garrettmills ce7349565e
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/tag Build is passing
Fix LDAP search error for individual users
2020-10-18 17:06:34 -05:00

343 lines
14 KiB

const LDAPController = require('./LDAPController')
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
class UsersController extends LDAPController {
static get services() {
return [,
constructor() {
this.User = this.models.get('auth:User')
// Might need to override compare to support special handling for userPassword
// TODO generalize some of the addition logic
// TODO rework some of the registration and validation logic
async add_people(req, res, next) {
const Setting = this.models.get('Setting')
if ( !(await Setting.get('auth.allow_registration')) ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError('Operation not enabled.'))
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:add:users') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
// make sure the add DN is in the auth_dn
const auth_dn = this.ldap_server.auth_dn()
if ( !auth_dn.parentOf(req.dn) ) {
this.output.warn(`Attempted to perform user insertion on invalid DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
// make sure the user object doesn't already exist
const existing_user = await this.get_resource_from_dn(req.dn)
if ( existing_user ) {
return next(new LDAP.EntryAlreadyExistsError())
// build the user object from the request attributes
const req_data = req.toObject().attributes
const register_data = {
first_name: ?[0] : '',
last_name: ?[0] : '',
email: req_data.mail ? req_data.mail[0] : '',
username: req_data.uid ? req_data.uid[0] : '',
password: req_data.userpassword ? req_data.userpassword[0] : '',
// TODO add data fields
// Make sure the data uid matches the request DN
if ( this.get_uid_from_dn(req.dn) !== register_data.username ) {
this.output.error(`Attempted to register user where request DN's UID differs from the registration data: (${this.get_uid_from_dn(req.dn)} !== ${register_data.username})`)
return next(new LDAP.ObjectclassViolationError(`Attempted to register user where request DN's UID differs from the registration data!`))
// Get the auth provider!
const flitter = this.auth.get_provider('flitter')
// Make sure required fields are provided
const reg_errors = await flitter.validate_registration(register_data)
const other_required_fields = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
for ( const field of other_required_fields ) {
if ( !register_data[field] ) reg_errors.push(`Missing field: ${field}`)
if ( reg_errors.length > 0 ) {
this.output.error(`Error(s) encountered during LDAP user registration: ${reg_errors.join('; ')}`)
return next(new LDAP.ObjectclassViolationError(`Object add validation failure: ${reg_errors.join('; ')}`))
// save the user object
const registration_args = await flitter.get_registration_args(register_data)
delete register_data.username
delete register_data.password
registration_args[1] = {...register_data, ...registration_args[1]}
const new_user = await flitter.register(...registration_args)
this.output.success(`Created new LDAP user: ${new_user.uid}`)
return next()
// TODO generalize some of the modification logic
// TODO rework validation
async modify_people(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:modify:users') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
if ( req.changes.length <= 0 ) {
return next(new LDAP.ProtocolError('Must specify at least one change.'))
// Make sure it's under the user auth DN
const auth_dn = this.ldap_server.auth_dn()
if ( !auth_dn.parentOf(req.dn) ) {
this.output.warn(`Attempted to perform user modify on invalid DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
// Get the target user
const user = await this.get_resource_from_dn(req.dn)
if ( !user ) {
return next(new LDAP.NoSuchObjectError())
// Iterate over the changes
const allow_replace = ['cn', 'sn', 'mail', 'userPassword']
for ( const change of req.changes ) {
const change_data = change.json.modification
if ( change.operation === 'add' ) {
if ( !change_data.type.startsWith('data_') ) {
return next(new LDAP.OperationsError(`Addition of non 'data_' fields is not permitted.`))
const key = `ldap${change_data.type.substr(4)}`
const val = change_data.vals
if ( typeof user.data_get(key) !== 'undefined' ) {
return next(new LDAP.AttributeOrValueExistsError())
user.data_set(key, val)
} else if ( change.operation === 'replace' ) {
if ( !allow_replace.includes(change_data.type) || change_data.type.startsWith('data_') ) {
return next(new LDAP.OperationsError(`Modification of the ${change_data.type} field is not permitted.`))
if ( change_data.type.startsWith('data_') ) {
const key = `ldap${change_data.type.substr(4)}`
const val = change_data.vals
user.data_set(key, val)
} else if ( change_data.type === 'cn' ) {
user.first_name = change_data.vals[0]
} else if ( change_data.type === 'sn' ) {
user.last_name = change_data.vals[0]
} else if ( change_data.type === 'mail' ) {
// Validate the e-mail address
if ( !this.ldap_server.validate_email(change_data.vals[0]) ) {
return next(new LDAP.OperationsError(`Unable to make modification: mail must be a valid e-mail address.`))
} = change_data.vals[0]
} else if ( change_data.type === 'userPassword' ) {
// Validate the password
if ( change_data.vals[0].length < 8 ) {
return next(new LDAP.OperationsError(`Unable to make modification: userPassword must be at least 8 characters.`))
// Hash the password before update
user.password = await bcrypt.hash(change_data.vals[0], 10)
} else if ( change.operation === 'delete' ) {
if ( !change_data.type.startsWith('data_') ) {
return next(new LDAP.OperationsError(`Deletion of non 'data_' fields is not permitted.`))
const key = `ldap${change_data.type.substr(4)}`
const json_obj = JSON.parse(
delete json_obj[key] = JSON.stringify(json_obj)
} else {
return next(new LDAP.ProtocolError(`Invalid/unknown modify operation: ${change.operation}`))
return next()
async get_base_dn() {
return this.ldap_server.auth_dn()
parse_iam_targets(filter, target_ids = []) {
if ( Array.isArray(filter?.filters) ) {
for ( const sub_filter of filter.filters ) {
target_ids = [...target_ids, ...this.parse_iam_targets(sub_filter)]
} else if ( filter?.attribute ) {
if ( filter.attribute === 'iamtarget' ) {
return target_ids
filter_to_obj(filter) {
if ( filter && filter.json ) {
const val = filter.json
for ( const prop in val ) {
if ( !val.hasOwnProperty(prop) ) continue
val[prop] = this.filter_to_obj(val[prop])
return val
} else if ( Array.isArray(filter) ) {
return => this.filter_to_obj(x))
return filter
// TODO flitter-orm chunk query
// TODO generalize scoped search logic
async search_people(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:search:users:me') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
const can_search_all = req.user.can('ldap:search:users')
const iam_targets = this.parse_iam_targets(req.filter)
if ( req.scope === 'base' ) {
// If scope is base, check if the base DN matches the filter.
// If so, return it. Else, return empty.
this.output.debug(`Running base DN search for users with DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
const user = await this.get_resource_from_dn(req.dn)
// Make sure the user is ldap visible && match the filter
if (
&& user.ldap_visible
&& req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets))
&& ( === || can_search_all)
) {
// If so, send the object
dn: user.dn,//.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_ldap(iam_targets),
dn: user.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_ldap(iam_targets),
} else {
this.output.debug(`User base search failed: either user not found, not visible, or filter mismatch`)
global.ireq = req
} else if ( req.scope === 'one' ) {
// If scope is one, find all entries that are the immediate
// subordinates of the base DN that match the filter.
this.output.debug(`Running one DN search for users with DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
// Fetch the LDAP-visible users
const users = await this.User.ldap_directory()
for ( const user of users ) {
if ( !== && !can_search_all ) continue
// Make sure the user os of the appropriate scope
if ( req.dn.equals(user.dn) || user.dn.parent().equals(req.dn) ) {
// Check if the filter matches
if ( req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets)) ) {
// If so, send the object
dn: user.dn,//.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_ldap(iam_targets),
} else if ( req.scope === 'sub' ) {
// If scope is sub, find all entries that are subordinates
// of the base DN at any level and match the filter.
this.output.debug(`Running sub DN search for users with DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
// Fetch the users as LDAP objects
const users = await this.User.ldap_directory()
this.output.debug(`Searching ${users.length} users...`)
this.output.debug(`Request DN: ${req.dn}`)
for ( const user of users ) {
if ( !== && !can_search_all ) continue
this.output.debug(`Checking ${user.uid}...`)
this.output.debug(`DN: ${user.dn}`)
this.output.debug(`Req DN equals: ${req.dn.equals(user.dn)}`)
this.output.debug(`Req DN parent of: ${req.dn.parentOf(user.dn)}`)
// Make sure the user is of appropriate scope
if ( req.dn.equals(user.dn) || req.dn.parentOf(user.dn) ) {
this.output.debug(`Matches sub scope. Matches filter? ${req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets))}`)
// Check if filter matches
if ( req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets)) ) {
// If so, send the object
dn: user.dn,//.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_ldap(iam_targets),
} else {
this.output.error(`Attempted to perform LDAP search with invalid scope: ${req.scope}`)
return next(new LDAP.OtherError('Attempted to perform LDAP search with invalid scope.'))
return next()
get_uid_from_dn(dn) {
const uid_field = this.ldap_server.config.schema.auth.user_id
try {
if ( typeof dn === 'string' ) dn = LDAP.parseDN(dn)
return dn.rdns[0].attrs[uid_field].value
} catch (e) {}
async get_resource_from_dn(dn) {
const uid = this.get_uid_from_dn(dn)
if ( uid ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
return User.findOne({uid, ldap_visible: true})
module.exports = exports = UsersController