You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
5.9 KiB

import * as NodeCache from 'node-cache';
import { RadiusPacket } from 'radius';
import debug from 'debug';
import { EAPTTLS } from './eapMethods/EAPTTLS';
import { makeid } from '../../helpers';
import {
} from '../../types/PacketHandler';
import { IAuthentication } from '../../types/Authentication';
import { IEAPMethod } from '../../types/EAPMethod';
const log = debug('radius:eap');
export class EAPPacketHandler implements IPacketHandler {
private eapMethods: IEAPMethod[] = [];
// private eapConnectionStates: { [key: string]: { validMethods: IEAPMethod[] } } = {};
private eapConnectionStates = new NodeCache({ useClones: false, stdTTL: 3600 }); // max for one hour
constructor(authentication: IAuthentication) {
this.eapMethods.push(new EAPTTLS(authentication));
* @param data
* @param msgType 1 = identity, 21 = EAP-TTLS, 2 = notification, 4 = md5-challenge, 3 = NAK
private async buildEAPResponse(
identifier: number,
msgType: number,
data?: Buffer
): Promise<IPacketHandlerResult> {
/** build a package according to this:
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Code | Identifier | Length |
| Type | Type-Data ...
const buffer = Buffer.from([
1, // request
0, // length (1/2)
0, // length (2/2)
msgType // 1 = identity, 21 = EAP-TTLS, 2 = notificaiton, 4 = md5-challenge, 3 = NAK
const resBuffer = data ? Buffer.concat([buffer, data]) : buffer;
// set EAP length header
resBuffer.writeUInt16BE(resBuffer.byteLength, 2);
return {
code: PacketResponseCode.AccessChallenge,
attributes: [['EAP-Message', buffer]]
private decodeEAPHeader(msg: Buffer) {
* parse msg according to this:
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Code | Identifier | Length |
| Type | Type-Data ...
1 Request
2 Response
3 Success
4 Failure
const code = msg.slice(0, 1).readUInt8(0);
/* identifier is a number */
const identifier = msg.slice(1, 2).readUInt8(0);
const length = msg.slice(2, 4).readInt16BE(0);
/* EAP type */
const type = msg.slice(4, 5).readUInt8(0);
const data = msg.slice(5);
return {
async handlePacket(
attributes: { [key: string]: Buffer },
orgRadiusPacket: RadiusPacket
): Promise<IPacketHandlerResult> {
if (!attributes['EAP-Message']) {
// not an EAP message
return {};
const stateID = (attributes.State && attributes.State.toString()) || makeid(16);
if (!this.eapConnectionStates.get(stateID)) {
this.eapConnectionStates.set(stateID, {
validMethods: this.eapMethods // on init all registered eap methods are valid, we kick them out in case we get a NAK response
const msg = attributes['EAP-Message'];
const { code, type, identifier, data } = this.decodeEAPHeader(msg);
const currentState = this.eapConnectionStates.get(stateID) as { validMethods: IEAPMethod[] };
switch (code) {
case 1: // for request
case 2: // for response
switch (type) {
case 1: // identifiy
log('>>>>>>>>>>>> REQUEST FROM CLIENT: IDENTIFY', {});
// start identify
if (currentState.validMethods.length > 0) {
return currentState.validMethods[0].identify(identifier, stateID);
return this.buildEAPResponse(identifier, 3);
case 2: // notification
log('>>>>>>>>>>>> REQUEST FROM CLIENT: notification', {});'notification');
case 4: // md5-challenge
log('>>>>>>>>>>>> REQUEST FROM CLIENT: md5-challenge', {});'md5-challenge');
case 254: // expanded type
console.error('not implemented type', type);
case 3: // nak
if (data) {
// if there is data, each data octect reprsents a eap method the clients supports,
// kick out all unsupported ones
const supportedEAPMethods: number[] = [];
for (const supportedMethod of data) {
this.eapConnectionStates.set(stateID, {
validMethods: currentState.validMethods.filter(method => {
return supportedEAPMethods.includes(method.getEAPType()); // kick it out?
// continue with responding a NAK and add rest of supported methods
// eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
default: {
const eapMethod = currentState.validMethods.find(method => {
return type === method.getEAPType();
if (eapMethod) {
return eapMethod.handleMessage(identifier, stateID, msg, orgRadiusPacket);
// we do not support this auth type, ask for something we support
const serverSupportedMethods =
method => method.getEAPType
console.error('unsupported type', type, `requesting: ${serverSupportedMethods}`);
return this.buildEAPResponse(identifier, 3, Buffer.from(serverSupportedMethods));
case 3:
log('Client Auth Success');
case 4:
log('Client Auth FAILURE');
// silently ignore;
return {};