawSql = builder.appliedRawSql
if ( rawSql ) {
return rawSql
const indent = (item: string, level = 1) => Array(level + 1).fill('')
.join(' ') + item
const queryLines: string[] = []
// Add table source
const source = builder.querySource
if ( source ) {
const tableString = typeof source === 'string' ? source : source.table
const table: string = tableString.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
queryLines.push('DELETE FROM ' + (typeof source === 'string' ? table : `${table} "${source.alias}"`))
// Add constraints
const wheres = this.renderConstraints(builder.appliedConstraints)
if ( wheres.trim() ) {
// Add return fields
if ( builder.appliedFields?.length ) {
const fields = this.renderFields(builder).map(x => indent(x))
return queryLines.join('\n')
public renderConstraints(allConstraints: Constraint[]): string {
const constraintsToSql = (constraints: Constraint[], level = 1): string => {
const indent = Array(level * 2).fill(' ')
const statements = []
for ( const constraint of constraints ) {
if ( isConstraintGroup(constraint) ) {
statements.push(`${indent}${statements.length < 1 ? '' : constraint.preop + ' '}(\n${constraintsToSql(constraint.items, level + 1)}\n${indent})`)
} else if ( isConstraintItem(constraint) ) {
if ( Array.isArray(constraint.operand) && !constraint.operand.length ) {
statements.push(`${indent}1 = 0 -- ${constraint.field} ${constraint.operator} empty set`)
const field: string = constraint.field.split('.').map(x => `"${x}"`)
statements.push(`${indent}${statements.length < 1 ? '' : constraint.preop + ' '}${field} ${constraint.operator} ${this.escape(constraint.operand).value}`)
return statements.filter(Boolean).join('\n')
return constraintsToSql(allConstraints)
public renderUpdateSet(data: {[key: string]: EscapeValue}): string {
const sets = []
for ( const key in data ) {
if ( !, key) ) {
sets.push(` "${key}" = ${this.escape(data[key])}`)
return `SET\n${sets.join(',\n')}`
public renderCreateTable(builder: TableBuilder): string {
const cols = this.renderTableColumns(builder).map(x => ` ${x}`)
const builderConstraints = builder.getConstraints()
const constraints: string[] = []
for ( const constraintName in builderConstraints ) {
if ( !, constraintName) ) {
const constraintBuilder = builderConstraints[constraintName]
const constraintDefinition = this.renderConstraintDefinition(constraintBuilder)
if ( constraintDefinition ) {
constraints.push(` CONSTRAINT ${constraintDefinition}`)
const parts = [
`CREATE TABLE ${builder.isSkippedIfExisting() ? 'IF NOT EXISTS ' : ''}${} (`,
return parts.join('\n')
public renderTableColumns(builder: TableBuilder): string[] {
const defined = builder.getColumns()
const rendered: string[] = []
for ( const columnName in defined ) {
if ( !, columnName) ) {
const columnBuilder = defined[columnName]
return rendered
* Given a constraint schema-builder, render the constraint definition.
* @param builder
* @protected
protected renderConstraintDefinition(builder: ConstraintBuilder): Maybe<string> {
const constraintType = builder.getType()
if ( constraintType === ConstraintType.Unique ) {
const fields = builder.getFields()
.map(x => `"${x}"`)
return `${} UNIQUE(${fields})`
} else if ( constraintType === ConstraintType.Check ) {
const expression = builder.getExpression()
if ( !expression ) {
throw new ErrorWithContext('Cannot create check constraint without expression.', {
return `${} CHECK(${expression})`
* Given a column-builder, render the SQL-definition as used in
* CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements.
* @fixme Type `serial` only exists on CREATE TABLE... queries
* @param builder
* @protected
protected renderColumnDefinition(builder: ColumnBuilder): string {
const type = builder.getType()
if ( !type ) {
throw new ErrorWithContext(`Missing field type for column: ${}`, {
columnType: type,
let render = `"${}" ${inverseFieldType(type)}`
if ( builder.getLength() ) {
render += `(${builder.getLength()})`
const defaultValue = builder.getDefaultValue()
if ( typeof defaultValue !== 'undefined' ) {
render += ` DEFAULT ${this.escape(defaultValue)}`
if ( builder.isPrimary() ) {
render += ` CONSTRAINT ${}_pk PRIMARY KEY`
if ( builder.isUnique() ) {
render += ` UNIQUE`
render += ` ${builder.isNullable() ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}`
return render
public renderDropTable(builder: TableBuilder): string {
return `DROP TABLE ${builder.isSkippedIfExisting() ? 'IF EXISTS ' : ''}${}`
public renderCreateIndex(builder: IndexBuilder): string {
const cols = builder.getFields().map(x => `"${x}"`)
const parts = [
`CREATE ${builder.isUnique() ? 'UNIQUE ' : ''}INDEX ${builder.isSkippedIfExisting() ? 'IF NOT EXISTS ' : ''}${}`,
` ON ${}`,
` (${cols.join(',')})`,
return parts.join('\n')
public renderAlterTable(builder: TableBuilder): string {
const alters: string[] = []
const columns = builder.getColumns()
for ( const columnName in columns ) {
if ( !, columnName) ) {
const columnBuilder = columns[columnName]
if ( !columnBuilder.isExisting() ) {
// The column doesn't exist on the table, but was added to the schema
alters.push(` ADD COLUMN ${this.renderColumnDefinition(columnBuilder)}`)
} else if ( columnBuilder.isDirty() && columnBuilder.originalFromSchema ) {
// The column exists in the table, but was modified in the schema
if ( columnBuilder.isDropping() || columnBuilder.isDroppingIfExists() ) {
alters.push(` DROP COLUMN "${}"`)
// Change the data type of the column
if ( columnBuilder.getType() !== columnBuilder.originalFromSchema.getType() ) {
const renderedType = `${columnBuilder.getType()}${columnBuilder.getLength() ? `(${columnBuilder.getLength()})` : ''}`
alters.push(` ALTER COLUMN "${}" TYPE ${renderedType}`)
// Change the default value of the column
if ( columnBuilder.getDefaultValue() !== columnBuilder.originalFromSchema.getDefaultValue() ) {
alters.push(` ALTER COLUMN "${}" SET default ${this.escape(columnBuilder.getDefaultValue())}`)
// Change the nullable-status of the column
if ( columnBuilder.isNullable() !== columnBuilder.originalFromSchema.isNullable() ) {
if ( columnBuilder.isNullable() ) {
alters.push(` ALTER COLUMN "${}" DROP NOT NULL`)
} else {
alters.push(` ALTER COLUMN "${}" SET NOT NULL`)
// Change the name of the column
if ( columnBuilder.getRename() ) {
alters.push(` RENAME COLUMN "${}" TO "${columnBuilder.getRename()}"`)
const constraints = builder.getConstraints()
for ( const constraintName in constraints ) {
if ( !, constraintName) ) {
const constraintBuilder = constraints[constraintName]
// Drop the constraint if specified
if ( constraintBuilder.isDropping() ) {
alters.push(` DROP CONSTRAINT ${}`)
// Drop the constraint with IF EXISTS if specified
if ( constraintBuilder.isDroppingIfExists() ) {
alters.push(` DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS ${}`)
// Otherwise, drop and recreate the constraint if it was modified
if ( constraintBuilder.isDirty() ) {
if ( constraintBuilder.isExisting() ) {
alters.push(` DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS ${}`)
const constraintDefinition = this.renderConstraintDefinition(constraintBuilder)
if ( constraintDefinition ) {
alters.push(` ADD CONSTRAINT ${constraintDefinition}`)
if ( builder.getRename() ) {
alters.push(` RENAME TO "${builder.getRename()}"`)
return 'ALTER TABLE ' + + '\n' + alters.join(',\n')
public renderDropIndex(builder: IndexBuilder): string {
return `DROP INDEX ${builder.isDroppingIfExists() ? 'IF EXISTS ' : ''}${}`
public renderTransaction(queries: string[]): string {
const parts = [
return parts.join(';\n\n')
public renderRenameIndex(builder: IndexBuilder): string {
return `ALTER INDEX ${} RENAME TO ${builder.getRename()}`
public renderRecreateIndex(builder: IndexBuilder): string {
return `${this.renderDropIndex(builder)};\n\n${this.renderCreateIndex(builder)}`
public renderDropColumn(builder: ColumnBuilder): string {
const parts = [
`ALTER TABLE ${} ${builder.parent.isSkippedIfExisting() ? 'IF EXISTS ' : ''}`,
` DROP COLUMN ${builder.isSkippedIfExisting() ? 'IF EXISTS ' : ''}${}`,
return parts.join('\n')