Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "feature/cd" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,68 +1,67 @@
kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: build
|||| privileged
- name: docker daemon
image: docker:dind
privileged: true
name: default
- name: container build
image: docker:latest
privileged: true
- "while ! docker stats --no-stream; do sleep 1; done"
- "docker build -t $DOCKER_REGISTRY/starship/coreid ."
- "docker push $DOCKER_REGISTRY/starship/coreid"
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2375
from_secret: DOCKER_REGISTRY
- name: environment substitution
image: rockylinux:9.0-minimal
- microdnf install -y gettext
- cd deploy && mkdir ../deploy-subst && bash -c 'for f in *.yaml; do envsubst < $f > ../deploy-subst/$f; done'
from_secret: COREID_DOMAIN
from_secret: DOCKER_REGISTRY
from_secret: COREID_LDAP_BASE_DC
from_secret: COREID_REDIS_HOST
from_secret: COREID_SMTP_HOST
- name: release
image: plugins/gitea-release
from_secret: gitea_api_key
checksum: md5
title: ${DRONE_TAG}
event: tag
- name: deploy to production
image: appleboy/drone-ssh
from_secret: deploy_ssh_host
from_secret: deploy_ssh_user
from_secret: deploy_ssh_key
from_secret: deploy_ssh_port
- cd /home/coreid/CoreID
- git pull
- yarn install
- tag
- promote
- name: k8s rollout
image: bitnami/kubectl
privileged: true
- cd deploy-subst && kubectl apply -f .
- kubectl rollout restart deployment/coreid-www -n starship
- kubectl rollout restart deployment/coreid-jobs -n starship
- container build
- environment substitution
- name: send success notifications
image: plugins/webhook
from_secret: notify_webhook_url
content_type: application/json
template: |
"title": "Drone-CI [Starship/CoreID]",
"message": "Build ${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} promoted to production.",
"priority": 4
status: success
- tag
- promote
- name: send error notifications
image: plugins/webhook
from_secret: notify_webhook_url
content_type: application/json
template: |
"title": "Drone-CI [Starship/CoreID]",
"message": "An error was encountered while promoting build ${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} to production.",
"priority": 6
status: failure
- tag
- promote
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# ---> Node
# Logs
@ -152,4 +150,3 @@ tmp.uploads/*
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
FROM node:16
RUN mkdir /app
COPY package.json /app
COPY yarn.lock /app
RUN cd /app && yarn install
COPY . /app
RUN rm -rf /app/.env
RUN touch /app/.env
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ const FlitterUnits = {
'LDAPController': require('./app/unit/LDAPControllerUnit'),
'LDAPRoutingUnit': require('./app/unit/LDAPRoutingUnit'),
'OpenIDConnect' : require('./app/unit/OpenIDConnectUnit'),
'Radius' : require('./app/unit/RadiusUnit'),
* The Core Flitter Units
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.0 KiB |
@ -38,18 +38,14 @@ export default class MFAChallengePage extends Component {
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
static get template() { return template }
constructor() {
loading = false
this.loading = false
verify_code = ''
verify_success = false
this.verify_code = ''
this.verify_success = false
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
this.t = {}
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.t = await T(
@ -28,16 +28,12 @@ export default class MFADisableComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
constructor() {
this.app_name = ''
this.step = 0
this.loading = false
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
this.t = {}
app_name = ''
step = 0
loading = false
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.app_name = session.get('')
@ -38,16 +38,12 @@ export default class MFARecoveryComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
constructor() {
this.verify_success = false
this.loading = false
this.recovery_code = ''
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
this.t = {}
verify_success = false
loading = false
recovery_code = ''
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.t = await T(
@ -61,23 +61,19 @@ export default class MFASetupPage extends Component {
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
static get template() { return template }
constructor() {
loading = false
step = 0
this.loading = false
this.step = 0
qr_data = ''
otpauth_url = ''
secret = ''
verify_code = ''
this.qr_data = ''
this.otpauth_url = ''
this.secret = ''
this.verify_code = ''
verify_success = false
this.verify_success = false
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
this.t = {}
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.t = await T(
@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ export default class AuthPage extends Component {
static get props() { return ['app_name', 'message', 'actions'] }
static get template() { return template }
constructor() {
this.loading = false
loading = false
async action_click(index) {
this.loading = true
@ -78,27 +78,23 @@ export default class PasswordResetComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
constructor() {
step = 0
loading = false
has_mfa = false
this.step = 0
this.loading = false
this.has_mfa = false
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
step_1_valid = false
step_1_calc_time = ''
step_1_problem = ''
this.step_1_valid = false
this.step_1_calc_time = ''
this.step_1_problem = ''
step_2_valid = false
this.step_2_valid = false
this.password = ''
this.confirm_password = ''
this.t = {}
this.ready = false
password = ''
confirm_password = ''
t = {}
ready = false
async vue_on_create() {
this.has_mfa = !!session.get('user.has_mfa')
@ -63,21 +63,18 @@ export default class AuthLoginForm extends Component {
] }
static get template() { return template }
constructor() {
username = ''
password = ''
button_text = ''
step_two = false
btn_disabled = true
loading = false
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
allow_back = true
auth_user = false
this.username = ''
this.password = ''
this.button_text = ''
this.step_two = false
this.btn_disabled = true
this.loading = false
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
this.allow_back = true
this.auth_user = false
this.t = {}
t = {}
watch_username(new_username, old_username) {
this.btn_disabled = !new_username
@ -98,23 +98,19 @@ export default class RegistrationFormComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
constructor() {
loading = false
step = 1
other_message = ''
error_message = ''
message = ''
btn_disabled = true
button_text = ''
this.loading = false
this.step = 1
this.other_message = ''
this.error_message = ''
this.message = ''
this.btn_disabled = true
this.button_text = ''
this.first_name = ''
this.last_name = ''
this.username = ''
|||| = ''
this.t = {}
first_name = ''
last_name = ''
username = ''
email = ''
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
// Batch-load translated phrases
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const template = `
v-if="field.type === 'display' && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))"
v-html="typeof field.display === 'function' ? field.display(data) : field.display"
<span v-if="field.type.startsWith('select') && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data, field.options))">
<span v-if="field.type.startsWith('select') && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ const template = `
v-for="option of field.options"
:selected="data[field.field] && (data[field.field] === option.value || (Array.isArray(data[field.field]) && data[field.field].includes(option.value)))"
:selected="data[field.field] && data[field.field].includes(option.value)"
>{{ typeof option.display === 'function' ? option.display(option) : option.display }}</option>
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<span v-if="field.type === 'text' && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))">
<label :for="uuid+field.field" style="display: inline">{{ }} <span v-if="" :title=""><img src="/assets/info-circle-solid.svg" height="18"></span></label>
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
@ -146,24 +146,20 @@ export default class FormComponent extends Component {
return ['resource', 'form_id', 'initial_mode']
constructor() {
definition = {}
data = {}
uuid = ''
title = ''
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
this.definition = {}
|||| = {}
this.uuid = ''
this.title = ''
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
access_msg = ''
can_access = false
this.access_msg = ''
this.can_access = false
this.is_ready = false
this.mode = ''
|||| = ''
this.t = {}
is_ready = false
mode = ''
id = ''
t = {}
reset() {
this.definition = {}
@ -65,17 +65,13 @@ export default class ListingComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['resource'] }
constructor() {
definition = {}
data = []
resource_class = {}
this.definition = {}
|||| = []
this.resource_class = {}
this.access_msg = ''
this.can_access = false
this.t = {}
access_msg = ''
can_access = false
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.t = await T(
@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ import AppSetupComponent from './dash/AppSetup.component.js'
import ListingComponent from './cobalt/Listing.component.js'
import FormComponent from './cobalt/Form.component.js'
import RootPageComponent from './dash/RootPage.component.js'
import OutletComponent from './dash/Outlet.component.js'
import { T } from './service/Translate.service.js'
@ -24,8 +22,6 @@ const dash_components = {
export { dash_components }
@ -232,39 +232,35 @@ export default class AppSetupComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
constructor() {
step = 0
btn_disabled = true
btn_back = false
btn_hidden = false
btn_listing = false
this.step = 0
this.btn_disabled = true
this.btn_back = false
this.btn_hidden = false
this.btn_listing = false
name = ''
identifier = ''
type = '' // ldap | saml | oauth
oauth_redirect_uri = ''
|||| = ''
this.identifier = ''
this.type = '' // ldap | saml | oauth
this.oauth_redirect_uri = ''
saml_entity_id = ''
saml_acs_url = ''
saml_slo_url = ''
this.saml_entity_id = ''
this.saml_acs_url = ''
this.saml_slo_url = ''
ldap_username = ''
ldap_password = ''
ldap_password_confirm = ''
ldap_config = {}
this.ldap_username = ''
this.ldap_password = ''
this.ldap_password_confirm = ''
this.ldap_config = {}
error_message = ''
this.error_message = ''
app = {}
oauth_client = {}
saml_provider = {}
ldap_client = {}
|||| = {}
this.oauth_client = {}
this.saml_provider = {}
this.ldap_client = {}
this.app_name = ''
|||| = ''
app_name = ''
host = ''
make_url(path) {
return session.url(path)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js'
import { event_bus } from '../service/EventBus.service.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
import { action_service } from '../service/Action.service.js'
import { message_service } from '../service/Message.service.js'
const template = `
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light border-bottom">
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ const template = `
<h6 class="dropdown-header">Hello, {{ first_name }}.</h6>
<a href="/dash/profile" class="dropdown-item" @click="navigate('dash.profile')" onclick="return false;">My Profile</a>
<a href="/dash/c/listing/reflect/Token" v-if="can.api_tokens" @click="cobalt('reflect/Token', 'list')" class="dropdown-item" onclick="return false;">API Tokens</a>
<a href="/dash/c/listing/system/Announcement" v-if="can.messages" @click="cobalt('system/Announcement', 'list')" class="dropdown-item" onclick="return false;">System Announcements</a>
<a href="/dash/profile" class="dropdown-item">My Profile</a>
<a href="/dash/c/listing/reflect/Token" v-if="can.api_tokens" class="dropdown-item">API Tokens</a>
<a href="/dash/c/listing/system/Announcement" v-if="can.messages" class="dropdown-item">System Announcements</a>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a href="/auth/logout" class="dropdown-item">Sign-Out of {{ app_name }}</a>
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ export default class NavBarComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
can = {}
constructor() {
this.can = {}
this.toggle_event = event_bus.event('sidebar.toggle')
this.first_name = session.get('user.first_name')
this.last_name = session.get('user.last_name')
@ -72,20 +72,4 @@ export default class NavBarComponent extends Component {
toggle_sidebar() {
navigate(page) {
action: 'navigate',
cobalt(resource, action, id = undefined) {
type: 'resource',
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js'
import { event_bus } from '../service/EventBus.service.js'
const template = `
<coreid-root :page="page" :form_id="form_id" :resource="resource" :mode="mode" v-if="show"></coreid-root>
export default class OutletPageComponent extends Component {
static get selector() { return 'coreid-outlet' }
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['initial_page', 'initial_form_id', 'initial_resource', 'initial_mode'] }
constructor() {
this.navigate_event = event_bus.event('root.navigate')
|||| = true
console.log('navigate event', this.navigate_event)
async vue_on_create() {
|||| = this.initial_page
this.form_id = this.initial_form_id
this.resource = this.initial_resource
this.mode = this.initial_mode
this.navigate_event.subscribe((props = {}) => {
console.log('navigation event', props)
|||| =
this.form_id = props.form_id
this.resource = props.resource
this.mode = props.mode
rerender() {
|||| = false
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
|||| = true
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js'
const template = `
<coreid-profile-edit v-if="page === 'dash.profile'"></coreid-profile-edit>
<coreid-app-setup v-if="page === 'app.setup'"></coreid-app-setup>
v-if="page === 'cobalt.form' && form_id"
v-if="page === 'cobalt.form' && !form_id"
v-if="page === 'cobalt.listing'"
export default class RootPageComponent extends Component {
static get selector() { return 'coreid-root' }
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['page', 'form_id', 'resource', 'mode'] }
constructor() {
@ -23,99 +23,72 @@ export default class SideBarComponent extends Component {
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
static get template() { return template }
actions = []
possible_actions = [
text: 'Profile',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/profile',
text: 'Users',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'auth/User',
text: 'Groups',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'auth/Group',
text: 'Applications',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'App',
text: 'IAM Policy',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'iam/Policy',
text: 'LDAP Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'ldap/Client',
text: 'OAuth2 Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'oauth/Client',
text: 'OpenID Connect Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'openid/Client',
text: 'SAML Service Providers',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'saml/Provider',
text: 'Settings',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'Setting',
constructor() {
this.actions = []
this.isCollapsed = false
this.possible_actions = [
text: 'Profile',
action: 'navigate',
page: 'dash.profile',
text: 'Users',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'auth/User',
text: 'Groups',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'auth/Group',
text: 'Applications',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'App',
text: 'IAM Policy',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'iam/Policy',
text: 'IAM Permissions',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'iam/Permission',
text: 'Computers',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'ldap/Machine',
text: 'Computer Groups',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'ldap/MachineGroup',
text: 'LDAP Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'ldap/Client',
text: 'OAuth2 Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'oauth/Client',
text: 'RADIUS Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'radius/Client',
text: 'OpenID Connect Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'openid/Client',
text: 'SAML Service Providers',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'saml/Provider',
text: 'Settings',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'Setting',
event_bus.event('sidebar.toggle').subscribe(() => {
@ -147,6 +120,8 @@ export default class SideBarComponent extends Component {
this.actions = new_actions
isCollapsed = false
toggle() {
this.isCollapsed = !this.isCollapsed
@ -68,12 +68,8 @@ export default class MessageContainerComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
constructor() {
this.messages = []
this.modals = []
messages = []
modals = []
vue_on_create() {
this.alert_event = event_bus.event('message.alert')
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { utility } from '../../service/Utility.service.js'
import { profile_service } from '../../service/Profile.service.js'
const template = `
<div class="coreid-profile-container mb-5 offset-0 col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-xl-6 offset-xl-3">
<div class="coreid-profile-container mb-5">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="row">
@ -77,20 +77,6 @@ const template = `
<div class="row">
<h4 style="margin-left: 15px">{{ t['profile.advanced_header'] }}</h4>
<div class="col-12 form-group">
<label for="coreid-profile-shell-input">{{ t['profile.advanced_shell'] }}</label>
<li class="list-group-item text-right font-italic text-muted">
{{ form_message }}
@ -104,11 +90,6 @@ const template = `
>{{ t['password.change'] }}</button>
<li class="list-group-item">
<h4>{{ t['authn.authn'] }}</h4>
<p>{{ t['authn.desc'].replace(/APP_NAME/g, app_name) }}</p>
<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm" type="button">{{ t['authn.enable'] }}</button>
<li class="list-group-item" v-if="ready && !has_mfa && (!user_id || user_id === 'me')">
<h4>{{ t['mfa.mfa'] }}</h4>
<p>{{ t['profile.mfa_1'].replace(/APP_NAME/g, app_name) }}</p>
@ -136,7 +117,6 @@ const template = `
<div class="col-9">
{{ }}
<br><span class="text-muted font-italic">{{ t['profile.issued'] }} {{ pw.created }}</span>
<span class="text-muted font-italic"> | {{ t['profile.accessed'] }} {{ pw.accessed || t['common.never'] }}</span>
<div class="col-3 my-auto">
@ -215,36 +195,31 @@ export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return ['user_id'] }
constructor() {
profile_first = ''
profile_last = ''
profile_email = ''
profile_tagline = ''
last_reset = ''
mfa_enable_date = ''
this.profile_first = ''
this.profile_last = ''
this.profile_email = ''
this.profile_tagline = ''
this.profile_shell = ''
this.last_reset = ''
this.mfa_enable_date = ''
has_mfa_recovery = false
mfa_recovery_date = ''
mfa_recovery_codes = 0
this.has_mfa_recovery = false
this.mfa_recovery_date = ''
this.mfa_recovery_codes = 0
form_message = 'No changes.'
this.form_message = 'No changes.'
has_mfa = false
ready = false
this.has_mfa = false
this.ready = false
notify_gateway_url = ''
notify_app_key = ''
notify_enabled = false
notify_created_on = ''
notify_loaded = false
this.notify_gateway_url = ''
this.notify_app_key = ''
this.notify_enabled = false
this.notify_created_on = ''
this.notify_loaded = false
this.app_passwords = []
this.app_name = ''
this.t = {}
app_passwords = []
app_name = ''
t = {}
on_key_up = ($event) => {}
@ -292,14 +267,7 @@ export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component {
this.app_name = session.get('')
@ -320,7 +288,6 @@ export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component {
last_name: this.profile_last,
email: this.profile_email,
tagline: this.profile_tagline,
login_shell: this.profile_shell,
user_id: this.user_id || 'me',
@ -369,7 +336,6 @@ export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component {
this.profile_last = result.last_name
this.profile_email =
this.profile_tagline = result.tagline
this.profile_shell = result.login_shell
const notify_config = await profile_service.get_notify(this.user_id || 'me')
if ( !notify_config || !notify_config.has_config ) {
@ -414,7 +380,6 @@ export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component {
this.app_passwords = => {
if ( x.expires ) x.expires = (new Date(x.expires)).toLocaleDateString()
if ( x.created ) x.created = (new Date(x.created)).toLocaleDateString()
if ( x.accessed ) x.accessed = (new Date(x.accessed)).toLocaleDateString()
return x
@ -72,16 +72,12 @@ export default class AppPasswordFormComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
constructor() {
|||| = ''
this.valid = false
this.uuid = ''
this.enable_form = true
this.display_password = ''
this.t = {}
name = ''
valid = false
uuid = ''
enable_form = true
display_password = ''
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.t = await T(
@ -29,12 +29,8 @@ export default class ProfilePhotoUploaderComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get params() { return [] }
constructor() {
this.ready = false
this.t = {}
ready = false
t = {}
async vue_on_create() {
this.t = await T(
@ -2,148 +2,126 @@ import CRUDBase from './CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
class AppResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/applications'
required_fields = ['name', 'identifier']
permission_base = 'v1:applications'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/applications'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'identifier']
this.permission_base = 'v1:applications'
item = 'Application'
plural = 'Applications'
this.item = 'Application'
this.plural = 'Applications'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
An application is anything that can authenticate users against ${session.get('')}. Applications can have any number of associated LDAP clients, SAML service providers, and OAuth2 clients.
columns: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Identifier',
field: 'identifier',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Manual Setup',
color: 'outline-success',
position: 'main',
action: 'navigate',
text: 'Setup Wizard',
color: 'success',
page: 'app.setup',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Identifier',
field: 'identifier',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Manual Setup',
color: 'outline-success',
position: 'main',
action: 'redirect',
text: 'Setup Wizard',
color: 'success',
next: '/dash/app/setup',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Identifier',
field: 'identifier',
placeholder: 'awesome_app',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'Associated LDAP Clients',
field: 'ldap_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'ldap/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Identifier',
field: 'identifier',
placeholder: 'awesome_app',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Associated OAuth2 Clients',
field: 'oauth_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'oauth/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'Associated OpenID Connect Clients',
field: 'openid_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'openid/Client',
display: 'client_name',
value: 'id',
name: 'IAM Target',
field: 'id',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
help: `(LDAP use) Allows restricting users to only those that can access this application. (filter: iamTarget)`,
name: 'Associated SAML Service Providers',
field: 'saml_service_provider_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'saml/Provider',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated LDAP Clients',
field: 'ldap_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'ldap/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated OAuth2 Clients',
field: 'oauth_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'oauth/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated RADIUS Clients',
field: 'radius_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'radius/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated OpenID Connect Clients',
field: 'openid_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'openid/Client',
display: 'client_name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated SAML Service Providers',
field: 'saml_service_provider_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'saml/Provider',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
@ -2,17 +2,15 @@ import APIParseError from './APIParseError.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
export default class CRUDBase {
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1'
this.required_fields = []
this.permission_base = ''
endpoint = '/api/v1'
required_fields = []
permission_base = ''
this.listing_definition = {}
this.form_definition = {}
listing_definition = {}
form_definition = {}
this.item = ''
this.plural = ''
item = ''
plural = ''
async can(action) {
return session.check_permissions(`${this.permission_base}:${action}`)
@ -2,57 +2,53 @@ import CRUDBase from './CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
class SettingResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/settings'
required_fields = ['key', 'value']
permission_base = 'v1:settings'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/settings'
this.required_fields = ['key', 'value']
this.permission_base = 'v1:settings'
item = 'Setting'
plural = 'Settings'
this.item = 'Setting'
this.plural = 'Settings'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
<p>These are advanced settings that allow you to tweak the way ${session.get('')} behaves. Tweak them at your own risk.</p>
columns: [
name: 'Setting Key',
field: 'key',
name: 'Value',
field: 'value',
renderer: (v) => JSON.stringify(v),
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
columns: [
name: 'Setting Key',
field: 'key',
name: 'Value',
field: 'value',
renderer: (v) => JSON.stringify(v),
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Setting Key',
field: 'key',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
name: 'Value (JSON)',
field: 'value',
type: 'json',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Setting Key',
field: 'key',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
name: 'Value (JSON)',
field: 'value',
type: 'json',
@ -2,87 +2,74 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class GroupResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/groups'
required_fields = ['name']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:groups'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/groups'
this.required_fields = ['name']
this.permission_base = 'v1:auth:groups'
item = 'Group'
plural = 'Groups'
this.item = 'Group'
this.plural = 'Groups'
listing_definition = {
display: `
In ${session.get('')}, groups are simply a tool for organizing users and assigning permissions and access in bulk. After creating and assigning users to a group, you can manage permissions for that group, and its policies will be applied to all users in that group.
columns: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
name: '# of Users',
field: 'user_ids',
renderer: (user_ids) => Array.isArray(user_ids) ? user_ids.length : 0,
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
In ${session.get('')}, groups are simply a tool for organizing users and assigning permissions and access in bulk. After creating and assigning users to a group, you can manage permissions for that group, and its policies will be applied to all users in that group.
columns: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Some Cool Users',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
name: '# of Users',
field: 'user_ids',
renderer: (user_ids) => Array.isArray(user_ids) ? user_ids.length : 0,
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Some Cool Users',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Superuser equivalent?',
field: 'grants_sudo',
type: 'select',
options: [
{display: 'Yes', value: true},
{display: 'No', value: false},
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class RoleResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/roles'
required_fields = ['role', 'permissions']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:roles'
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/roles'
this.required_fields = ['role', 'permissions']
this.permission_base = 'v1:auth:roles'
this.item = 'Role'
this.plural = 'Roles'
item = 'Role'
plural = 'Roles'
const auth_role = new RoleResource()
@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class TrapResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/traps'
required_fields = ['name', 'trap', 'redirect_to']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:traps'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/traps'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'trap', 'redirect_to']
this.permission_base = 'v1:auth:traps'
this.item = 'Trap'
this.plural = 'Traps'
item = 'Trap'
plural = 'Traps'
const auth_trap = new TrapResource()
@ -2,118 +2,114 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class UserResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/users'
required_fields = ['uid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:users'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/users'
this.required_fields = ['uid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
this.permission_base = 'v1:auth:users'
item = 'User'
plural = 'Users'
this.item = 'User'
this.plural = 'Users'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
Users can be assigned permissions and, if granted, can manage their ${session.get('')} accounts from the Profile page, as well as login to the external applications they've been given access to.
columns: [
name: 'UID',
field: 'uid',
name: 'Last Name',
field: 'last_name',
name: 'First Name',
field: 'first_name',
name: 'E-Mail',
field: 'email',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'UID',
field: 'uid',
name: 'Last Name',
field: 'last_name',
name: 'First Name',
field: 'first_name',
name: 'E-Mail',
field: 'email',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'First Name',
field: 'first_name',
placeholder: 'John',
required: true,
type: 'text',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'First Name',
field: 'first_name',
placeholder: 'John',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Last Name',
field: 'last_name',
placeholder: 'Doe',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Username',
field: 'uid',
placeholder: 'john.doe',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'E-Mail',
field: 'email',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Tagline',
field: 'tagline',
type: 'text',
name: 'Password',
field: 'password',
type: 'password',
placeholder: 'Password',
required: ['insert'],
name: 'Trap',
field: 'trap',
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Trap',
display: 'name',
value: 'trap',
name: 'Last Name',
field: 'last_name',
placeholder: 'Doe',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Username',
field: 'uid',
placeholder: 'john.doe',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'E-Mail',
field: 'email',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Tagline',
field: 'tagline',
type: 'text',
name: 'Password',
field: 'password',
type: 'password',
placeholder: 'Password',
required: ['insert'],
name: 'Trap',
field: 'trap',
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Trap',
display: 'name',
value: 'trap',
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class PermissionResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/iam/permission'
this.required_fields = ['target_type', 'permission']
this.permission_base = 'v1:iam:permission'
this.item = 'IAM Permission'
this.plural = 'IAM Permissions'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `Permissions are custom actions that can be performed on a given IAM target by the subject.`,
columns: [
name: 'Target Type',
field: 'target_type',
renderer: type => type.split('_').map(x => `${x.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${x.slice(1)}`).join(' '),
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Target Type',
field: 'target_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{display: 'Application', value: 'application'},
{display: 'Api Scope', value: 'api_scope'},
{display: 'Machine', value: 'machine'},
{display: 'Machine Group', value: 'machine_group'},
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
required: true,
type: 'text',
/*handlers: {
insert: {
action: 'back',
update: {
action: 'back',
const iam_permission = new PermissionResource()
export { iam_permission }
@ -2,18 +2,15 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class PolicyResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/iam/policy'
required_fields = ['entity_id', 'entity_type', 'target_id', 'target_type', 'access_type']
permission_base = 'v1:iam:policy'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/iam/policy'
this.required_fields = ['entity_id', 'entity_type', 'target_id', 'target_type', 'access_type']
this.permission_base = 'v1:iam:policy'
item = 'IAM Policy'
plural = 'IAM Policies'
this.item = 'IAM Policy'
this.plural = 'IAM Policies'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
Identity & Access Management (IAM) policies give you fine grained control over which ${session.get('')} users and groups are allowed to access which applications.
An IAM policy has three parts. First, is the subject. The subject is who the policy applies to and is either a user or a group. The second part is the access type. This is either an allowance or a denial. That is, the policy either grants a subject access to a resource, or explicitly denies them access. The final part of the policy is the target. This is the application that the subject is being granted or denied access to.
@ -27,232 +24,136 @@ class PolicyResource extends CRUDBase {
This means, for example, that if a user's group is allowed access, but a user is denied access, the user will be denied access. Likewise, if there are two policies for a subject, one granting them access and one denying them access, the denial will take precedence.
columns: [
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_display',
name: 'Access Type',
field: 'access_type',
renderer: access_type => access_type === 'deny' ? ' denied access to...' : ' granted access to...',
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_display',
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
renderer: permission => permission || '-',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_display',
name: 'Access Type',
field: 'access_type',
renderer: access_type => access_type === 'deny' ? ' denied access to...' : ' granted access to...',
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_display',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Subject Type',
field: 'entity_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{display: 'User', value: 'user'},
{display: 'Group', value: 'group'},
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Subject Type',
field: 'entity_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: 'User', value: 'user' },
{ display: 'Group', value: 'group' },
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: user => `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: user => `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'user',
if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'user',
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Group',
display: group => `Group: ${} (${group.user_ids.length} users)`,
value: 'id',
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Group',
display: group => `Group: ${} (${group.user_ids.length} users)`,
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'group',
if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'group',
name: 'Access Type',
field: 'access_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: ' granted access to...', value: 'allow' },
{ display: ' denied access to...', value: 'deny' },
name: 'Target Type',
field: 'target_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: 'Application', value: 'application' },
{ display: 'API Scope', value: 'api_scope' },
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'App',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Access Type',
field: 'access_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{display: ' granted access to...', value: 'allow'},
{display: ' denied access to...', value: 'deny'},
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'application'
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'reflect/Scope',
display: 'scope',
value: 'scope',
name: 'Target Type',
field: 'target_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{display: 'Application', value: 'application'},
{display: 'API Scope', value: 'api_scope'},
{display: 'Computer', value: 'machine'},
{display: 'Computer Group', value: 'machine_group'},
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'App',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'application'
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'reflect/Scope',
display: 'scope',
value: 'scope',
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'api_scope'
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'ldap/Machine',
display: machine => `${}${machine.host_name ? ' (' + machine.host_name + ')' : ''}`,
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'machine'
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'ldap/MachineGroup',
display: group => `${} (${(group.machine_ids || []).length} computers)`,
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'machine_group'
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
required: false,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'iam/Permission',
display: 'permission',
value: 'permission',
other_params: {
target_type: 'application',
include_unset: true,
if: (form_data, opts) => form_data.target_type === 'application' && opts?.length
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
required: false,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'iam/Permission',
display: 'permission',
value: 'permission',
other_params: {
target_type: 'api_scope',
include_unset: true,
if: (form_data, opts) => form_data.target_type === 'api_scope' && opts?.length
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
required: false,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'iam/Permission',
display: 'permission',
value: 'permission',
other_params: {
target_type: 'machine',
include_unset: true,
if: (form_data, opts) => form_data.target_type === 'machine' && opts?.length
name: 'Permission',
field: 'permission',
required: false,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'iam/Permission',
display: 'permission',
value: 'permission',
other_params: {
target_type: 'machine_group',
include_unset: true,
if: (form_data, opts) => form_data.target_type === 'machine_group' && opts?.length
/*handlers: {
insert: {
action: 'back',
update: {
action: 'back',
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'api_scope'
/*handlers: {
insert: {
action: 'back',
update: {
action: 'back',
@ -2,88 +2,83 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/clients'
required_fields = ['name', 'uid', 'password']
permission_base = 'v1:ldap:clients'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/clients'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'uid', 'password']
this.permission_base = 'v1:ldap:clients'
item = 'LDAP Client'
plural = 'LDAP Clients'
this.item = 'LDAP Client'
this.plural = 'LDAP Clients'
async server_config() {
const results = await axios.get('/api/v1/ldap/config')
if ( results && && ) return
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
LDAP Clients are special user accounts that external applications can use to bind to ${session.get('')}'s built-in LDAP server to allow these applications to authenticate users.
These special accounts are permitted to bind to the LDAP server, but are not allowed to sign-in to ${session.get('')}.
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'User ID',
field: 'uid',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Provider Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'User ID',
field: 'uid',
placeholder: 'some_username',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Password',
field: 'password',
required: ['insert'],
type: 'password',
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'User ID',
field: 'uid',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
async server_config() {
const results = await axios.get('/api/v1/ldap/config')
if (results && && return
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Provider Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'User ID',
field: 'uid',
placeholder: 'some_username',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Password',
field: 'password',
required: ['insert'],
type: 'password',
@ -1,101 +1,97 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class GroupResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/groups'
required_fields = ['name', 'role']
permission_base = 'v1:ldap:groups'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/groups'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'role']
this.permission_base = 'v1:ldap:groups'
item = 'LDAP Group'
plural = 'LDAP Groups'
this.item = 'LDAP Group'
this.plural = 'LDAP Groups'
listing_definition = {
columns: [
name: 'Group Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Role',
field: 'role',
name: '# of Users',
field: 'user_ids',
renderer: (user_ids) => Array.isArray(user_ids) ? user_ids.length : 0,
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.listing_definition = {
columns: [
name: 'Group Name',
field: 'name',
form_definition = {
// back_action: {
// text: 'Back',
// action: 'back',
// },
fields: [
name: 'Group Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'External App Users',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Role',
field: 'role',
placeholder: 'external_app',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Role',
display: 'role',
value: 'role',
name: 'Role',
field: 'role',
// options: [
// { value: 1, display: 'One' },
// { value: 2, display: 'Two' },
// { value: 3, display: 'Three' },
// ],
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
placeholder: 'John Doe',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
name: '# of Users',
field: 'user_ids',
renderer: (user_ids) => Array.isArray(user_ids) ? user_ids.length : 0,
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
// back_action: {
// text: 'Back',
// action: 'back',
// },
fields: [
name: 'Group Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'External App Users',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Role',
field: 'role',
placeholder: 'external_app',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Role',
display: 'role',
value: 'role',
// options: [
// { value: 1, display: 'One' },
// { value: 2, display: 'Two' },
// { value: 3, display: 'Three' },
// ],
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
placeholder: 'John Doe',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class MachineResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/machines'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'description']
this.permission_base = 'v1:ldap:machines'
this.item = 'Computer'
this.plural = 'Computers'
this.listing_definition = {
columns: [
name: 'Machine Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Host Name',
field: 'host_name',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
// back_action: {
// text: 'Back',
// action: 'back',
// },
fields: [
name: 'Machine Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'DNS01',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
required: true,
type: 'textarea',
name: 'Location',
field: 'location',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'Server room 1',
name: 'Host Name (FQDN)',
field: 'host_name',
type: 'text',
placeholder: '',
name: 'IAM Target',
field: 'id',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
help: `(LDAP use) Allows restricting users to only those that can access this computer. (filter: iamTarget)`,
name: 'IAM Filter',
field: 'iam_filter',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
help: `(LDAP use) Use this filter to restrict access to only users granted IAM access to this computer.`,
const ldap_machine = new MachineResource()
export { ldap_machine }
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class MachineGroupResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/machine-groups'
this.required_fields = ['name']
this.permission_base = 'v1:ldap:machine_groups'
this.item = 'Computer Group'
this.plural = 'Computer Groups'
this.listing_definition = {
columns: [
name: 'Group Name',
field: 'name',
name: '# Computers',
field: 'machine_ids',
renderer: machine_ids => Array.isArray(machine_ids) ? machine_ids.length : 0,
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
// back_action: {
// text: 'Back',
// action: 'back',
// },
fields: [
name: 'Group Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'DNS Servers',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'IAM Target',
field: 'id',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
help: `(LDAP use) Allows restricting users to only those that can access this computer group. (filter: iamTarget)`,
name: 'Computers',
field: 'machine_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'ldap/Machine',
display: machine => `${}${machine.host_name ? ' (' + machine.host_name + ')' : ''}`,
value: 'id',
const ldap_machinegroup = new MachineGroupResource()
export { ldap_machinegroup }
@ -2,108 +2,104 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js';
class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/oauth/clients'
required_fields = ['name', 'redirect_url', 'api_scopes']
permission_base = 'v1:oauth:clients'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/oauth/clients'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'redirect_url', 'api_scopes']
this.permission_base = 'v1:oauth:clients'
item = 'OAuth2 Client'
plural = 'OAuth2 Clients'
this.item = 'OAuth2 Client'
this.plural = 'OAuth2 Clients'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
OAuth2 clients are applications that support authentication over the OAuth2 protocol. This allows you to add a "Sign-In with XXX" button for ${session.get('')} to the application in question. To do this, you need to create an OAuth2 client for that application, and provide the name, redirect URL, and API scopes.
You must select the API scopes to grant this OAuth2 client. This defines what ${session.get('')} endpoints the application is allowed to access. For most applications, granting the <code>v1:api:users:get</code> and <code>v1:api:groups:get</code> API scopes should be sufficient.
This method can also be used to access the API for other purposes. Hence, the expansive API scopes. ${session.get('')} uses Flitter-Auth's built-in OAuth2 server under the hood, so you can find details on how to configure the OAuth2 clients <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a>
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
name: '# of Scopes',
field: 'api_scopes',
renderer: (api_scopes) => api_scopes.length,
name: 'Redirect URL',
field: 'redirect_url',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
name: '# of Scopes',
field: 'api_scopes',
renderer: (api_scopes) => api_scopes.length,
name: 'Redirect URL',
field: 'redirect_url',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Redirect URL',
field: 'redirect_url',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'API Scopes',
field: 'api_scopes',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'reflect/Scope',
display: 'scope',
value: 'scope',
name: 'Redirect URL',
field: 'redirect_url',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'API Scopes',
field: 'api_scopes',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'reflect/Scope',
display: 'scope',
value: 'scope',
required: true,
name: 'Client ID',
field: 'uuid',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Client Secret',
field: 'secret',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
required: true,
name: 'Client ID',
field: 'uuid',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Client Secret',
field: 'secret',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
@ -2,98 +2,94 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/openid/clients'
required_fields = ['client_name', 'grant_types', 'redirect_uri']
permission_base = 'v1:openid:clients'
this.endpoint = '/openid/clients'
this.required_fields = ['client_name', 'grant_types', 'redirect_uri']
this.permission_base = 'v1:openid:clients'
item = 'OpenID Connect Client'
plural = 'OpenID Connect Clients'
this.item = 'OpenID Connect Client'
this.plural = 'OpenID Connect Clients'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
OpenID Connect clients are applications that support authentication over the OpenID Connect protocol. This allows you to add a "Sign-In with XXX" button for ${session.get('')} to the application in question. To do this, the application need only comply with the OpenID standards.
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'client_name',
name: 'Redirect URI',
field: 'redirect_uri',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'client_name',
name: 'Redirect URI',
field: 'redirect_uri',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'client_name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Redirect URI',
field: 'redirect_uri',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Grant Types',
field: 'grant_types',
type: 'select.multiple',
options: [
{display: 'Refresh Token', value: 'refresh_token'},
{display: 'Authorization Code', value: 'authorization_code'},
required: true,
name: 'Client ID',
field: 'client_id',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Client Secret',
field: 'client_secret',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'client_name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Redirect URI',
field: 'redirect_uri',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Grant Types',
field: 'grant_types',
type: 'select.multiple',
options: [
{ display: 'Refresh Token', value: 'refresh_token' },
{ display: 'Authorization Code', value: 'authorization_code' },
required: true,
name: 'Client ID',
field: 'client_id',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Client Secret',
field: 'client_secret',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js';
class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/radius/clients'
this.required_fields = ['name']
this.permission_base = 'v1:radius:clients'
this.item = 'RADIUS Client'
this.plural = 'RADIUS Clients'
this.listing_definition = {
display: ``,
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Client Secret',
field: 'secret',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
const radius_client = new ClientResource()
export { radius_client }
@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class ScopeResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/reflect/scopes'
required_fields = ['scope']
permission_base = 'v1:reflect:scopes'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/reflect/scopes'
this.required_fields = ['scope']
this.permission_base = 'v1:reflect:scopes'
this.item = 'API Scope'
this.plural = 'API Scopes'
item = 'API Scope'
plural = 'API Scopes'
const reflect_scope = new ScopeResource()
@ -1,90 +1,87 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class TokenResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/reflect/tokens'
this.required_fields = ['client_id']
this.permission_base = 'v1:reflect:tokens'
endpoint = '/api/v1/reflect/tokens'
required_fields = ['client_id']
permission_base = 'v1:reflect:tokens'
this.item = 'API Token'
this.plural = 'API Tokens'
item = 'API Token'
plural = 'API Tokens'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
This allows you to create bearer tokens manually to allow for easier testing of the API. Notably, this is meant as a measure for testing and development, not for long term use.
If you have an application that needs to regularly interact with the API, set it up as an <a href="/dash/c/listing/oauth/Client">OAuth2 Client</a>. Manually-created tokens expire 7 days after their creation.
columns: [
name: 'Token',
field: 'token',
name: 'Client',
field: 'client_display',
name: 'Expires',
field: 'expires',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Token',
field: 'token',
name: 'Client',
field: 'client_display',
name: 'Expires',
field: 'expires',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client',
field: 'client_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'oauth/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'uuid',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client',
field: 'client_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'oauth/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'uuid',
name: 'Bearer Token',
field: 'token',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Expires',
field: 'expires',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Bearer Token',
field: 'token',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Expires',
field: 'expires',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
@ -2,96 +2,92 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class ProviderResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/saml/providers'
required_fields = ['name', 'acs_url', 'entity_id']
permission_base = 'v1:saml:providers'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/saml/providers'
this.required_fields = ['name', 'acs_url', 'entity_id']
this.permission_base = 'v1:saml:providers'
item = 'SAML Service Provider'
plural = 'SAML Service Providers'
this.item = 'SAML Service Provider'
this.plural = 'SAML Service Providers'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `SAML Service Providers are applications that support external authentication to a SAML Identity Provider. In this case, ${session.get('')} is the identity provider, so these external applications can authenticate against it.
listing_definition = {
display: `SAML Service Providers are applications that support external authentication to a SAML Identity Provider. In this case, ${session.get('')} is the identity provider, so these external applications can authenticate against it.
To do this, you need to know the SAML service provider's entity ID, assertion consumer service URL, and single-logout URL (if supported).`,
columns: [
name: 'Provider Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Entity ID',
field: 'entity_id',
name: 'Has SLO?',
field: 'slo_url',
renderer: 'boolean',
name: 'ACS URL',
field: 'acs_url',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Provider Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Entity ID',
field: 'entity_id',
name: 'Has SLO?',
field: 'slo_url',
renderer: 'boolean',
name: 'ACS URL',
field: 'acs_url',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Provider Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Entity ID',
field: 'entity_id',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Assertion Consumer Service URL',
field: 'acs_url',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Single-Logout URL',
field: 'slo_url',
placeholder: '',
type: 'text',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Provider Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Entity ID',
field: 'entity_id',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Assertion Consumer Service URL',
field: 'acs_url',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Single-Logout URL',
field: 'slo_url',
placeholder: '',
type: 'text',
@ -1,99 +1,95 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class AnnouncementResource extends CRUDBase {
constructor() {
endpoint = '/api/v1/system/announcements'
required_fields = ['user_ids', 'group_ids', 'title', 'message', 'type']
permission_base = 'v1:system:announcements'
this.endpoint = '/api/v1/system/announcements'
this.required_fields = ['user_ids', 'group_ids', 'title', 'message', 'type']
this.permission_base = 'v1:system:announcements'
item = 'System Announcement'
plural = 'System Announcements'
this.item = 'System Announcement'
this.plural = 'System Announcements'
this.listing_definition = {
display: `
listing_definition = {
display: `
System announcements are administrative messages that you want all or some of your users to see. These messages can be delivered via e-mail, as a message after login, or as a system banner announcement.
columns: [
name: 'Title',
field: 'title',
name: 'Message',
field: 'message',
renderer: (message) => String(message).slice(0, 150),
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
columns: [
name: 'Title',
field: 'title',
name: 'Message',
field: 'message',
renderer: (message) => String(message).slice(0, 150),
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
this.form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Title',
field: 'title',
type: 'text',
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Title',
field: 'title',
type: 'text',
name: 'Message',
field: 'message',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
name: 'Message',
field: 'message',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'Groups',
field: 'group_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Group',
display: (group) => `${}`,
value: 'id',
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
name: 'Groups',
field: 'group_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Group',
display: (group) => `${}`,
value: 'id',
name: 'Type',
field: 'type',
type: 'select',
options: [
{display: 'Login Intercept', value: 'login'},
{display: 'E-Mail', value: 'email'},
{display: 'System Banner', value: 'banner'},
handlers: {
insert: {
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/c/listing/system/Announcement',
name: 'Type',
field: 'type',
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: 'Login Intercept', value: 'login' },
{ display: 'E-Mail', value: 'email' },
{ display: 'System Banner', value: 'banner' },
handlers: {
insert: {
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/c/listing/system/Announcement',
@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
import { location_service } from './Location.service.js'
import { resource_service } from './Resource.service.js'
import { event_bus } from './EventBus.service.js'
const pageMap = {
'dash.profile': '/dash/profile',
'app.setup': '/dash/app/setup',
class ActionService {
async perform({ text = '', action, ...args }) {
@ -13,44 +7,21 @@ class ActionService {
if ( ) {
return location_service.redirect(, args.delay || 0)
} else if ( action === 'navigate' ) {
if ( && pageMap[] ) {
window.history.pushState('pageNavigate', `Open ${}`, pageMap[])
return event_bus.event('root.navigate').fire(args)
} else if ( action === 'back' ) {
return location_service.back()
} else if ( args.type === 'resource' ) {
const { resource } = args
if ( action === 'insert' ) {
window.history.pushState('cobaltForm', `Insert ${resource}`, `/dash/c/form/${resource}`)
return event_bus.event('root.navigate').fire({
page: 'cobalt.form',
mode: 'insert',
return location_service.redirect(`/dash/c/form/${resource}`, 0)
} else if ( action === 'update' ) {
const { id } = args
window.history.pushState('cobaltForm', `Edit ${resource}`, `/dash/c/form/${resource}?id=${id}`)
return event_bus.event('root.navigate').fire({
page: 'cobalt.form',
mode: 'update',
form_id: id,
return location_service.redirect(`/dash/c/form/${resource}?id=${id}`, 0)
} else if ( action === 'delete' ) {
const { id } = args
const rsc = await resource_service.get(resource)
await rsc.delete(id)
} else if ( action === 'list' ) {
window.history.pushState('cobaltListing', `View ${resource}`, `/dash/c/listing/${resource}`)
return event_bus.event('root.navigate').fire({
page: 'cobalt.listing',
return location_service.redirect(`/dash/c/listing/${resource}`, 0)
} else if ( action === 'post' ) {
const inputs = []
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
class Event {
firings = []
subscriptions = []
constructor(name) {
|||| = name
this.firings = []
this.subscriptions = []
subscribe(handler) {
@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ class Event {
class EventBusService {
constructor() {
this._events = {}
_events = {}
event(name) {
if ( !this._events[name] ) {
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ import { event_bus } from './EventBus.service.js'
import { auth_api } from './AuthApi.service.js'
class MessageService {
constructor() {
this.listener_interval = 25000
listener_interval = 25000
alert({type, message, timeout = 0, on_dismiss = () => {} }) {
event_bus.event('message.alert').fire({ type, message, timeout, on_dismiss })
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import {message_service} from './Message.service.js'
class ProfileService {
async get_profile(user_id = 'me') {
@ -12,11 +10,8 @@ class ProfileService {
if ( results && && ) return
async update_profile({ user_id, first_name, last_name, email, login_shell = undefined, tagline = undefined }) {
const results = await axios.patch(`/api/v1/profile/${user_id}`, { first_name, last_name, email, tagline, login_shell })
if ( results && && && ) {
await message_service._listener_tick()
async update_profile({ user_id, first_name, last_name, email, tagline = undefined }) {
await axios.patch(`/api/v1/profile/${user_id}`, { first_name, last_name, email, tagline })
async update_notify({ user_id = 'me', app_key, gateway_url }) {
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
class Session {
constructor() {
|||| = {}
data = {}
init(data) {
|||| = data
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
class TranslateService {
constructor() {
this._cache = {}
_cache = {}
check_cache(...keys) {
const obj = {}
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
class UtilityService {
constructor() {
this._debounce_timeouts = {}
_debounce_timeouts = {}
uuid() {
return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =>
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
window.COREID_ERROR_LOG_URL = window.COREID_ERROR_LOG_URL || '/api/v1/log-error'
async function logError(error) {
try {
await fetch(window.COREID_ERROR_LOG_URL, {
method: 'POST',
cache: 'no-cache',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
full_url: window.location.href,
trace: [
|||| + ': ' + error.message,
} catch (e) {}
;(function() {
var old_onerror = window.onerror
window.onerror = function(msg, src, line, col, error) {
logError(error).then(function() {
if ( typeof old_onerror === 'function' ) {
try {
old_onerror(msg, src, line, col, error)
} catch(e) {}
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="fas" data-icon="info-circle" class="svg-inline--fa fa-info-circle fa-w-16" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="currentColor" d="M256 8C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm0 110c23.196 0 42 18.804 42 42s-18.804 42-42 42-42-18.804-42-42 18.804-42 42-42zm56 254c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-88c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h12v-64h-12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h64c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v100h12c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24z"></path></svg>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 641 B |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -18,11 +18,6 @@ class CoreIDAdapter {
expiresAt = new Date( + (expiresIn * 1000))
if ( payload.uid ) {
payload.originalUid = payload.uid
payload.uid = payload.uid.toLowerCase()
await this.coll().updateOne(
{ _id },
{ $set: { payload, ...(expiresAt ? { expiresAt } : undefined) } },
@ -39,11 +34,6 @@ class CoreIDAdapter {
if (!result) return undefined
if ( result?.payload?.originalUid ) {
result.payload.uid = result.payload.originalUid
return result.payload
@ -59,16 +49,11 @@ class CoreIDAdapter {
async findByUid(uid) {
const result = await this.coll().find(
{ 'payload.uid': uid.toLowerCase() },
{ 'payload.uid': uid },
{ payload: 1 },
if (!result) return undefined
if ( result?.payload?.originalUid ) {
result.payload.uid = result.payload.originalUid
return result.payload
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
const User = require('../../models/auth/User.model')
const Client = require('../../models/radius/Client.model')
const Application = require('../../models/Application.model')
const Policy = require('../../models/iam/Policy.model')
* @implements IAuthentication from radius-server
class CoreIDAuthentication {
async authenticate(username, password, packet) {
// We only allow client-specific secrets to authenticate
if ( !packet || !packet.secret ) {
return false;
// Try to look up the client
const client = await Client.findOne({
active: true,
secret: packet.secret,
if ( !client ) {
return false;
// Try to look up the associated application
const application = await Application.findOne({
if ( !application ) {
return false;
// Try to look up the user
/** @var {User} */
const user = await User.findByLogin(username)
if ( !user ) {
return false;
// Validate the incoming credential
if ( !(await user.check_credential_string(password)) ) {
return false;
// Don't allow login if the user has a trap set
if ( user.trap ) {
return false;
// Check the IAM policy engine to make sure the user can access this resource
return Policy.check_user_access(user,
module.exports = exports = CoreIDAuthentication
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
import radius from 'radius'
import { RadiusServer } from '@coreid/radius-server'
import RadiusClient from '../../models/radius/Client.model.js'
import CoreIDUserPasswordPacketHandler from './CoreIDUserPasswordPacketHandler.mjs'
export default class CoreIDRadiusServer extends RadiusServer {
// constructor(options) {
// super(options)
// this.packetHandler.packetHandlers.pop()
// this.packetHandler.packetHandlers.push(new CoreIDUserPasswordPacketHandler(options.authentication, this.logger))
// console.log(this.packetHandler.packetHandlers)
// }
async decodeMessage(msg) {
const clients = await RadiusClient.find({ active: true })
for ( const client of clients ) {
try {
const packet = radius.decode({ packet: msg, secret: client.secret })
packet.secret = client.secret
return packet
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Unable to determine client to decode RADIUS packet: is the client active?')
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import { UserPasswordPacketHandler } from '@coreid/radius-server/dist/radius/handler/UserPasswordPacketHandler.js'
export default class CoreIDUserPasswordPacketHandler extends UserPasswordPacketHandler {
async handlePacket(packet) {
console.log('coreid user password packet handler handlePacket', packet)
const username = packet.attributes['User-Name'];
let password = packet.attributes['User-Password'];
if (Buffer.isBuffer(password) && password.indexOf(0x00) > 0) {
// check if there is a 0x00 in it, and trim it from there
password = password.slice(0, password.indexOf(0x00));
if (!username || !password) {
// params missing, this handler cannot continue...
return {};
this.logger.debug('username', username, username.toString());
this.logger.debug('token', password, password.toString());
console.log('client', packet.__coreid_client)
const authenticated = await this.authentication.authenticate(
if (authenticated) {
// success
return {
code: 'Access-Accept',
attributes: [['User-Name', username]],
// Failed
return {
code: 'Access-Reject',
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class FlitterProfileMapper {
getClaims() {
const claims = {}
claims[] = this.user.uid.toLowerCase()
claims[] = this.user.uid
claims[] =
claims[] = `${this.user.first_name} ${this.user.last_name}`
claims[] = this.user.first_name
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class FlitterProfileMapper {
getNameIdentifier() {
return { nameIdentifier: this.user.uid.toLowerCase() }
return { nameIdentifier: this.user.uid }
@ -29,12 +29,6 @@ class Home extends Controller {
async tmpl(req, res) {
return'tmpl', {, ...this.Vue.session(req)})
async log_front_end_error(req, res, next) {
const FrontEndError = this.models.get('FrontEndError')
await FrontEndError.log(req)
return res.api()
module.exports = Home
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class OpenIDController extends Controller {
const Client = this.models.get('openid:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client )
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
@ -119,12 +119,14 @@ class OpenIDController extends Controller {
uid, prompt, params, session,
} = await this.openid_connect.provider.interactionDetails(req, res)
console.log({uid, prompt, params, session})
const name =
if ( typeof this[name] !== 'function' ) {
return, 'Sorry, something has gone wrong.')
return this[name](req, res, { uid: uid.toLowerCase(), prompt, params, session })
return this[name](req, res, { uid, prompt, params, session })
async consent(req, res, { uid, prompt, params, session }) {
@ -140,25 +142,19 @@ class OpenIDController extends Controller {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const application = await Application.findOne({ openid_client_ids: params.client_id })
if ( !application ) {
this.output.warn('IAM Denial!')
this.output.warning('IAM Denial!')
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME', 'this application'),
next_destination: '/dash',
} else if ( !(await Policy.check_user_access(req.user, ) {
this.output.warn('IAM Denial!')
this.output.warning('IAM Denial!')
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
// If the user has already authorized this app, just redirect
if ( req.user.has_authorized({ id: }) ) {
return res.redirect(`/openid/interaction/${uid.toLowerCase()}/grant`)
// Otherwise, prompt them for authorization
return'public:message', {
message: `<h3 class="font-weight-light">Authorize ${}?</h3>
@ -176,33 +172,15 @@ class OpenIDController extends Controller {
text: req.T('common.grant'),
action: 'redirect',
next: `/openid/grant-and-save/${}/${uid.toLowerCase()}`,
text: req.T('common.grant_once'),
action: 'redirect',
next: `/openid/interaction/${uid.toLowerCase()}/grant`,
next: `/openid/interaction/${uid}/grant`,
async grant_and_save(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.has_authorized({ id: req.params.app_id }) ) {
id: req.params.app_id,
api_scopes: ['openid-connect'],
return res.redirect(`/openid/interaction/${req.params.uid.toLowerCase()}/grant`)
async login(req, res, { uid, prompt, params, session }) {
return res.redirect(`/openid/interaction/${uid.toLowerCase()}/start-session`)
return res.redirect(`/openid/interaction/${uid}/start-session`)
@ -224,13 +202,13 @@ class OpenIDController extends Controller {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const application = await Application.findOne({ openid_client_ids: params.client_id })
if ( !application ) {
this.output.warn('IAM Denial!')
this.output.warning('IAM Denial!')
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME', 'this application'),
next_destination: '/dash',
} else if ( !(await Policy.check_user_access(req.user, ) {
this.output.warn('IAM Denial!')
this.output.warning('IAM Denial!')
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
@ -260,13 +238,13 @@ class OpenIDController extends Controller {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const application = await Application.findOne({ openid_client_ids: params.client_id })
if ( !application ) {
this.output.warn('IAM Denial!')
this.output.warning('IAM Denial!')
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME', 'this application'),
next_destination: '/dash',
} else if ( !(await Policy.check_user_access(req.user, ) {
this.output.warn('IAM Denial!')
this.output.warning('IAM Denial!')
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
@ -115,28 +115,6 @@ class AppController extends Controller {
application.oauth_client_ids = oauth_client_ids
// Verify RADIUS client IDs
const RadiusClient = this.models.get('radius:Client')
if ( req.body.radius_client_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.radius_client_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.radius_client_ids) : req.body.radius_client_ids
const radius_client_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of radius_client_ids ) {
const client = await RadiusClient.findById(id)
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`radius:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.invalid_radius_client_id')} ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ radius_client_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app )
return res.status(400) // TODO translate this
.message(`The RADIUS client ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.radius_client_ids = radius_client_ids
// Verify OpenID client IDs
const OpenIDClient = this.models.get('openid:Client')
if ( req.body.openid_client_ids ) {
@ -264,28 +242,6 @@ class AppController extends Controller {
application.oauth_client_ids = oauth_client_ids
} else application.oauth_client_ids = []
// Verify OAuth client IDs
const RadiusClient = this.models.get('radius:Client')
if ( req.body.radius_client_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.radius_client_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.radius_client_ids) : req.body.radius_client_ids
const radius_client_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of radius_client_ids ) {
const client = await RadiusClient.findById(id)
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`radius:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.invalid_radius_client_id')} ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ radius_client_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app && !== )
return res.status(400) // TODO translate this
.message(`The RADIUS client ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.radius_client_ids = radius_client_ids
} else application.radius_client_ids = []
// Verify OpenID client IDs
const OpenIDClient = this.models.get('openid:Client')
if ( req.body.openid_client_ids ) {
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
const user = new User({
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
uid: req.body.uid.toLowerCase(),
uid: req.body.uid,
trap: 'password_reset', // Force user to reset password
@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
if ( !(await User.findOne()) ) user.promote('root')
await user.grant_defaults()
// Log in the user automatically
await this.auth.get_provider().session(req, user)
@ -220,48 +219,6 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
return res.api(await user.to_api())
async get_user_flat(req, res, next) {
if ( === 'me' )
return res.json(await req.user.to_api())
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(
if ( !user )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
return res.json(await user.to_api())
async get_user_photo(req, res, next) {
let user
if ( === 'me' ) {
user = req.user
} else {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
user = await User.findOne({ uid: })
if ( !user )
return res.status(404)
const file = await
if ( !file )
// The user does not have a profile. Send the default.
return res.sendFile(this.utility.path('app/assets/people.png'))
await file.send(res)
async create_group(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:group:create`) )
return res.status(401)
@ -282,10 +239,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
const group = new Group({
grants_sudo: !!req.body.grants_sudo,
const group = new Group({ name: })
// Validate user ids
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
@ -304,7 +258,6 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
await group.get_gid_number()
return res.api(await group.to_api())
@ -344,7 +297,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
const user = new User({
uid: req.body.uid.toLowerCase(),
uid: req.body.uid,
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
@ -364,7 +317,6 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
await user.reset_password(req.body.password, 'create')
await user.grant_defaults()
return res.api(await user.to_api())
@ -413,10 +365,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
|||| =
group.grants_sudo = !!req.body.grants_sudo
await group.get_gid_number()
return res.api()
@ -468,7 +417,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
user.first_name = req.body.first_name
user.last_name = req.body.last_name
user.uid = req.body.uid.toLowerCase()
user.uid = req.body.uid
|||| =
if ( req.body.tagline )
@ -544,7 +493,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
if ( is_valid ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findOne({uid: req.body.username.toLowerCase()})
const user = await User.findOne({uid: req.body.username})
if ( !user || !user.can_login ) is_valid = false
@ -562,7 +511,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
const data = {}
if ( req.body.username ) {
const existing_user = await User.findOne({
uid: req.body.username.toLowerCase(),
uid: req.body.username,
data.username_taken = !!existing_user
@ -595,8 +544,7 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
.api({ errors })
const [username, ...other_args] = await flitter.get_login_args(req.body)
const login_args = [username.toLowerCase(), ...other_args]
const login_args = await flitter.get_login_args(req.body)
const user = await flitter.login.apply(flitter, login_args)
if ( !user )
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field', true)} entity_id, target_id`)
return res.api(await Policy.check_entity_access(req.body.entity_id, req.body.target_id, req.body.permission || undefined))
return res.api(await Policy.check_entity_access(req.body.entity_id, req.body.target_id))
async check_user_access(req, res, next) {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
return res.api(await Policy.check_user_access(user, req.body.target_id, req.body.permission || undefined))
return res.api(await Policy.check_user_access(user, req.body.target_id))
async get_policies(req, res, next) {
@ -56,33 +56,6 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
return res.api(data)
async get_permissions(req, res, next) {
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const permissions = await Permission.find({
active: true,
...(req.query.target_type ? {
target_type: req.query.target_type,
} : {})
const data = []
for ( const perm of permissions ) {
if ( req.user.can(`iam:permission:${perm.target_type}:view`) ) {
data.push(await perm.to_api())
if ( req.query.include_unset ) {
permission: '',
return res.api(data)
async get_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policy = await Policy.findById(
@ -100,23 +73,6 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
return res.api(await policy.to_api())
async get_permission(req, res, next) {
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const permission = await Permission.findById(
if ( !permission )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:permission:${permission.target_type}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
return res.api(await permission.to_api())
async create_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
@ -152,12 +108,12 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
if ( !['allow', 'deny'].includes(req.body.access_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} access_type. ${req.T('api.must_one')} allow, deny.`)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} access_type. ${req.T('api:must_one')} allow, deny.`)
if ( !['application', 'api_scope', 'machine', 'machine_group'].includes(req.body.target_type) )
if ( !['application', 'api_scope'].includes(req.body.target_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_type. ${req.T('api.must_one')} application, api_scope, machine, machine_group.`)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_type. ${req.T('api:must_one')} application, api_scope.`)
// Make sure the target_id is valid
@ -174,20 +130,6 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_id.`)
} else if ( req.body.target_type === 'machine' ) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine = await Machine.findById(req.body.target_id)
if ( !machine || ! || !req.user.can(`ldap:machine:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_id.`)
} else if ( req.body.target_type === 'machine_group' ) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(req.body.target_id)
if ( !group || ! || !req.user.can(`ldap:machine_group:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_id.`)
const policy = new Policy({
@ -198,71 +140,12 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
target_id: req.body.target_id,
if ( req.body.permission ) {
// Validate the permission and set it, if it is valid
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const permission = await Permission.findOne({
active: true,
target_type: req.body.target_type,
permission: req.body.permission,
if ( permission ) {
policy.for_permission = true
policy.permission = req.body.permission
return res.api(await policy.to_api())
async create_permission(req, res, next) {
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const required_fields = ['target_type', 'permission']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} ${field}`)
const valid_target_types = ['application', 'api_scope', 'machine', 'machine_group']
if ( !valid_target_types.includes(req.body.target_type) ) {
return res.status(400)
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:permission${req.body.target_type}:create`) ) {
return res.status(401).api()
// Make sure one doesn't already exist
const existing = await Permission.findOne({
active: true,
target_type: req.body.target_type,
permission: req.body.permission,
if ( existing ) {
return res.status(400)
const perm = new Permission({
target_type: req.body.target_type,
permission: req.body.permission,
return res.api(await perm.to_api())
async update_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policy = await Policy.findById(
@ -312,9 +195,9 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} access_type. ${req.T('api.must_one')} allow, deny.`)
if ( !['application', 'api_scope', 'machine', 'machine_group'].includes(req.body.target_type) )
if ( !['application', 'api_scope'].includes(req.body.target_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_type. ${req.T('api.must_one')} application, api_scope, machine, machine_group.`)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_type. ${req.T('api.must_one')} application, api_scope.`)
// Make sure the target_id is valid
@ -331,20 +214,6 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_id.`)
} else if ( req.body.target_type === 'machine' ) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine = await Machine.findById(req.body.target_id)
if ( !machine || ! || !req.user.can(`ldap:machine:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_id.`)
} else if ( req.body.target_type === 'machine_group' ) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(req.body.target_id)
if ( !group || ! || !req.user.can(`ldap:machine_group:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('common.invalid')} target_id.`)
policy.entity_type = req.body.entity_type
@ -352,69 +221,10 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
policy.access_type = req.body.access_type
policy.target_type = req.body.target_type
policy.target_id = req.body.target_id
if ( req.body.permission ) {
// Validate the permission and set it, if it is valid
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const permission = await Permission.findOne({
active: true,
target_type: req.body.target_type,
permission: req.body.permission,
if ( permission ) {
policy.for_permission = true
policy.permission = req.body.permission
} else {
policy.for_permission = false
policy.permission = undefined
} else {
policy.for_permission = false
policy.permission = undefined
return res.api()
async update_permission(req, res, next) {
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const required_fields = ['target_type', 'permission']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} ${field}`)
const valid_target_types = ['application', 'api_scope', 'machine', 'machine_group']
if ( !valid_target_types.includes(req.body.target_type) ) {
return res.status(400)
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:permission${req.body.target_type}:update`) ) {
return res.status(401).api()
// Make sure one doesn't already exist
const existing = await Permission.findById(
if ( !existing?.active ) {
return res.status(404)
existing.target_type = req.body.target_type
existing.permission = req.body.permission
return res.api(await existing.to_api())
async delete_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policy = await Policy.findById(
@ -433,27 +243,6 @@ class IAMController extends Controller {
return res.api()
async delete_permission(req, res, next) {
const Permission = this.models.get('iam:Permission')
const permission = await Permission.findById(
if ( !permission?.active ) {
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:permission:${permission.target_type}:delete`) ) {
return res.status(401)
|||| = false
return res.api()
module.exports = exports = IAMController
@ -46,32 +46,6 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
return res.api(data)
async get_machines(req, res, next) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machines = await Machine.find({active: true})
const data = []
for ( const machine of machines ) {
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine:${}:view`) ) continue
data.push(await machine.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_machine_groups(req, res, next) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const groups = await MachineGroup.find({active: true})
const data = []
for ( const group of groups ) {
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine_group:${}:view`) ) continue
data.push(await group.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('ldap:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
@ -106,40 +80,6 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
return res.api(await group.to_api())
async get_machine(req, res, next) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine = await Machine.findById(
if ( !machine || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
return res.api(await machine.to_api())
async get_machine_group(req, res, next) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(
if ( !group || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine_group:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
return res.api(await group.to_api())
async create_client(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:client:create') )
return res.status(401)
@ -156,7 +96,7 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
// Make sure the uid is free
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const existing_user = await User.findOne({ uid: req.body.uid.toLowerCase() })
const existing_user = await User.findOne({ uid: req.body.uid })
if ( existing_user )
return res.status(400)
@ -173,7 +113,7 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
// Create the client
const Client = this.models.get('ldap:Client')
const client = await Client.create({
uid: req.body.uid.toLowerCase(),
uid: req.body.uid,
password: req.body.password,
@ -181,89 +121,13 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
return res.api(await client.to_api())
async create_machine(req, res, next) {
// validate inputs
const required_fields = ['name', 'description']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} ${field}`)
// Make sure the machine name is free
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const existing_machine = await Machine.findOne({ name: })
if ( existing_machine )
return res.status(400)
const machine = new Machine({
description: req.body.description,
host_name: req.body.host_name,
location: req.body.location,
if ( req.body.bind_password ) {
await machine.set_bind_password(req.body.bind_password)
if ( 'ldap_visible' in req.body ) {
machine.ldap_visible = !!req.body.ldap_visible
return res.api(await machine.to_api())
async create_machine_group(req, res, next) {
// validate inputs
const required_fields = ['name']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} ${field}`)
// Make sure the machine name is free
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const existing_group = await MachineGroup.findOne({ name: })
if ( existing_group )
return res.status(400)
const group = new MachineGroup({
description: req.body.description,
if ( 'ldap_visible' in req.body ) {
group.ldap_visible = !!req.body.ldap_visible
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine_ids = Array.isArray(req.body.machine_ids) ? req.body.machine_ids : []
group.machine_ids = []
for ( const potential of machine_ids ) {
const machine = await Machine.findOne({
_id: Machine.to_object_id(potential),
active: true,
if ( machine ) {
return res.api(await group.to_api())
async create_group(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:group:create`) )
return res.status(401)
// validate inputs
const required_fields = ['role', 'name']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
@ -346,16 +210,16 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
// Update the uid
if ( req.body.uid.toLowerCase() !== user.uid ) {
if ( req.body.uid !== user.uid ) {
// Make sure the UID is free
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const existing_user = await User.findOne({ uid: req.body.uid.toLowerCase() })
const existing_user = await User.findOne({ uid: req.body.uid })
if ( existing_user )
return res.status(400)
user.uid = req.body.uid.toLowerCase()
user.uid = req.body.uid
// Update the password
@ -376,106 +240,6 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
return res.api()
async update_machine(req, res, next) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine = await Machine.findById(
if ( !machine || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
const required_fields = ['name', 'description']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} ${field}`)
// Make sure the machine name is free
const existing_machine = await Machine.findOne({ name: })
if ( existing_machine && !== )
return res.status(400)
|||| =
machine.description = req.body.description
machine.host_name = req.body.host_name
machine.location = req.body.location
if ( req.body.bind_password ) {
await machine.set_bind_password(req.body.bind_password)
if ( 'ldap_visible' in req.body ) {
machine.ldap_visible = !!req.body.ldap_visible
return res.api(await machine.to_api())
async update_machine_group(req, res, next) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(
if ( !group || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine_group:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
const required_fields = ['name']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} ${field}`)
// Make sure the machine name is free
const existing_group = await MachineGroup.findOne({ name: })
if ( existing_group && !== )
return res.status(400)
|||| =
group.description = req.body.description
if ( 'ldap_visible' in req.body ) {
group.ldap_visible = !!req.body.ldap_visible
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine_ids = Array.isArray(req.body.machine_ids) ? req.body.machine_ids : []
group.machine_ids = []
for ( const potential of machine_ids ) {
const machine = await Machine.findOne({
_id: Machine.to_object_id(potential),
active: true,
if ( machine ) {
return res.api(await group.to_api())
async update_group(req, res, next) {
const User = await this.models.get('auth:User')
const Group = await this.models.get('ldap:Group')
@ -573,44 +337,6 @@ class LDAPController extends Controller {
return res.api()
async delete_machine(req, res, next) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine = await Machine.findById(
if ( !machine || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
|||| = false
return res.api()
async delete_machine_group(req, res, next) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(
if ( !group || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`ldap:machine_group:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
|||| = false
return res.api()
module.exports = exports = LDAPController
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ class PasswordController extends Controller {
return {
created: x.created,
expires: x.expires,
accessed: x.accessed,
name: ?? req.T('common.unnamed'),
uuid: x.uuid,
@ -91,10 +90,6 @@ class PasswordController extends Controller {
await this.activity.password_reset({ req, ip: req.ip })
if ( req.trap.has_trap() && req.trap.get_trap() === 'password_reset' ) await req.trap.end()
if ( req.session.registrant_flow ) {
await req.trap.begin('registrant_flow', { session_only: true })
// invalidate existing tokens and other logins
await req.user.logout(req)
await req.user.kickout()
@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ class ProfileController extends Controller {
last_name: user.last_name,
uid: user.uid,
tagline: user.tagline || '',
tagline: user.tagline,
login_shell: user.login_shell || '',
...(user.notify_config ? { notify_config: await user.notify_config.to_api() } : {})
@ -124,8 +123,6 @@ class ProfileController extends Controller {
async update(req, res, next) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const Message = this.models.get('Message')
const Setting = this.models.get('Setting')
let user
if ( req.params.user_id === 'me' ) user = req.user
@ -157,22 +154,14 @@ class ProfileController extends Controller {
// Update the user's profile
if ( !== && (await Setting.get('auth.require_email_verify')) ) {
await req.trap.begin('verify_email', { session_only: false })
await Message.create(req.user, 'Your e-mail address has changed, and a verification e-mail has been sent. You must complete this process to continue.')
user.first_name = req.body.first_name
user.last_name = req.body.last_name
|||| =
user.tagline = req.body.tagline
user.login_shell = req.body.login_shell
// Save the record
return res.api({
force_message_refresh: true,
return res.api()
async update_photo(req, res, next) {
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
class RadiusController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'output']
async attempt(req, res, next) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const Client = this.models.get('radius:Client')
this.output.debug('RADIUS attempt:')
if ( !req.body.username || !req.body.password ) {
this.output.error('RADIUS error: missing username or password')
const parts = String(req.body.username).split('@')
const clientId = parts.shift()
const username = parts.join('@')
const password = String(req.body.password).replace(/\0/g, '')
this.output.debug(`clientId: ${clientId}, username: ${username}, password: ${password}`)
const user = await User.findOne({ uid: username, active: true })
if ( !user ) {
this.output.error(`RADIUS error: invalid username: ${username}`)
const client = await Client.findById(clientId)
if ( !client || ! ) {
this.output.error(`RADIUS error: invalid client: ${clientId}`)
// Check if the credentials are an app_password
const app_password_verified = Array.isArray(user.app_passwords)
&& user.app_passwords.length > 0
&& await user.check_app_password(password)
// Check if the user has MFA enabled.
// If so, split the incoming password to fetch the MFA code
// e.g. normalPassword:123456
if ( !app_password_verified && user.mfa_enabled ) {
const parts = password.split(':')
const mfa_code = parts.pop()
const actual_password = parts.join(':')
// Check the credentials
if ( !(await user.check_password(actual_password)) ) {
this.output.debug(`RADIUS error: user w/ MFA provided invalid credentials`)
// Now, check the MFA code
if ( !user.mfa_token.verify(mfa_code) ) {
this.output.debug(`RADIUS error: user w/ MFA provided invalid MFA token`)
// If not MFA, just check the credentials
} else if (!app_password_verified && !await user.check_password(password)) {
this.output.debug(`RADIUS error: user w/ simple auth provided invalid credentials`)
// Check if the user has any login interrupt traps set
if ( user.trap ) {
this.output.error(`RADIUS error: user has trap: ${user.trap}`)
// Apply the appropriate IAM policy if this SAML SP is associated with an App
// If the SAML service provider has no associated application, just allow it
const associated_app = await client.application()
if ( associated_app ) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const can_access = await Policy.check_user_access(user,
if ( !can_access ) {
this.output.error(`RADIUS error: user denied IAM access`)
||||`Authenticated RADIUS user: ${user.uid} to IAM ${}`)
return res.api({ success: true })
fail(res) {
return res.status(401).api({ success: false })
async get_clients(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('radius:Client')
const clients = await Client.find({ active: true })
const data = []
for ( const client of clients ) {
if ( req.user.can(`radius:client:${}:view`) ) {
data.push(await client.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('radius:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`radius:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
return res.api(await client.to_api())
async create_client(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('radius:client:create') )
return res.status(401)
if ( ! )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} name`)
const Client = this.models.get('radius:Client')
const client = new Client({
return res.api(await client.to_api())
async update_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('radius:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`radius:client:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
if ( ! )
return res.status(400)
.message(`${req.T('api.missing_field')} name`)
|||| =
return res.api()
async delete_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('radius:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
if ( !req.user.can(`radius:client:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
|||| = false
return res.api()
module.exports = exports = RadiusController
@ -7,69 +7,15 @@ const FormController = require('flitter-auth/controllers/Forms')
class Forms extends FormController {
static get services() {
return [, 'Vue', 'models', 'jobs']
return [, 'Vue', 'models']
async registration_provider_get(req, res, next) {
if ( req.session.auth.flow ) {
req.session.registrant_flow = req.session.auth.flow
return'auth:register', {
async email_verify_keyaction(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.trap.has_trap('verify_email') ) return res.redirect(req.session.email_verify_flow || '/dash/profile')
req.user.email_verified = true
await req.trap.end()
const url = req.session.email_verify_flow || '/dash/profile'
return res.redirect(url)
async show_verify_email(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.trap.has_trap('verify_email') ) return res.redirect(req.session.email_verify_flow || '/dash/profile')
const verify_queue ='verifications')
await verify_queue.add('SendVerificationEmail', { user_id: })
return'public:message', {
message: req.T('auth.must_verify_email'),
actions: [
text: 'Send Verification E-Mail',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/auth/verify-email/sent',
async send_verify_email(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.trap.has_trap('verify_email') ) return res.redirect(req.session.email_verify_flow || '/dash/profile')
return'public:message', {
message: req.T('auth.verify_email_sent'),
actions: [
text: 'Re-send Verification E-Mail',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/auth/verify-email/sent',
async finish_registration(req, res, next) {
if ( req.trap.has_trap() && req.trap.get_trap() === 'registrant_flow' ) await req.trap.end()
const dest = req.session.registrant_flow || '/dash/profile'
return res.redirect(dest)
async login_provider_get(req, res, next) {
const Setting = this.models.get('Setting')
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const Oauth2Controller = require('flitter-auth/controllers/Oauth2')
class Oauth2 extends Oauth2Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'Vue', 'configs', 'models', 'output']
return [, 'Vue', 'configs', 'models']
async authorize_post(req, res, next) {
@ -18,24 +18,6 @@ class Oauth2 extends Oauth2Controller {
const StarshipClient = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const starship_client = await StarshipClient.findOne({ active: true, uuid: client.clientID })
// Make sure the user has IAM access before proceeding
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const application = await Application.findOne({ oauth_client_ids: })
if ( !application ) {
this.output.warn(`IAM Denial: OAuth client not associated with an application: ${}`)
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
} else if ( !(await Policy.check_user_access(req.user, ) {
this.output.warn(`IAM Denial: User ${req.user.uid} not authorized to access application: ${}`)
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
return super.authorize_post(req, res, next)
@ -44,35 +26,11 @@ class Oauth2 extends Oauth2Controller {
async authorize_get(req, res, next) {
const client = await this._get_authorize_client(req)
if ( !client ) return this._uniform(res, req.T('auth.unable_to_authorize'))
const uri = new URL(Array.isArray(req.query.redirect_uri) ? req.query.redirect_uri[0] : req.query.redirect_uri)
const uri = new URL(req.query.redirect_uri)
const StarshipClient = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const starship_client = await StarshipClient.findOne({ active: true, uuid: client.clientID })
// Make sure the user has IAM access before proceeding
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const application = await Application.findOne({ oauth_client_ids: })
if ( !application ) {
this.output.warn(`IAM Denial: OAuth client not associated with an application: ${}`)
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
} else if ( !(await Policy.check_user_access(req.user, ) {
this.output.warn(`IAM Denial: User ${req.user.uid} not authorized to access application: ${}`)
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: req.T('saml.no_access').replace('APP_NAME',,
next_destination: '/dash',
let state;
if ( state = (req.query.state || req.body.state) ) {
state = Array.isArray(state) ? state[0] : state
uri.searchParams.set('state', state)
if ( req.user.has_authorized(starship_client) ) {
return this.Vue.invoke_action(res, {
text: 'Grant Access',
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class SAMLController extends Controller {
key: await this.saml.private_key(),
protocolBinding: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect',
clearIdPSession: done => {
||||`${req.T('saml.clear_idp_session')} ${req.user.uid.toLowerCase()}`)
||||`${req.T('saml.clear_idp_session')} ${req.user.uid}`)
req.saml.participants.clear().then(async () => {
if ( this.saml.config().slo.end_coreid_session ) {
await req.user.logout(req)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class EMailJob extends Job {
const { data } = job
let { from = config.default_sender, to, subject, html = undefined, email_params = undefined } = data
||||`Sending mail to ${to}...`)
||||`Sending mail to ${to}...`)
if ( !html && email_params ) html =
@ -20,11 +20,9 @@ class EMailJob extends Job {
from, to, subject, html,
} catch (e) {
throw e
this.success(`Mail sent!`)
this.output.success(`Mail sent!`)
email({ header_text, body_paragraphs = [], button_text = '', button_link = '' }) {
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class ForeignIPLoginAlertJob extends Job {
const user = await User.findById(user_id)
if ( !user ) throw new Error('Unable to find user with ID: '+user_id)
||||'Sending foreign IP login alert to user ' + user.uid)
||||'Sending foreign IP login alert to user.')
await'mailer').add('EMail', {
@ -29,19 +29,14 @@ class ForeignIPLoginAlertJob extends Job {
||||'Logged e-mail job')
if ( user.notify_config && ) {
await user.notify_config.log({
title: `${this.configs.get('')}: Sign-In From New IP`,
message: `Someone signed into your account (${user.uid}) from the IP address ${ip}. If this was you, no further action is required.`,
||||'Logged push notification job')
} catch (e) {
throw e
@ -13,17 +13,13 @@ class PasswordResetJob extends Job {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(user_id)
if (!user) {
this.error(`Unable to find user with ID: ${user_id}`)
this.output.error(`Unable to find user with ID: ${user_id}`)
throw new Error('Unable to find user with that ID.')
||||`Resetting password for user: ${user.uid}`)
||||`Resetting password for user: ${user.uid}`)
// Create an authenticated key-action
const key_action = await this.key_action(user)
||||`Created reset keyaction ${} (key: ${key_action.key}, handler: ${key_action.handler})`)
await'mailer').add('EMail', {
subject: 'Reset Your Password | ' + this.configs.get(''),
@ -38,22 +34,17 @@ class PasswordResetJob extends Job {
||||'Logged e-mail job.')
if ( user.notify_config && ) {
await user.notify_config.log({
title: `${this.configs.get('')}: Password Reset Requested`,
message: `A password reset request was logged for your account (${user.uid}). If this was you, please check your e-mail for further instructions.`,
priority: 8,
||||'Logged security push notification job')
this.success('Password reset logged.')
this.output.success('Password reset logged.')
} catch (e) {
throw e
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class PasswordResetAlertJob extends Job {
const user = await User.findById(user_id)
if ( !user ) throw new Error('Unable to find user with ID: '+user_id)
||||'Sending password reset alert to user ' + user.uid)
||||'Sending password reset alert to user.')
await'mailer').add('EMail', {
@ -28,20 +28,15 @@ class PasswordResetAlertJob extends Job {
||||'Logged e-mail job')
if ( user.notify_config && ) {
await user.notify_config.log({
title: `${this.configs.get('')}: Password Reset`,
message: `The password to your account (${user.uid}) was reset from the IP address ${ip}. If this was not you, please contact your system administrator.`,
priority: 8,
||||'Logged push notification job')
} catch (e) {
throw e
@ -14,15 +14,14 @@ class PopulateAnnouncementJob extends Job {
const announcement = await Announcement.findById(announcement_id)
if ( !announcement ) {
this.error(`Unable to find announcement with ID: ${announcement_id}`)
this.output.error(`Unable to find announcement with ID: ${announcement_id}`)
throw new Error('Unable to find announcement with that ID.')
await announcement.populate()
this.success('Populated announcements.')
this.output.success('Populated announcements.')
} catch (e) {
throw e
@ -18,15 +18,13 @@ class PushNotifyJob extends Job {
const notify = user.notify_config
if ( !notify || ! ) throw new Error('User does not have notifications configured.')
||||`Sending notification to ${user.uid}...`)
||||`Sending notification to ${user.uid}...`)
await notify.send({ title, message, priority })
} catch (e) {
throw e
this.success(`Notification sent!`)
this.output.success(`Notification sent!`)
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
const { Job } = require('flitter-jobs')
class SendVerificationEmailJob extends Job {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'jobs', 'output', 'configs']
async execute(job) {
const {data} = job
const {user_id} = data
try {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(user_id)
if (!user) {
this.error(`Unable to find user with ID: ${user_id}`)
throw new Error('Unable to find user with that ID.')
||||`Sending verification email for user: ${user.uid}`)
// Create an authenticated key-action
const key_action = await this.key_action(user)
||||`Created verification keyaction ${} (key: ${key_action.key}, handler: ${key_action.handler})`)
await'mailer').add('EMail', {
subject: 'Confirm Your E-mail | ' + this.configs.get(''),
email_params: {
header_text: 'Confirm Your E-mail',
body_paragraphs: [
'The e-mail address for your ' + this.configs.get('') + ' was set or changed. Click the link below to verify this change.',
'If you didn\'t request this e-mail, please contact your system administrator.',
button_text: 'Confirm E-mail',
button_link: key_action.url(),
||||'Logged e-mail job.')
} catch (e) {
throw e
async key_action(user) {
const KeyAction = this.models.get('auth:KeyAction')
const ka_data = {
handler: 'controller::auth:Forms.email_verify_keyaction',
used: false,
user_id: user._id,
auto_login: true,
no_auto_logout: false,
return (new KeyAction(ka_data)).save()
module.exports = exports = SendVerificationEmailJob
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
const LDAPController = require('./LDAPController')
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
class GroupsController extends LDAPController {
static get services() {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class LDAPController extends Injectable {
const item = await this.get_resource_from_dn(req.dn)
if ( !item ) {
this.output.debug(`Bind failure: ${req.dn} not found`)
return next(new LDAP.NoSuchObjectError())
return next(new LDAP.NoSuchObject())
// If the object is can-able, make sure it can bind
@ -59,8 +59,34 @@ class LDAPController extends Injectable {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
// Check if the credentials are valid
if ( !(await item.check_credential_string(req.credentials)) ) {
// Check if the credentials are an app_password
const app_password_verified = Array.isArray(item.app_passwords)
&& item.app_passwords.length > 0
&& await item.check_app_password(req.credentials)
// Check if the user has MFA enabled.
// If so, split the incoming password to fetch the MFA code
// e.g. normalPassword:123456
if ( !app_password_verified && item.mfa_enabled ) {
const parts = req.credentials.split(':')
const mfa_code = parts.pop()
const actual_password = parts.join(':')
// Check the credentials
if ( !await item.check_password(actual_password) ) {
this.output.debug(`Bind failure: user w/ MFA provided invalid credentials`)
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError('Invalid credentials. Make sure MFA code is included at the end of your password (e.g. password:123456)'))
// Now, check the MFA code
if ( !item.mfa_token.verify(mfa_code) ) {
this.output.debug(`Bind failure: user w/ MFA provided invalid MFA token`)
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError('Invalid credentials. Verification of the MFA token failed.'))
// If not MFA, just check the credentials
} else if (!app_password_verified && !await item.check_password(req.credentials)) {
this.output.debug(`Bind failure: user w/ simple auth provided invalid credentials`)
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError())
@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
const LDAPController = require('./LDAPController')
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
class SudoController extends LDAPController {
static get services() {
return [
constructor() {
this.Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
this.User = this.models.get('auth:User')
// TODO flitter-orm chunk query
// TODO generalize scoped search logic
async search_sudo(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:search:sudo') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
const sudo_hosts = this.parse_sudo_hosts(req.filter)
const iam_targets = await this.get_targets_from_hosts(sudo_hosts)
if ( req.scope === 'base' ) {
// If scope is base, check if the base DN matches the filter.
// If so, return it. Else, return empty.
this.output.debug(`Running base DN search for sudo with DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
const user = await this.get_resource_from_dn(req.dn)
// Make sure the user is ldap visible && match the filter
if ( user && user.ldap_visible && req.filter.matches(await user.to_sudo(iam_targets)) ) {
// If so, send the object
dn: user.sudo_dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_sudo(iam_targets),
} else if ( req.scope === 'one' ) {
// If scope is one, find all entries that are the immediate
// subordinates of the base DN that match the filter.
this.output.debug(`Running one DN search for sudo with DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
// Fetch the LDAP-visible users
const users = await this.Group.sudo_directory()
for ( const user of users ) {
// Make sure the user os of the appropriate scope
if ( req.dn.equals(user.sudo_dn) || user.sudo_dn.parent().equals(req.dn) ) {
// Check if the filter matches
if ( req.filter.matches(await user.to_sudo(iam_targets)) ) {
// If so, send the object
dn: user.sudo_dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_sudo(iam_targets),
} else if ( req.scope === 'sub' ) {
// If scope is sub, find all entries that are subordinates
// of the base DN at any level and match the filter.
this.output.debug(`Running sub DN search for sudo with DN: ${req.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
// Fetch the users as LDAP objects
const users = await this.Group.sudo_directory()
for ( const user of users ) {
// Make sure the user is of appropriate scope
if ( req.dn.equals(user.sudo_dn) || req.dn.parentOf(user.sudo_dn) ) {
// Check if filter matches
if ( req.filter.matches(await user.to_sudo(iam_targets)) ) {
// If so, send the object
dn: user.sudo_dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
attributes: await user.to_sudo(iam_targets),
} else {
this.output.error(`Attempted to perform LDAP search with invalid scope: ${req.scope}`)
return next(new LDAP.OtherError('Attempted to perform LDAP search with invalid scope.'))
return next()
parse_sudo_hosts(filter, target_hosts = []) {
if ( Array.isArray(filter?.filters) ) {
for ( const sub_filter of filter.filters ) {
target_hosts = [...target_hosts, ...this.parse_sudo_hosts(sub_filter)]
} else if ( filter?.attribute ) {
if ( filter.attribute === 'sudohost' ) {
return target_hosts.filter(Boolean)
async get_targets_from_hosts(sudo_hosts) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machines = await Machine.find({
active: true,
ldap_visible: true,
host_name: {
$in: sudo_hosts.filter(x => x.toLowerCase() !== 'all' && x.indexOf('*') < 0),
return =>
get_cn_from_dn(dn) {
try {
if ( typeof dn === 'string' ) dn = LDAP.parseDN(dn)
return dn.rdns[0]
} catch (e) { console.log('Error parsing CN from DN', e) }
async get_resource_from_dn(sudo_dn) {
const cn = this.get_cn_from_dn(sudo_dn)
if ( cn ) {
return this.User.findOne({uid: cn.substr(5), ldap_visible: true})
module.exports = exports = SudoController
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
first_name: ?[0] : '',
last_name: ?[0] : '',
email: req_data.mail ? req_data.mail[0] : '',
username: req_data.uid ? req_data.uid[0].toLowerCase() : '',
username: req_data.uid ? req_data.uid[0] : '',
password: req_data.userpassword ? req_data.userpassword[0] : '',
@ -218,12 +218,10 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
// TODO flitter-orm chunk query
// TODO generalize scoped search logic
async search_people(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:search:users:me') ) {
if ( !req.user.can('ldap:search:users') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
const can_search_all = req.user.can('ldap:search:users')
const iam_targets = this.parse_iam_targets(req.filter)
if ( req.scope === 'base' ) {
// If scope is base, check if the base DN matches the filter.
@ -233,12 +231,7 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
const user = await this.get_resource_from_dn(req.dn)
// Make sure the user is ldap visible && match the filter
if (
&& user.ldap_visible
&& req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets))
&& ( === || can_search_all)
) {
if ( user && user.ldap_visible && req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets)) ) {
// If so, send the object
@ -262,7 +255,6 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
// Fetch the LDAP-visible users
const users = await this.User.ldap_directory()
for ( const user of users ) {
if ( !== && !can_search_all ) continue
// Make sure the user os of the appropriate scope
if ( req.dn.equals(user.dn) || user.dn.parent().equals(req.dn) ) {
@ -291,7 +283,6 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
for ( const user of users ) {
if ( !== && !can_search_all ) continue
this.output.debug(`Checking ${user.uid}...`)
this.output.debug(`DN: ${user.dn}`)
this.output.debug(`Req DN equals: ${req.dn.equals(user.dn)}`)
@ -299,7 +290,6 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
// Make sure the user is of appropriate scope
if ( req.dn.equals(user.dn) || req.dn.parentOf(user.dn) ) {
this.output.debug(await user.to_ldap())
this.output.debug(`Matches sub scope. Matches filter? ${req.filter.matches(await user.to_ldap(iam_targets))}`)
// Check if filter matches
@ -327,7 +317,7 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
try {
if ( typeof dn === 'string' ) dn = LDAP.parseDN(dn)
return dn.rdns[0].attrs[uid_field].value.toLowerCase()
return dn.rdns[0].attrs[uid_field].value
} catch (e) {}
@ -335,7 +325,7 @@ class UsersController extends LDAPController {
const uid = this.get_uid_from_dn(dn)
if ( uid ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
return User.findOne({uid: uid.toLowerCase(), ldap_visible: true})
return User.findOne({uid, ldap_visible: true})
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
const sudo_routes = {
prefix: false, // false | string
middleware: [
search: {
'ou=sudo': [
bind: {},
add: {},
del: {},
modify: {},
compare: {},
module.exports = exports = sudo_routes
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class ApplicationModel extends Model {
ldap_client_ids: [String],
oauth_client_ids: [String],
openid_client_ids: [String],
radius_client_ids: [String],
@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ class ApplicationModel extends Model {
ldap_client_ids: this.ldap_client_ids,
oauth_client_ids: this.oauth_client_ids,
openid_client_ids: this.openid_client_ids,
radius_client_ids: this.radius_client_ids || [],
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
class FrontEndErrorModel extends Model {
static get schema() {
return {
user_agent: String,
logged_at: { type: Date, default: () => new Date },
user_id: String,
session_id: String,
full_url: String,
trace: String,
static async log(request) {
const err = new this({
user_agent: request.get('user-agent'),
user_id: request?.user?.id,
session_id: request.sessionID,
full_url: request.body.full_url,
trace: request.body.trace,
return err
module.exports = exports = FrontEndErrorModel
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ class AppPasswordModel extends Model {
return {
hash: String,
created: { type: Date, default: () => new Date },
accessed: Date,
expires: Date,
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
name: String,
@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ class GroupModel extends Model {
return {
name: String,
user_ids: [String],
posix_user_id: String,
posix_group_id: Number,
grants_sudo: { type: Boolean, default: false },
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
ldap_visible: { type: Boolean, default: true },
@ -32,72 +29,18 @@ class GroupModel extends Model {
return await User.find({ _id: { $in: => this.constructor.to_object_id(x)) } })
async get_gid_number() {
if ( !this.posix_group_id ) {
const Setting = this.models.get('Setting')
let last_uid = await Setting.get('ldap.last_alloc_uid')
if ( last_uid < 1 ) {
last_uid = this.configs.get('ldap:server.schema.start_uid')
this.posix_group_id = last_uid + 1
await Setting.set('ldap.last_alloc_uid', this.posix_group_id)
return this.posix_group_id
async to_ldap() {
const users = await this.users()
return {
dn: this.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
objectClass: ['groupOfNames', 'posixGroup'],
gidNumber: String(await this.get_gid_number()),
objectClass: 'groupOfNames',
member: => x.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))),
static async sudo_directory() {
const groups = await this.find({ ldap_visible: true, active: true, grants_sudo: true })
let users = []
for ( const group of groups ) {
users = [...users, ...(await group.users())]
return users.filter(u => u.uid !== 'root')
static async ldap_directory() {
const User = this.prototype.models.get('auth:User')
const groups = await this.find({ ldap_visible: true, active: true })
const posix_user_ids = => group.posix_user_id)
.map(id => User.to_object_id(id))
const missing_posix_users = await User.find({
ldap_visible: true,
_id: {
$nin: posix_user_ids
for ( const user of missing_posix_users ) {
const group = new this({
name: `${user.uid} (posix)`,
user_ids: [],
posix_group_id: await user.get_uid_number(),
return groups
return this.find({ ldap_visible: true, active: true })
async to_api() {
@ -106,7 +49,6 @@ class GroupModel extends Model {
user_ids: this.user_ids,
ldap_visible: this.ldap_visible,
grants_sudo: !!this.grants_sudo,
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
last_name: String,
tagline: String,
email: String,
email_verified: {type: Boolean, default: false},
ldap_visible: {type: Boolean, default: true},
active: {type: Boolean, default: true},
mfa_token: MFAToken,
@ -39,42 +38,9 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
photo_file_id: String,
trap: String,
notify_config: NotifyConfig,
uid_number: Number,
login_shell: String,
is_default_user_for_coreid: { type: Boolean, default: false },
async grant_defaults() {
const default_user = await this.constructor.findOne({is_default_user_for_coreid: true, active: true})
this.login_shell = default_user.login_shell
this.roles = default_user.roles
this.permissions = default_user.permissions
const groups = await default_user.groups()
for ( const group of groups ) {
async get_uid_number() {
if ( !this.uid_number ) {
const Setting = this.models.get('Setting')
let last_uid = await Setting.get('ldap.last_alloc_uid')
if ( last_uid < 1 ) {
last_uid = this.configs.get('ldap:server.schema.start_uid')
this.uid_number = last_uid + 1
await Setting.set('ldap.last_alloc_uid', this.uid_number)
return this.uid_number
async photo() {
const File = this.models.get('upload::File')
return File.findById(this.photo_file_id)
@ -111,12 +77,10 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
uid: this.uid,
first_name: this.first_name,
last_name: this.last_name,
name: `${this.first_name} ${this.last_name}`,
tagline: this.tagline,
trap: this.trap,
group_ids: (await this.groups()).map(x =>,
profile_photo: `${this.configs.get('app.url')}api/v1/auth/users/${this.uid}/photo`,
@ -155,49 +119,13 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
async check_credential_string(credential) {
// Check if the credentials are an app_password
const app_password_verified = Array.isArray(this.app_passwords)
&& this.app_passwords.length > 0
&& await this.check_app_password(credential)
// Check if the user has MFA enabled.
// If so, split the incoming password to fetch the MFA code
// e.g. normalPassword:123456
if ( !app_password_verified && this.mfa_enabled ) {
const parts = credential.split(':')
const mfa_code = parts.pop()
const actual_password = parts.join(':')
// Check the credentials
if ( !await this.check_password(actual_password) ) {
return false
// Now, check the MFA code
if ( !this.mfa_token.verify(mfa_code) ) {
return false
// If not MFA, just check the credentials
} else if (!app_password_verified && !await this.check_password(credential)) {
return false
return true
async check_password(password) {
return this.get_provider().check_user_auth(this, password)
async check_app_password(password) {
for ( const pw of this.app_passwords ) {
if ( await pw.verify(password) ) {
pw.accessed = new Date
return true
if ( await pw.verify(password) ) return true
return false
@ -241,62 +169,20 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
async has_sudo() {
const groups = await this.groups()
return groups.some(group => group.grants_sudo)
async to_sudo(iam_targets = []) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const granted = []
for ( const target of iam_targets ) {
if ( await Policy.check_user_access(this, target, 'sudo') ) {
return {
objectClass: ['sudoRole'],
cn: `sudo_${this.uid.toLowerCase()}`,
sudoUser: this.uid.toLowerCase(),
...(granted.length ? {
iamtarget: granted,
sudoHost: 'ALL',
sudoRunAs: 'ALL',
sudoCommand: 'ALL',
} : {})
async to_ldap(iam_targets = []) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const uid_number = await this.get_uid_number()
const shell = this.login_shell || this.configs.get('ldap:server.schema.default_shell')
const domain = this.configs.get('ldap:server.schema.base_dc').split(',').map(x => x.replace('dc=', '')).join('.')
const group_ids = []
for ( const group of await this.groups() ) {
group_ids.push(await group.get_gid_number())
const ldap_data = {
uid: this.uid.toLowerCase(),
uid: this.uid,
uuid: this.uuid,
cn: this.first_name,
sn: this.last_name,
gecos: `${this.first_name} ${this.last_name}`,
objectClass: ['inetOrgPerson', 'person', 'posixaccount'],
objectclass: ['inetOrgPerson', 'person', 'posixaccount'],
objectClass: ['inetOrgPerson', 'person'],
entryuuid: this.uuid,
entryUUID: this.uuid,
objectGuid: this.uuid,
objectguid: this.uuid,
uidNumber: uid_number,
gidNumber: String(await this.get_uid_number()), // => String(x)),
loginShell: shell,
homeDirectory: `/home/${this.uid}@${domain}`
if ( this.tagline ) ldap_data.extras_tagline = this.tagline
@ -327,11 +213,7 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
get dn() {
return LDAP.parseDN(`uid=${this.uid.toLowerCase()},${this.ldap_server.auth_dn().format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
get sudo_dn() {
return LDAP.parseDN(`cn=sudo_${this.uid.toLowerCase()},${this.ldap_server.sudo_dn().format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
return LDAP.parseDN(`uid=${this.uid},${this.ldap_server.auth_dn().format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
// The following are used by OpenID connect
@ -345,15 +227,15 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
given_name: this.first_name,
locale: 'en_US', // TODO
name: `${this.first_name} ${this.last_name}`,
preferred_username: this.uid.toLowerCase(),
username: this.uid.toLowerCase(),
preferred_username: this.uid,
username: this.uid,
static async findByLogin(login) {
return this.findOne({
active: true,
uid: login.toLowerCase(),
uid: login,
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
class PermissionModel extends Model {
static get schema() {
return {
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
target_type: String,
permission: String
async to_api() {
return {
target_type: this.target_type,
permission: this.permission,
module.exports = exports = PermissionModel
@ -12,49 +12,39 @@ class PolicyModel extends Model {
entity_type: String, // user | group
entity_id: String,
access_type: String, // allow | deny
target_type: { type: String, default: 'application' }, // application | api_scope | machine | machine_group
target_type: { type: String, default: 'application' }, // application | api_scope
target_id: String,
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
for_permission: { type: Boolean, default: false },
permission: String,
static async check_allow(entity_id, target_id, permission = undefined) {
static async check_allow(entity_id, target_id) {
const policies = await this.find({
access_type: 'allow',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
return policies.length > 0
static async check_deny(entity_id, target_id, permission = undefined) {
static async check_deny(entity_id, target_id) {
const policies = await this.find({
access_type: 'deny',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
return policies.length === 0
static async check_entity_access(entity_id, target_id, permission = undefined) {
return (await this.check_allow(entity_id, target_id, permission)) && !(await this.check_deny(entity_id, target_id, permission))
static async check_entity_access(entity_id, target_id) {
return (await this.check_allow(entity_id, target_id)) && !(await this.check_deny(entity_id, target_id))
static async check_user_denied(user, target_id, permission = undefined) {
static async check_user_denied(user, target_id) {
const groups = await user.groups()
const group_ids = =>
@ -63,10 +53,6 @@ class PolicyModel extends Model {
access_type: 'deny',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
const group_denials = await this.find({
@ -74,92 +60,41 @@ class PolicyModel extends Model {
access_type: 'deny',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
return user_denials.length > 0 || group_denials.length > 0
static async get_all_related(target_id) {
const all = [target_id]
const Machine = this.prototype.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const MachineGroup = this.prototype.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const machine = await Machine.findById(target_id)
if ( machine?.active ) {
const groups = await MachineGroup.find({
active: true,
|||| => all.push(
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(target_id)
if ( group?.active ) {
const machines = await Machine.find({
active: true,
_id: {
$in: => Machine.to_object_id(x)),
|||| => all.push(
return all
static async check_user_access(user, target_id, permission = undefined) {
static async check_user_access(user, target_id) {
const groups = await user.groups()
const group_ids = =>
const target_ids = await this.get_all_related(target_id)
const user_approvals = await this.find({
target_id: { $in: target_ids },
access_type: 'allow',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
const user_denials = await this.find({
target_id: { $in: target_ids },
access_type: 'deny',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
const group_approvals = await this.find({
entity_id: { $in: group_ids },
target_id: { $in: target_ids },
access_type: 'allow',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
const group_denials = await this.find({
entity_id: { $in: group_ids },
target_id: { $in: target_ids },
access_type: 'deny',
active: true,
...(permission ? {
for_permission: true,
} : {})
// IF user has explicit denial, deny
@ -183,7 +118,7 @@ class PolicyModel extends Model {
if ( this.entity_type === 'user' ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(this.entity_id)
entity_display = `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid.toLowerCase()})`
entity_display = `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`
} else if ( this.entity_type === 'group' ) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const group = await Group.findById(this.entity_id)
@ -197,18 +132,6 @@ class PolicyModel extends Model {
target_display = `Application: ${}`
} else if ( this.target_type === 'api_scope' ) {
target_display = `API Scope: ${this.target_id}`
} else if ( this.target_type === 'machine' ) {
const Machine = this.models.get('ldap:Machine')
const machine = await Machine.findById(this.target_id)
target_display = `Computer: ${}`
if ( machine.host_name ) {
target_display += ` (${machine.host_name})`
} else if ( this.target_type === 'machine_group' ) {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
const group = await MachineGroup.findById(this.target_id)
target_display = `Computer Group: ${} (${group.machine_ids.length} computers)`
return {
@ -220,8 +143,6 @@ class PolicyModel extends Model {
target_type: this.target_type,
target_id: this.target_id,
for_permission: this.for_permission,
permission: this.permission,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class ClientModel extends Model {
const user = new User({
first_name: name,
last_name: '(LDAP Agent)',
uid: uid.toLowerCase(),
roles: ['ldap_client'],
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class ClientModel extends Model {
uid: user.uid.toLowerCase(),
uid: user.uid,
last_invocation: this.last_invocation,
permissions: [...user.permissions, ...role_permissions],
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
class MachineModel extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'ldap_server', 'configs']
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
bind_password: String,
description: String,
host_name: String,
location: String,
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
ldap_visible: { type: Boolean, default: true },
async to_api() {
return {
description: this.description,
host_name: this.host_name,
location: this.location,
ldap_visible: this.ldap_visible,
iam_filter: `(|(iamTarget=${}))`,
async groups() {
const MachineGroup = this.models.get('ldap:MachineGroup')
return MachineGroup.find({
active: true
async set_bind_password(password) {
this.bind_password = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)
return this
async check_bind_password(password) {
return await, this.bind_password)
get dn() {
return LDAP.parseDN(`cn=${},${this.ldap_server.machine_dn().format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
async to_ldap() {
const data = {
dn: this.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
objectClass: ['computer'],
description: this.description,
dNSHostName: this.host_name,
location: this.location,
primaryGroupID: 515, // compat with AD
sAMAccountType: 805306369, // compat with AD
return data;
module.exports = exports = MachineModel
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
const uuid = require('uuid').v4
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
class MachineGroupModel extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'ldap_server', 'configs']
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
description: String,
UUID: { type: String, default: uuid },
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
machine_ids: [String],
ldap_visible: { type: Boolean, default: true },
async to_api() {
return {
description: this.description || '',
UUID: this.UUID,
machine_ids: this.machine_ids,
ldap_visible: this.ldap_visible,
get dn() {
return LDAP.parseDN(`cn=${},${this.ldap_server.machine_group_dn().format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format'))}`)
async to_ldap() {
return {
dn: this.dn.format(this.configs.get('ldap:server.format')),
uuid: this.UUID,
description: this.description,
module.exports = exports = MachineGroupModel
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
const {v4: uuid} = require("uuid");
class Client extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
secret: {type: String, default: uuid},
active: {type: Boolean, default: true},
async application() {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
return Application.findOne({ active: true, radius_client_ids: })
async to_api() {
return {
secret: this.secret,
module.exports = exports = Client
@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ class SAMLRequestMiddleware extends Middleware {
// Verify that the issuer is known
const sp = await ServiceProvider.findOne({entity_id: data.issuer, active: true})
if (!sp)
return res.error(401, {
message: 'Unable to continue. The SAML issuer is unknown.'
return res.error(401, 'Unable to continue. The SAML issuer is unknown.')
req.saml_request = {
relay_state: req.query.RelayState || req.body.RelayState,
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class SessionParticipantStore extends Injectable {
async issue({ service_provider }) {
const sp = new this.SessionParticipant({
name_id: this.request.user.uid.toLowerCase(),
name_id: this.request.user.uid,
// session_index: this.get_index(),
slo_url: service_provider.slo_url,
// TODO sp_cert,
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