simon 4 years ago
parent 3f600c664f
commit cca4dce961

@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ you need:
2. Optional: Create your own SSL certificate (e.g. self signed via npm run create-certificate)
3. Check config.js and adapt to your needs
- configure authentication e.g. for LDAP
- configure authentication:
set authenticaiton to one of the provided authenticators.
var config = {
// ....
authentication: 'ldap',
authentication: 'GoogleLDAPAuth',
authenticationOptions: {
url: 'ldap://',
base: 'dc=hokify,dc=com'
@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ see config.js in root
google ldap optimized authenticiation implementaiton
interface IGoogleLDAPAuthOptions {
/** base DN
* e.g. 'dc=hokify,dc=com', */
base: string;
/** tls options
* e.g. {
key: fs.readFileSync(''),
cert: fs.readFileSync('')
} */
tlsOptions: tls.TlsOptions;
#### LDAP
ldap authentication
