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import * as NodeCache from 'node-cache';
import { Cache, ExpirationStrategy, MemoryStorage } from '@hokify/node-ts-cache';
import { IAuthentication } from './types/Authentication';
const cacheStrategy = new ExpirationStrategy(new MemoryStorage());
* this is just a simple abstraction to provide
* an application layer for caching credentials
export class Authentication implements IAuthentication {
cache = new NodeCache();
constructor(private authenticator: IAuthentication) {}
@Cache(cacheStrategy, { ttl: 60000 })
async authenticate(username: string, password: string): Promise<boolean> {
const cacheKey = `usr:${username}|pwd:${password}`;
const fromCache = this.cache.get(cacheKey) as undefined | boolean;
if (fromCache !== undefined) {
console.log(`Cached Auth Result for user ${username}`, fromCache ? 'SUCCESS' : 'Failure');
return fromCache;
const authResult = await this.authenticator.authenticate(username, password);
console.log(`Auth Result for user ${username}`, authResult ? 'SUCCESS' : 'Failure');
this.cache.set(cacheKey, authResult, authResult ? 86400 : 60); // cache for one day on success, otherwise just for 60 seconds
return authResult;