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import { UserPasswordPacketHandler } from '@coreid/radius-server/dist/radius/handler/UserPasswordPacketHandler.js'
export default class CoreIDUserPasswordPacketHandler extends UserPasswordPacketHandler {
async handlePacket(packet) {
console.log('coreid user password packet handler handlePacket', packet)
const username = packet.attributes['User-Name'];
let password = packet.attributes['User-Password'];
if (Buffer.isBuffer(password) && password.indexOf(0x00) > 0) {
// check if there is a 0x00 in it, and trim it from there
password = password.slice(0, password.indexOf(0x00));
if (!username || !password) {
// params missing, this handler cannot continue...
return {};
this.logger.debug('username', username, username.toString());
this.logger.debug('token', password, password.toString());
console.log('client', packet.__coreid_client)
const authenticated = await this.authentication.authenticate(
if (authenticated) {
// success
return {
code: 'Access-Accept',
attributes: [['User-Name', username]],
// Failed
return {
code: 'Access-Reject',