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3 years ago
* Base type for a canonical definition.
import {Canon} from "./Canon";
import {universalPath, UniversalPath, ErrorWithContext} from "../util";
3 years ago
import {Logging} from "./Logging";
import {Inject} from "../di";
3 years ago
import * as nodePath from 'path'
import {Unit} from "../lifecycle/Unit";
* Interface describing a definition of a single canonical item loaded from the app.
3 years ago
export interface CanonicalDefinition {
canonicalName: string,
originalName: string,
imported: any,
* Type alias for a function that resolves a canonical name to a canonical item, if one exists.
export type CanonicalResolver<T> = (key: string) => T | undefined
3 years ago
* Base type for a canonical name reference.
export interface CanonicalReference {
resource?: string,
item: string,
particular?: string,
* Abstract unit type that loads items recursively from a directory structure, assigning
* them normalized names ("canonical names"), and providing a way to fetch the resources
* by name.
* @example
* The Config service is a Canonical derivative that loads files ending with `.config.js`
* from the `app/config` directory.
* If, for example, there is a config file `app/config/auth/Forms.config.js` (in the
* generated code), it can be loaded by the canonical name `auth:Forms`.
3 years ago
export abstract class Canonical<T> extends Unit {
protected readonly logging!: Logging
protected readonly canon!: Canon
* The base path directory where the canonical definitions reside.
* @type string
protected appPath: string[] = []
* The file suffix of files in the base path that should be loaded.
* @type string
protected suffix: string = '.js'
* The singular, programmatic name of one of these canonical items.
* @example middleware
* @type string
protected canonicalItem: string = ''
* Object mapping canonical names to loaded file references.
* @type object
protected loadedItems: { [key: string]: T } = {}
* Object mapping canonical namespaces to resolver functions.
* @protected
protected loadedNamespaces: { [key: string]: CanonicalResolver<T> } = {}
3 years ago
* Resolve a canonical reference from its string form to a CanonicalReference.
* @param {string} reference
* @return CanonicalReference
public static resolve(reference: string): CanonicalReference {
const rscParts = reference.split('::')
const resource = rscParts.length > 1 ? rscParts[0] + 's' : undefined
const rsc_less = rscParts.length > 1 ? rscParts[1] : rscParts[0]
const prtParts = rsc_less.split('.')
const item = prtParts[0]
const particular = prtParts.length > 1 ? prtParts.slice(1).join('.') : undefined
return {
resource, item, particular
* Return an array of all loaded canonical names.
3 years ago
public all(): string[] {
return Object.keys(this.loadedItems)
* Get a Universal path to the base directory where this unit loads its canonical files from.
3 years ago
public get path(): UniversalPath {
/** Get the plural name of the canonical items provided by this unit. */
3 years ago
public get canonicalItems() {
return `${this.canonicalItem}s`
/** Get a canonical item by key. */
3 years ago
public get(key: string): T | undefined {
if ( key.startsWith('@') ) {
const [namespace,] = key.split(':')
key = rest.join(':')
if ( !this.loadedNamespaces[namespace] ) {
throw new ErrorWithContext(`Unable to find namespace for ${this.canonicalItem}: ${namespace}`, {
canonicalItem: this.canonicalItem,
return this.loadedNamespaces[namespace](key)
3 years ago
return this.loadedItems[key]
* Register a namespace resolver with the canonical unit.
* Namespaces are canonical names that start with a particular key, beginning with the `@` character,
* which resolve their resources using a resolver function.
* @example
* ```typescript
* const items = {
* 'foo:bar': 123,
* 'bob': 456,
* }
* const resolver = (key: string) => items[key]
* canonical.registerNamespace('@mynamespace', resolver)
* ```
* Now, the items in the `@mynamespace` namespace can be accessed like so:
* ```typescript
* canonical.get('@mynamespace:foo:bar') // => 123
* canonical.get('@mynamespace:bob') // => 456
* ```
* @param name
* @param resolver
public registerNamespace(name: string, resolver: CanonicalResolver<T>) {
if ( !name.startsWith('@') ) {
throw new ErrorWithContext(`Canonical namespaces must start with @.`, { name })
if ( this.loadedNamespaces[name] ) {
this.logging.warn(`Replacing canonical namespace resolver for: ${name}`)
this.loadedNamespaces[name] = resolver
3 years ago
public async up() {
for await ( const entry of this.path.walk() ) {
if ( !entry.endsWith(this.suffix) ) {
this.logging.debug(`Skipping file with invalid suffix: ${entry}`)
const definition = await this.buildCanonicalDefinition(entry)
this.logging.verbose(`Registering canonical ${this.canonicalItem} "${definition.canonicalName}" from ${entry}`)
this.loadedItems[definition.canonicalName] = await this.initCanonicalItem(definition)
* Called for each canonical item loaded from a file. This function should do any setup necessary and return the item
* that should be associated with the canonical name.
* @param definition
3 years ago
public async initCanonicalItem(definition: CanonicalDefinition): Promise<T> {
return definition.imported.default ?? definition.imported[definition.canonicalName.split(':').reverse()[0]]
3 years ago
* Given the path to a file in the canonical items directory, create a CanonicalDefinition record from that file.
* @param filePath
* @protected
3 years ago
protected async buildCanonicalDefinition(filePath: string): Promise<CanonicalDefinition> {
const originalName = filePath.replace(this.path.toLocal, '').substr(1)
const pathRegex = new RegExp(nodePath.sep, 'g')
const canonicalName = originalName.replace(pathRegex, ':')
const fullUniversalPath = universalPath(filePath)
this.logging.verbose(`Importing from: ${fullUniversalPath}`)
const imported = await import(fullUniversalPath.toLocal)
return { canonicalName, originalName, imported }