Implement OAuth2 server, link oauth:Client and auth::Oauth2Client, implement permission checks

garrettmills 4 years ago
parent 6f621f5891
commit d558f21375
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ export default class MFADisableComponent extends Component {
vue_on_create() {
this.app_name = session.get('')
async back_click() {

@ -5,52 +5,111 @@ import { resource_service } from '../service/Resource.service.js'
import { action_service } from '../service/Action.service.js'
const template = `
<div class="card col-12 col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-xl-6 offset-xl-3">
<h3 class="card-title mb-4 mt-4">
<button class="btn-lg btn" @click="back"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></button> {{ title }}
<form v-on:submit.prevent="do_nothing" v-if="is_ready">
<div class="form-group" v-for="field of definition.fields">
<span v-if="field.type.startsWith('select')">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
:readonly="mode === 'view'"
<option v-for="option of field.options" :value="option.value">{{ typeof option.display === 'function' ? option.display(option) : option.display }}</option>
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<span v-if="field.type === 'text'">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
:readonly="mode === 'view'"
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<div class="card col-12 col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-xl-6 offset-xl-3 mb-5">
<span v-if="!can_access">
<div class="row m-5">
<div class="col-12 text-center">
<h5>{{ access_msg }}</h5>
<div class="col-12 text-right mb-4 mr-0 mt-2">
<span style="color: darkred;" class="font-italic mr-3" v-if="error_message">{{ error_message }}</span>
<span class="font-italic mr-3 text-muted" v-if="other_message">{{ other_message }}</span>
class="btn btn-primary"
v-if="mode !== 'view'"
<span v-if="can_access">
<h3 class="card-title mb-4 mt-4">
<button class="btn-lg btn" @click="back"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></button> {{ title }}
<div class="row" v-if="!is_ready">
<div class="col-12 text-center pad-top mb-5">
<form v-on:submit.prevent="do_nothing" v-if="is_ready">
<div class="form-group" v-for="field of definition.fields">
v-if="field.type === 'display' && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))"
v-html="typeof field.display === 'function' ? field.display(data) : field.display"
<span v-if="field.type.startsWith('select') && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
:required="Array.isArray(field.required) ? field.required.includes(mode) : field.required"
:readonly="mode === 'view' || (Array.isArray(field.readonly) ? field.readonly.includes(mode) : field.readonly)"
v-for="option of field.options"
:selected="data[field.field] && data[field.field].includes(option.value)"
>{{ typeof option.display === 'function' ? option.display(option) : option.display }}</option>
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<span v-if="field.type === 'text' && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
:required="Array.isArray(field.required) ? field.required.includes(mode) : field.required"
:readonly="mode === 'view' || (Array.isArray(field.readonly) ? field.readonly.includes(mode) : field.readonly)"
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<span v-if="field.type === 'textarea' && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
:required="Array.isArray(field.required) ? field.required.includes(mode) : field.required"
:readonly="mode === 'view' || (Array.isArray(field.readonly) ? field.readonly.includes(mode) : field.readonly)"
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<span v-if="field.type === 'password' && (Array.isArray(field.hidden) ? !field.hidden.includes(mode) : !field.hidden) && (typeof field.if !== 'function' || field.if(data))">
<label :for="uuid+field.field">{{ }}</label>
:required="Array.isArray(field.required) ? field.required.includes(mode) : field.required"
:readonly="mode === 'view' || (Array.isArray(field.readonly) ? field.readonly.includes(mode) : field.readonly)"
:required="Array.isArray(field.required) ? field.required.includes(mode) : field.required"
:placeholder="'Confirm ' +"
:readonly="mode === 'view' || (Array.isArray(field.readonly) ? field.readonly.includes(mode) : field.readonly)"
<small class="form-text" style="color: darkred;" v-if="field.error">{{ field.error }}</small>
<div class="col-12 text-right mb-4 mr-0 mt-2">
<span style="color: darkred;" class="font-italic mr-3" v-if="error_message">{{ error_message }}</span>
<span class="font-italic mr-3 text-muted" v-if="other_message">{{ other_message }}</span>
class="btn btn-primary"
v-if="mode !== 'view'"
@ -80,6 +139,9 @@ export default class FormComponent extends Component {
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
access_msg = ''
can_access = false
is_ready = false
mode = ''
id = ''
@ -99,47 +161,60 @@ export default class FormComponent extends Component {
this.mode = this.initial_mode = this.form_id
this.resource_class = await resource_service.get(this.resource)
if ( await this.resource_class.can(this.mode) ) {
this.can_access = true
this.access_msg = true
} else {
this.can_access = false
this.access_msg = 'Sorry, you do not have permission to ' + this.mode + ' this resource.'
} else {
this.uuid = utility.uuid()
await this.load()
await this.init()
await this.load()
async init() {
this.definition = this.resource_class.form_definition
for ( const field of this.definition.fields ) {
if ( field.type.startsWith('select.dynamic') ) {
field._options = field._options || field.options
const rsc = await resource_service.get(field._options.resource)
const other_params = field._options.other_params || {}
field.options = (await rsc.list()).map(item => {
field.options = (await rsc.list(other_params)).map(item => {
return {
display: typeof field._options.display === 'function' ? field._options.display(item) : item[field._options.display || 'display'],
value: typeof field._options.value === 'function' ? field._options.value(item) : item[field._options.value || 'display'],
if ( field.type.endsWith('.multiple') ) {[field.field] = []
this.is_ready = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
if ( this.mode !== 'view' ) this.$refs.input[0].focus()
async load() {
this.definition = this.resource_class.form_definition
if (this.mode !== 'insert') { = await this.resource_class.get(
for ( const field of this.definition.fields ) {
if ( field.type.endsWith('.multiple') && ![field.field] ) {[field.field] = []
this.title = title_map[this.mode] + ' ' + this.resource_class.item
this.is_ready = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
if ( this.mode !== 'view' ) this.$refs.input[0].focus()
async on_create() {
@ -171,9 +246,12 @@ export default class FormComponent extends Component {
validate() {
let valid = true
for ( const field of this.definition.fields ) {
if ( field.required && (!(field.field in || ![field.field]) ) {
if ( (Array.isArray(field.required) ? field.required.includes(this.mode) : field.required) && (!(field.field in || ![field.field]) ) {
field.error = 'This field is required.'
valid = false
} else if ( field.type === 'password' &&[field.field] !==[field.field + '-confirm'] ) {
field.error = + ' confirmation does not match.'
valid = false
} else {
field.error = ''

@ -1,49 +1,62 @@
import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js'
import { action_service } from '../service/Action.service.js'
import { message_service } from '../service/Message.service.js'
import { resource_service } from '../service/Resource.service.js'
const template = `
<div class="row mb-4">
<div class="col-10"><h3>{{ resource_class.plural }}</h3></div>
<div class="col-2 text-right" v-if="definition.actions">
:class="['btn', 'btn-'+(action.color || 'secondary'), 'btn-sm']"
v-for="action of definition.actions"
@click="perform($event, action)"
v-if="action.position === 'main'"
>{{ action.text }}</button>
<span v-if="!can_access">
<div class="row m-5">
<div class="col-12 text-center">
<h4 class="pad-top">{{ access_msg }}</h4>
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col" v-for="col of definition.columns">{{ }}</th>
<th scope="col"></th>
<tr v-for="(row, index) of data">
<th scope="row">{{ index + 1 }}</th>
<td v-for="col of definition.columns">
<span v-if="typeof col.renderer === 'function'">{{ col.renderer(row[col.field]) }}</span>
<span v-if="col.renderer === 'boolean'">{{ row[col.field] ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}</span>
<span v-if="col.renderer !== 'boolean' && typeof col.renderer !== 'function'">{{ col.field in row ? row[col.field] : '-' }}</span>
:class="['mr-2', 'btn', 'btn-sm', 'btn-'+(action.color || 'secondary')]"
v-for="action of definition.actions"
v-if="action.position === 'row'"
@click="perform($event, action, row)"
><i :class="action.icon" v-if="action.icon"></i> {{ action.text }}</button>
<span v-if="can_access">
<div class="row mb-4">
<div class="col-10"><h3>{{ resource_class.plural }}</h3></div>
<div class="col-2 text-right" v-if="definition.actions">
:class="['btn', 'btn-'+(action.color || 'secondary'), 'btn-sm']"
v-for="action of definition.actions"
@click="perform($event, action)"
v-if="action.position === 'main'"
>{{ action.text }}</button>
<div class="row mb-4" v-if="definition.display">
<div class="col-12" v-html="definition.display"></div>
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col" v-for="col of definition.columns">{{ }}</th>
<th scope="col"></th>
<tr v-for="(row, index) of data">
<th scope="row">{{ index + 1 }}</th>
<td v-for="col of definition.columns">
<span v-if="typeof col.renderer === 'function'">{{ col.renderer(row[col.field]) }}</span>
<span v-if="col.renderer === 'boolean'">{{ row[col.field] ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}</span>
<span v-if="col.renderer !== 'boolean' && typeof col.renderer !== 'function'">{{ col.field in row ? row[col.field] : '-' }}</span>
:class="['mr-2', 'btn', 'btn-sm', 'btn-'+(action.color || 'secondary')]"
v-for="action of definition.actions"
v-if="action.position === 'row'"
@click="perform($event, action, row)"
><i :class="action.icon" v-if="action.icon"></i> {{ action.text }}</button>
@ -56,17 +69,23 @@ export default class ListingComponent extends Component {
data = []
resource_class = {}
access_msg = ''
can_access = false
async vue_on_create() {
// Load the resource
const resource_mod = await import(`../resource/${this.resource}.resource.js`)
if ( !resource_mod )
throw new Error('Unable to load Cobalt listing resource.')
this.resource_class = await resource_service.get(this.resource)
const rsc_name = this.resource.toLowerCase().replace(/\//g, '_')
if ( !resource_mod[rsc_name] )
throw new Error('Unable to extract resource object from module.')
// Make sure we have permission
if ( !(await this.resource_class.can('list')) ) {
this.access_msg = 'Sorry, you do not have permission to view this resource.'
this.can_access = false
} else {
this.access_msg = ''
this.can_access = true
this.resource_class = resource_mod[rsc_name]
await this.load()

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ const template = `
<h6 class="dropdown-header">Hello, {{ first_name }}.</h6>
<a href="/dash/profile" class="dropdown-item">My Profile</a>
<a href="/dash/c/listing/reflect/Token" v-if="can.api_tokens" class="dropdown-item">API Tokens</a>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a href="/auth/logout" class="dropdown-item">Sign-Out of {{ app_name }}</a>
@ -51,6 +52,8 @@ export default class NavBarComponent extends Component {
static get template() { return template }
static get props() { return [] }
can = {}
constructor() {
this.toggle_event = event_bus.event('sidebar.toggle')
@ -59,6 +62,10 @@ export default class NavBarComponent extends Component {
this.app_name = session.get('')
async vue_on_create() {
this.can.api_tokens = await session.check_permissions('v1:reflect:tokens:list')
toggle_sidebar() {

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js'
import { event_bus } from '../service/EventBus.service.js'
import { action_service } from '../service/Action.service.js'
import { resource_service } from '../service/Resource.service.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
const template = `
<div class="bg-light border-right coreid-sidebar-wrapper" id="sidebar-wrapper" v-bind:class="{ collapsed: isCollapsed }">
@ -23,7 +25,9 @@ export default class SideBarComponent extends Component {
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
static get template() { return template }
actions = [
actions = []
possible_actions = [
text: 'Profile',
action: 'redirect',
@ -31,23 +35,45 @@ export default class SideBarComponent extends Component {
text: 'Users',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/users',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'auth/User',
text: 'Groups',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/c/listing/ldap/Group',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'auth/Group',
text: 'Applications',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'App',
text: 'IAM Policy',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'iam/Policy',
text: 'LDAP Clients',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/c/listing/ldap/Client',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'ldap/Client',
text: 'OAuth2 Clients',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'oauth/Client',
text: 'SAML Service Providers',
action: 'redirect',
next: '/dash/c/listing/saml/Provider',
action: 'list',
type: 'resource',
resource: 'saml/Provider',
text: 'Settings',
@ -63,6 +89,32 @@ export default class SideBarComponent extends Component {
async vue_on_create() {
const new_actions = []
const perm_lookups = []
for ( const action of this.possible_actions ) {
if ( action.resource ) {
action.rsc = await resource_service.get(action.resource)
const perms = await session.check_permissions(...perm_lookups)
for ( const action of this.possible_actions ) {
if ( action.resource ) {
if ( perms[`${action.rsc.permission_base}:list`] ) {
} else {
this.actions = new_actions
isCollapsed = false
toggle() {

@ -175,8 +175,6 @@ export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component {
this.form_message = 'Saving...'
console.log('profile form', this)
get_submit_data() {

@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ export default class AppPasswordFormComponent extends Component {
vue_on_create() {
this.uuid = utility.uuid()
async on_name_change(event) {

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import CRUDBase from './CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
class AppResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/applications'
required_fields = ['name', 'identifier']
permission_base = 'v1:applications'
item = 'Application'
plural = 'Applications'
listing_definition = {
display: `
An application is anything that can authenticate users against ${session.get('')}. Applications can have any number of associated LDAP clients, SAML service providers, and OAuth2 clients.
columns: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
name: 'Identifier',
field: 'identifier',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Identifier',
field: 'identifier',
placeholder: 'awesome_app',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Description',
field: 'description',
type: 'textarea',
name: 'Associated LDAP Clients',
field: 'ldap_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'ldap/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated OAuth2 Clients',
field: 'oauth_client_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'oauth/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
name: 'Associated SAML Service Providers',
field: 'saml_service_provider_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'saml/Provider',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
const app = new AppResource()
export { app }

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import APIParseError from './APIParseError.js'
import { session } from '../service/Session.service.js'
export default class CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1'
required_fields = []
permission_base = ''
listing_definition = {}
form_definition = {}
@ -10,14 +12,18 @@ export default class CRUDBase {
item = ''
plural = ''
async list() {
const results = await axios.get(this._endpoint())
async can(action) {
return session.check_permissions(`${this.permission_base}:${action}`)
async list(other_params = {}) {
const results = await axios.get(this._endpoint(), { params: other_params })
if ( results && && Array.isArray( ) return
else throw new APIParseError()
async get(id) {
const results = await axios.get(this._endpoint(id))
async get(id, other_params = {}) {
const results = await axios.get(this._endpoint(id), { params: other_params })
if ( results && && ) return
else throw new APIParseError()
@ -40,8 +46,8 @@ export default class CRUDBase {
await axios.patch(this._endpoint(id), properties)
async delete(id) {
await axios.delete(this._endpoint(id))
async delete(id, other_params = {}) {
await axios.delete(this._endpoint(id), { params: other_params })
_endpoint(sub = '/') {

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class GroupResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/groups'
required_fields = ['name']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:groups'
item = 'Group'
plural = 'Groups'
listing_definition = {
display: `
In ${session.get('')}, groups are simply a tool for organizing users and assigning permissions and access in bulk. After creating and assigning users to a group, you can manage permissions for that group, and its policies will be applied to all users in that group.
columns: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
name: '# of Users',
field: 'user_ids',
renderer: (user_ids) => Array.isArray(user_ids) ? user_ids.length : 0,
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Some Cool Users',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Users',
field: 'user_ids',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: (user) => `${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
const auth_group = new GroupResource()
export { auth_group }

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class RoleResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/roles'
required_fields = ['role', 'permissions']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:roles'
item = 'Role'
plural = 'Roles'

@ -1,11 +1,106 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class UserResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/auth/users'
required_fields = ['uid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password']
required_fields = ['uid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
permission_base = 'v1:auth:users'
item = 'User'
plural = 'Users'
listing_definition = {
display: `
Users can be assigned permissions and, if granted, can manage their ${session.get('')} accounts from the Profile page, as well as login to the external applications they've been given access to.
columns: [
name: 'UID',
field: 'uid',
name: 'Last Name',
field: 'last_name',
name: 'First Name',
field: 'first_name',
name: 'E-Mail',
field: 'email',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'First Name',
field: 'first_name',
placeholder: 'John',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Last Name',
field: 'last_name',
placeholder: 'Doe',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Username',
field: 'uid',
placeholder: 'john.doe',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'E-Mail',
field: 'email',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Tagline',
field: 'tagline',
type: 'text',
name: 'Password',
field: 'password',
type: 'password',
placeholder: 'Password',
required: ['insert'],
const auth_user = new UserResource()

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class PolicyResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/iam/policy'
required_fields = ['entity_id', 'entity_type', 'target_id', 'target_type', 'access_type']
permission_base = 'v1:iam:policy'
item = 'IAM Policy'
plural = 'IAM Policies'
listing_definition = {
display: `
Identity & Access Management (IAM) policies give you fine grained control over which ${session.get('')} users and groups are allowed to access which applications.
An IAM policy has three parts. First, is the subject. The subject is who the policy applies to and is either a user or a group. The second part is the access type. This is either an allowance or a denial. That is, the policy either grants a subject access to a resource, or explicitly denies them access. The final part of the policy is the target. This is the application that the subject is being granted or denied access to.
Note that IAM policies can be overlapping. So, ${session.get('')}'s policy engine follows a few basic rules when deciding what policies take precedence:
<li>User policy takes precedence over group policy.</li>
<li>Denials take precedence over approvals.</li>
<li>Denials by default.</li>
This means, for example, that if a user's group is allowed access, but a user is denied access, the user will be denied access. Likewise, if there are two policies for a subject, one granting them access and one denying them access, the denial will take precedence.
columns: [
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_display',
name: 'Access Type',
field: 'access_type',
renderer: access_type => access_type === 'deny' ? ' denied access to...' : ' granted access to...',
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_display',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Subject Type',
field: 'entity_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: 'User', value: 'user' },
{ display: 'Group', value: 'group' },
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/User',
display: user => `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`,
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'user',
name: 'Subject',
field: 'entity_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'auth/Group',
display: group => `Group: ${} (${group.user_ids.length} users)`,
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.entity_type === 'group',
name: 'Access Type',
field: 'access_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: ' granted access to...', value: 'allow' },
{ display: ' denied access to...', value: 'deny' },
name: 'Target Type',
field: 'target_type',
required: true,
type: 'select',
options: [
{ display: 'Application', value: 'application' },
name: 'Target',
field: 'target_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'App',
display: 'name',
value: 'id',
if: (form_data) => form_data.target_type === 'application'
const iam_policy = new PolicyResource()
export { iam_policy }

@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/clients'
required_fields = ['name', 'uid', 'password']
permission_base = 'v1:ldap:clients'
item = 'LDAP Client'
plural = 'LDAP Clients'
listing_definition = {
display: `
LDAP Clients are special user accounts that external applications can use to bind to ${session.get('')}'s built-in LDAP server to allow these applications to authenticate users.
These special accounts are permitted to bind to the LDAP server, but are not allowed to sign-in to ${session.get('')}.
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
@ -33,6 +40,14 @@ class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class GroupResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/ldap/groups'
required_fields = ['name', 'role']
permission_base = 'v1:ldap:groups'
item = 'LDAP Group'
plural = 'LDAP Groups'

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js';
class ClientResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/oauth/clients'
required_fields = ['name', 'redirect_url', 'api_scopes']
permission_base = 'v1:oauth:clients'
item = 'OAuth2 Client'
plural = 'OAuth2 Clients'
listing_definition = {
display: `
OAuth2 clients are applications that support authentication over the OAuth2 protocol. This allows you to add a "Sign-In with XXX" button for ${session.get('')} to the application in question. To do this, you need to create an OAuth2 client for that application, and provide the name, redirect URL, and API scopes.
You must select the API scopes to grant this OAuth2 client. This defines what ${session.get('')} endpoints the application is allowed to access. For most applications, granting the <code>v1:api:users:get</code> and <code>v1:api:groups:get</code> API scopes should be sufficient.
This method can also be used to access the API for other purposes. Hence, the expansive API scopes. ${session.get('')} uses Flitter-Auth's built-in OAuth2 server under the hood, so you can find details on how to configure the OAuth2 clients <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a>
columns: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
name: '# of Scopes',
field: 'api_scopes',
renderer: (api_scopes) => api_scopes.length,
name: 'Redirect URL',
field: 'redirect_url',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client Name',
field: 'name',
placeholder: 'Awesome External App',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'Redirect URL',
field: 'redirect_url',
placeholder: '',
required: true,
type: 'text',
name: 'API Scopes',
field: 'api_scopes',
type: 'select.dynamic.multiple',
options: {
resource: 'reflect/Scope',
display: 'scope',
value: 'scope',
required: true,
name: 'Client ID',
field: 'uuid',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Client Secret',
field: 'secret',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
const oauth_client = new ClientResource()
export { oauth_client }

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class ScopeResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/reflect/scopes'
required_fields = ['scope']
permission_base = 'v1:reflect:scopes'
item = 'API Scope'
plural = 'API Scopes'
const reflect_scope = new ScopeResource()
export { reflect_scope }

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
class TokenResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/reflect/tokens'
required_fields = ['client_id']
permission_base = 'v1:reflect:tokens'
item = 'API Token'
plural = 'API Tokens'
listing_definition = {
display: `
This allows you to create bearer tokens manually to allow for easier testing of the API. Notably, this is meant as a measure for testing and development, not for long term use.
If you have an application that needs to regularly interact with the API, set it up as an <a href="/dash/c/listing/oauth/Client">OAuth2 Client</a>. Manually-created tokens expire 7 days after their creation.
columns: [
name: 'Token',
field: 'token',
name: 'Client',
field: 'client_display',
name: 'Expires',
field: 'expires',
actions: [
type: 'resource',
position: 'main',
action: 'insert',
text: 'Create New',
color: 'success',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'update',
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,
form_definition = {
fields: [
name: 'Client',
field: 'client_id',
required: true,
type: 'select.dynamic',
options: {
resource: 'oauth/Client',
display: 'name',
value: 'uuid',
name: 'Bearer Token',
field: 'token',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
name: 'Expires',
field: 'expires',
type: 'text',
readonly: true,
hidden: ['insert'],
const reflect_token = new TokenResource()
export { reflect_token }

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
import CRUDBase from '../CRUDBase.js'
import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js'
class ProviderResource extends CRUDBase {
endpoint = '/api/v1/saml/providers'
required_fields = ['name', 'acs_url', 'entity_id']
permission_base = 'v1:saml:providers'
item = 'SAML Service Provider'
plural = 'SAML Service Providers'
listing_definition = {
display: `SAML Service Providers are applications that support external authentication to a SAML Identity Provider. In this case, ${session.get('')} is the identity provider, so these external applications can authenticate against it.
To do this, you need to know the SAML service provider's entity ID, assertion consumer service URL, and single-logout URL (if supported).`,
columns: [
name: 'Provider Name',
@ -42,6 +47,14 @@ class ProviderResource extends CRUDBase {
icon: 'fa fa-edit',
color: 'primary',
type: 'resource',
position: 'row',
action: 'delete',
icon: 'fa fa-times',
color: 'danger',
confirm: true,

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ class Session {
parent[parts.reverse()[0]] = value
async check_permissions(...permissions) {
const result = await'/api/v1/reflect/check_permissions', { permissions })
if ( permissions.length === 1 ) return[permissions[0]]
const session = new Session()

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
class AppController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'utility']
async get_applications(req, res, next) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const applications = await Application.find({ active: true })
const data = []
for ( const app of applications ) {
if ( req.user.can(`app:${}:view`) ) {
data.push(await app.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_application(req, res, next) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const application = await Application.findById(
if ( !application || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Application not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`app:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
return res.api(await application.to_api())
async create_application(req, res, next) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
if ( !req.user.can('app:create') )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['name', 'identifier']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
// Make sure the identifier is properly formatted
if ( !(new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')).test(req.body.identifier) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Improperly formatted field: identifier (alphanumeric with underscores only)')
// Make sure the identifier is unique
const existing_app = await Application.findOne({ identifier: req.body.identifier })
if ( existing_app )
return res.status(400)
.message('An Application with that identifier already exists.')
const application = new Application({
identifier: req.body.identifier,
description: req.body.description,
// Verify LDAP client IDs
const LDAPClient = this.models.get('ldap:Client')
if ( req.body.ldap_client_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.ldap_client_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.ldap_client_ids) : req.body.ldap_client_ids
const ldap_client_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of ldap_client_ids ) {
const client = await LDAPClient.findById(id)
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`ldap:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Invalid ldap_client_id: ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ ldap_client_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app )
return res.status(400)
.message(`The LDAP client ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.ldap_client_ids = ldap_client_ids
// Verify OAuth client IDs
const OAuthClient = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
if ( req.body.oauth_client_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.oauth_client_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.oauth_client_ids) : req.body.oauth_client_ids
const oauth_client_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of oauth_client_ids ) {
const client = await OAuthClient.findById(id)
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Invalid oauth_client_id: ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ oauth_client_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app )
return res.status(400)
.message(`The OAuth2 client ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.oauth_client_ids = oauth_client_ids
// Verify SAML service provider IDs
const ServiceProvider = this.models.get('saml:ServiceProvider')
if ( req.body.saml_service_provider_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.saml_service_provider_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.saml_service_provider_ids) : req.body.saml_service_provider_ids
const saml_service_provider_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of saml_service_provider_ids ) {
const provider = await ServiceProvider.findById(id)
if ( !provider || ! || !req.user.can(`saml:provider:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Invalid saml_service_provider_id: ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ saml_service_provider_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app )
return res.status(400)
.message(`The SAML service provider ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.saml_service_provider_ids = saml_service_provider_ids
return res.api(await application.to_api())
async update_application(req, res, next) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const application = await Application.findById(
if ( !application || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Application not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`app:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['name', 'identifier']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
// Make sure the identifier is properly formatted
if ( !(new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')).test(req.body.identifier) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Improperly formatted field: identifier (alphanumeric with underscores only)')
// Make sure the identifier is unique
const existing_app = await Application.findOne({ identifier: req.body.identifier })
if ( existing_app && !== )
return res.status(400)
.message('An Application with that identifier already exists.')
// Verify LDAP client IDs
const LDAPClient = this.models.get('ldap:Client')
if ( req.body.ldap_client_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.ldap_client_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.ldap_client_ids) : req.body.ldap_client_ids
const ldap_client_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of ldap_client_ids ) {
const client = await LDAPClient.findById(id)
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`ldap:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Invalid ldap_client_id: ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ ldap_client_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app && !== )
return res.status(400)
.message(`The LDAP client ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.ldap_client_ids = ldap_client_ids
} else application.ldap_client_ids = []
// Verify OAuth client IDs
const OAuthClient = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
if ( req.body.oauth_client_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.oauth_client_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.oauth_client_ids) : req.body.oauth_client_ids
const oauth_client_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of oauth_client_ids ) {
const client = await OAuthClient.findById(id)
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Invalid oauth_client_id: ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ oauth_client_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app && !== )
return res.status(400)
.message(`The OAuth2 client ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.oauth_client_ids = oauth_client_ids
} else application.oauth_client_ids = []
// Verify SAML service provider IDs
const ServiceProvider = this.models.get('saml:ServiceProvider')
if ( req.body.saml_service_provider_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.saml_service_provider_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.saml_service_provider_ids) : req.body.saml_service_provider_ids
const saml_service_provider_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const id of saml_service_provider_ids ) {
const provider = await ServiceProvider.findById(id)
if ( !provider || ! || !req.user.can(`saml:provider:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Invalid saml_service_provider_id: ${id}`)
const other_assoc_app = await Application.findOne({ saml_service_provider_ids: })
if ( other_assoc_app && !== )
return res.status(400)
.message(`The SAML service provider ${} is already associated with an existing application (${}).`)
application.saml_service_provider_ids = saml_service_provider_ids
} else application.saml_service_provider_ids = [] =
application.identifier = req.body.identifier
application.description = req.body.description
return res.api(await application.to_api())
async delete_application(req, res, next) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const application = await Application.findById(
if ( !application || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Application not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`app:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
.api() = false
return res.api()
module.exports = exports = AppController

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
const zxcvbn = require('zxcvbn')
class AuthController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models', 'auth', 'MFA', 'output', 'configs']
return [, 'models', 'auth', 'MFA', 'output', 'configs', 'utility']
async get_users(req, res, next) {
@ -18,6 +19,20 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
return res.api(data)
async get_groups(req, res, next) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const groups = await Group.find({active: true})
const data = []
for ( const group of groups ) {
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:group:${}:view`) ) continue
data.push(await group.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_roles(req, res, next) {
const role_config = this.configs.get('auth.roles')
const data = []
@ -32,6 +47,291 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
return res.api(data)
async get_group(req, res, next) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const group = await Group.findById(
if ( !group || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Group not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:group:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
return res.api(await group.to_api())
async get_user(req, res, next) {
if ( === 'me' )
return res.api(await req.user.to_api())
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(
if ( !user )
return res.status(404)
.message('User not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
return res.api(await user.to_api())
async create_group(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:group:create`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
if ( ! )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: name')
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
// Make sure the name is free
const existing_group = await Group.findOne({ name: })
if ( existing_group )
return res.status(400)
.message('A group with that name already exists.')
const group = new Group({ name: })
// Validate user ids
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
if ( req.body.user_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.user_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.user_ids) : req.body.user_ids
const user_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const user_id of user_ids ) {
const user = await User.findById(user_id)
if ( !user )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid user_id.')
group.user_ids = user_ids
return res.api(await group.to_api())
async create_user(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('auth:user:create') )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['uid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
// Make sure uid & email are unique
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const unique_fields = ['uid', 'email']
for ( const field of unique_fields ) {
const filter = {}
filter[field] = req.body[field]
const existing_user = await User.findOne(filter)
if ( existing_user )
return res.status(400)
.message(`A user already exists with that ${field}`)
// Verify password complexity
const min_score = 3
const result = zxcvbn(req.body.password)
if ( result.score < min_score )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Password does not meet the minimum complexity score of ${min_score}.`)
const user = new User({
uid: req.body.uid,
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
if ( req.body.tagline )
user.tagline = req.body.tagline
await user.reset_password(req.body.password, 'create')
return res.api(await user.to_api())
async update_group(req, res, next) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const group = await Group.findById(
if ( !group )
return res.status(404)
.message('Group not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:group:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
if ( ! )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: name')
// Make sure the group name is unique
const existing_group = await Group.findOne({ name: })
if ( existing_group && !== )
return res.status(400)
.message('A group with that name already exists.')
// Validate user_ids
if ( req.body.user_ids ) {
const parsed = typeof req.body.user_ids === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.user_ids) : req.body.user_ids
const user_ids = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
for ( const user_id of user_ids ) {
const user = await User.findById(user_id)
if ( !user )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid user_id.')
group.user_ids = user_ids
} else {
group.user_ids = []
} =
return res.api()
async update_user(req, res, next) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(
if ( !user )
return res.status(404)
.message('User not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['uid', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
// Make sure the uid/email are unique
const unique_fields = ['uid', 'email']
for ( const field of unique_fields ) {
const filter = {}
filter[field] = req.body[field]
const existing_user = await User.findOne(filter)
if ( existing_user && !== )
return res.status(400)
.message(`A user already exists with that ${field}`)
// Verify password complexity
if ( req.body.password ) {
const min_score = 3
const result = zxcvbn(req.body.password)
if (result.score < min_score)
return res.status(400)
.message(`Password does not meet the minimum complexity score of ${min_score}.`)
await user.reset_password(req.body.password, 'api')
user.first_name = req.body.first_name
user.last_name = req.body.last_name
user.uid = req.body.uid =
if ( req.body.tagline )
user.tagline = req.body.tagline
user.tagline = ''
return res.api()
async delete_group(req, res, next) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const group = await Group.findById(
if ( !group )
return res.status(404)
.message('Group not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:group:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
.api() = false
return res.api()
async delete_user(req, res, next) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(
if ( !user )
return res.status(404)
.message('User not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
// check if the user is an LDAP client. if so, delete the client
const Client = this.models.get('ldap:Client')
const matching_client = await Client.findOne({ user_id: })
if ( matching_client ) { = false
} = false
await user.kickout()
return res.api()
async validate_username(req, res, next) {
let is_valid = true
@ -73,6 +373,18 @@ class AuthController extends Controller {
success: false,
// Make sure the user can sign in.
// Sign-in is NOT allowed for LDAP clients
const Client = this.models.get('ldap:Client')
const client = await Client.findOne({ user_id: })
if ( client )
return res.status(200)
.message(`Invalid username or password.`)
message: `Invalid username or password.`,
success: false,
if ( req.body.create_session )
await flitter.session(req, user)

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
class IAMController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
async check_entity_access(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
if ( !req.body.entity_id && !req.body.target_id )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing one or more required fields: entity_id, target_id')
return res.api(await Policy.check_entity_access(req.body.entity_id, req.body.target_id))
async check_user_access(req, res, next) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
if ( !req.body.target_id )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: target_id')
let user = req.user
if ( req.body.user_id && req.body.user_id !== 'me' )
user = await User.findById(req.body.user_id)
if ( !user )
return res.status(404)
.message('User not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
return res.api(await Policy.check_user_access(user, req.body.target_id))
async get_policies(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policies = await Policy.find({ active: true })
const data = []
for ( const policy of policies ) {
if ( req.user.can(`iam:policy:${}:view`) ) {
data.push(await policy.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policy = await Policy.findById(
if ( !policy )
return res.status(404)
.message('Policy not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:policy:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
return res.api(await policy.to_api())
async create_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const required_fields = ['entity_type', 'entity_id', 'access_type', 'target_type', 'target_id']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
if ( !['user', 'group'].includes(req.body.entity_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid entity_type. Must be one of: user, group.')
// Make sure the entity_id is valid
if ( req.body.entity_type === 'user' ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(req.body.entity_id)
if ( !user || !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid entity_id.')
} else if ( req.body.entity_type === 'group' ) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const group = await Group.findById(req.body.entity_id)
if ( !group || ! || !req.user.can(`auth:group:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid entity_id.')
if ( !['allow', 'deny'].includes(req.body.access_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid access_type. Must be one of: allow, deny.')
if ( !['application'].includes(req.body.target_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid target_type. Must be one of: application.')
// Make sure the target_id is valid
if ( req.body.target_type === 'application' ) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const app = await Application.findById(req.body.target_id)
if ( !app || ! || !req.user.can(`app:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid target_id.')
const policy = new Policy({
entity_type: req.body.entity_type,
entity_id: req.body.entity_id,
access_type: req.body.access_type,
target_type: req.body.target_type,
target_id: req.body.target_id,
return res.api(await policy.to_api())
async update_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policy = await Policy.findById(
if ( !policy || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Policy not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:policy:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['entity_type', 'entity_id', 'access_type', 'target_type', 'target_id']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
if ( !['user', 'group'].includes(req.body.entity_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid entity_type. Must be one of: user, group.')
// Make sure the entity_id is valid
if ( req.body.entity_type === 'user' ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(req.body.entity_id)
if ( !user || !req.user.can(`auth:user:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid entity_id.')
} else if ( req.body.entity_type === 'group' ) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const group = await Group.findById(req.body.entity_id)
if ( !group || ! || !req.user.can(`auth:group:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid entity_id.')
if ( !['allow', 'deny'].includes(req.body.access_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid access_type. Must be one of: allow, deny.')
if ( !['application'].includes(req.body.target_type) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid target_type. Must be one of: application.')
// Make sure the target_id is valid
if ( req.body.target_type === 'application' ) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const app = await Application.findById(req.body.target_id)
if ( !app || ! || !req.user.can(`app:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid target_id.')
policy.entity_type = req.body.entity_type
policy.entity_id = req.body.entity_id
policy.access_type = req.body.access_type
policy.target_type = req.body.target_type
policy.target_id = req.body.target_id
return res.api()
async delete_policy(req, res, next) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const policy = await Policy.findById(
if ( !policy || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Policy not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`iam:policy:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
.api() = false
return res.api()
module.exports = exports = IAMController

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
const is_absolute_url = require('is-absolute-url')
class OAuthController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
async get_clients(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const clients = await Client.find({ active: true })
const data = []
for ( const client of clients ) {
if ( req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:view`) ) {
data.push(await client.to_api())
return res.api(data)
async get_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Client not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
return res.api(await client.to_api())
async create_client(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.user.can('oauth:client:create') )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['name', 'api_scopes', 'redirect_url']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
if ( !Array.isArray(req.body.api_scopes) ) {
return res.status(400)
.message(`Improperly formatted field: api_scopes (should be array)`)
if ( !is_absolute_url(req.body.redirect_url) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Improperly formatted field: redirect_url (should be absolute URL)`)
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const client = new Client({
api_scopes: req.body.api_scopes,
redirect_url: req.body.redirect_url,
return res.api(await client.to_api())
async update_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Client not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:update`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const required_fields = ['name', 'api_scopes', 'redirect_url']
for ( const field of required_fields ) {
if ( !req.body[field] )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Missing required field: ${field}`)
if ( !Array.isArray(req.body.api_scopes) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Improperly formatted field: api_scopes (should be array)`)
if ( !is_absolute_url(req.body.redirect_url) )
return res.status(400)
.message(`Improperly formatted field: redirect_url (should be absolute URL)`)
.api() =
client.api_scopes = req.body.api_scopes
client.redirect_url = req.body.redirect_url
return res.api()
async delete_client(req, res, next) {
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const client = await Client.findById(
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(404)
.message('Client not found with that ID.')
if ( !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:delete`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
.api() = false
return res.api()
module.exports = exports = OAuthController

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
const { Controller } = require('libflitter')
const uuid = require('uuid/v4')
class ReflectController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'routers', 'models']
async get_tokens(req, res, next) {
const Oauth2BearerToken = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2BearerToken')
const tokens = await Oauth2BearerToken.find({
expires: { $gt: new Date },
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const data = []
for ( const token of tokens ) {
const client = await Client.findOne({ uuid: token.clientID })
let client_display = client && ? : '(Non-existent Client)'
token: token.accessToken,
client_id: token.clientID,
expires: token.expires,
user_id: token.userID,
return res.api(data)
async get_token(req, res, next) {
const Oauth2BearerToken = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2BearerToken')
const token = await Oauth2BearerToken.findById(
if ( !token || token.userID !== || token.expires <= new Date )
return res.status(404)
.message('Token not found with that ID, or expired.')
return res.api({
token: token.accessToken,
client_id: token.clientID,
expires: token.expires,
user_id: token.userID,
async create_token(req, res, next) {
const Oauth2BearerToken = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2BearerToken')
if ( !req.body.client_id )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: client_id')
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const client = await Client.findOne({uuid: req.body.client_id})
if ( !client || ! )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid client_id.')
if ( !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')
const expires = new Date()
expires.setDate(expires.getDate() + 7)
const token = new Oauth2BearerToken({
accessToken: String(uuid()).replace(/-/g, ''),
clientID: client.uuid,
return res.api({
token: token.accessToken,
client_id: token.clientID,
expires: token.expires,
user_id: token.userID,
async update_token(req, res, next) {
const Oauth2BearerToken = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2BearerToken')
const token = await Oauth2BearerToken.findById(
if ( !token || token.userID !== || token.expires <= new Date )
return res.status(404)
.message('Token not found with that ID, or expired.')
if ( !req.body.client_id )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing required field: client_id')
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
const client = await Client.findOne({uuid: req.body.client_id})
if ( !client || ! || !req.user.can(`oauth:client:${}:view`) )
return res.status(400)
.message('Invalid client_id.')
token.client_id = client.uuid
return res.api()
async delete_token(req, res, next) {
const Oauth2BearerToken = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2BearerToken')
const token = await Oauth2BearerToken.findById(
if ( !token || token.userID !== || token.expires <= new Date )
return res.status(404)
.message('Token not found with that ID, or expired.')
await token.delete()
return res.api()
async get_scopes(req, res, next) {
const routers = this.routers.canonical_items
const scopes = []
for ( const prefix in routers ) {
if ( !routers.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ) continue
const router = routers[prefix].schema
const supported_verbs = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'copy', 'patch']
for ( const verb of supported_verbs ) {
if ( typeof router[verb] === 'object' ) {
const defs = router[verb]
for ( const def of Object.values(defs) ) {
if ( Array.isArray(def) ) {
for ( const layer of def ) {
if ( Array.isArray(layer) && layer.length > 1 && layer[0] === 'middleware::api:Permission' ) {
if ( typeof layer[1] === 'object' && layer[1].check ) {
return res.api( => {
return { scope: x }
async check_permissions(req, res, next) {
if ( !req.body.permissions )
return res.status(400)
.message('Missing permissions to check.')
const parsed = typeof req.body.permissions === 'string' ? this.utility.infer(req.body.permissions) : req.body.permissions
const permissions = Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
const returns = {}
for ( const permission of permissions ) {
returns[permission] = req.user.can(permission)
return res.api(returns)
module.exports = exports = ReflectController

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const samlp = require('samlp')
class SAMLController extends Controller {
static get services() {
return [, 'saml', 'output', 'Vue', 'configs']
return [, 'saml', 'output', 'Vue', 'configs', 'models']
async get_metadata(req, res, next) {
@ -20,10 +20,24 @@ class SAMLController extends Controller {
// TODO some sort of first-logon flow
// TODO Also, customize logon continue message
async get_sso(req, res, next) {
const index = await req.saml.participants.issue({ service_provider: req.saml_request.service_provider })
// Apply the appropriate IAM policy if this SAML SP is associated with an App
// If the SAML service provider has no associated application, just allow it
// TODO test this
const associated_app = await req.saml_request.service_provider.application()
if ( associated_app ) {
const Policy = this.models.get('iam:Policy')
const can_access = await Policy.check_user_access(req.user,
if ( !can_access ) {
return this.Vue.auth_message(res, {
message: `Sorry, you don't have permission to access this application. Please ask your administrator to grant you access to ${}.`,
next_destination: '/dash',
return samlp.auth({
issuer: this.saml.config().provider_name,
cert: await this.saml.public_cert(),

@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ class GroupsController extends LDAPController {
async get_resource_from_dn(dn) {
const cn = this.get_cn_from_dn(dn)
console.log({cn, dn})
if ( cn ) {
return this.Group.findOne({name: cn, ldap_visible: true})

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
class ApplicationModel extends Model {
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
identifier: String,
description: String,
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
saml_service_provider_ids: [String],
ldap_client_ids: [String],
oauth_client_ids: [String],
async to_api() {
return {
identifier: this.identifier,
description: this.description,
saml_service_provider_ids: this.saml_service_provider_ids,
ldap_client_ids: this.ldap_client_ids,
oauth_client_ids: this.oauth_client_ids,
module.exports = exports = ApplicationModel

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
// For organizational purposes only.
class GroupModel extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
user_ids: [String],
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
identifier() {
return\s/g, '_')
async users() {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
return await User.find({ _id: { $in: => this.constructor.to_object_id(x)) } })
async to_api() {
return {
user_ids: this.user_ids,
module.exports = exports = GroupModel

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
app_passwords: [AppPassword],
mfa_enabled: {type: Boolean, default: false},
mfa_enable_date: Date,
create_date: {type: Date, default: () => new Date},
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
last_name: this.last_name,
tagline: this.tagline,
group_ids: (await this.groups()).map(x =>,
@ -112,6 +114,11 @@ class User extends AuthUser {
return { password: gen, record: pw }
async groups() {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
return Group.find({ active: true, user_ids: })
async ldap_groups() {
const Group = this.models.get('ldap:Group')
return await Group.find({

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
// TODO - remove specific :create checks; auto-grant permissions on create
class PolicyModel extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
static get schema() {
return {
entity_type: String, // user | group
entity_id: String,
access_type: String, // allow | deny
target_type: { type: String, default: 'application' }, // application
target_id: String,
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
static async check_allow(entity_id, target_id) {
const policies = await this.find({
access_type: 'allow',
active: true,
return policies.length > 0
static async check_deny(entity_id, target_id) {
const policies = await this.find({
access_type: 'deny',
active: true,
return policies.length === 0
static async check_entity_access(entity_id, target_id) {
return (await this.check_allow(entity_id, target_id)) && !(await this.check_deny(entity_id, target_id))
static async check_user_access(user, target_id) {
const groups = await user.groups()
const group_ids = =>
const user_approvals = await this.find({
approval_type: 'allow',
active: true,
const user_denials = await this.find({
approval_type: 'deny',
active: true,
const group_approvals = await this.find({
entity_id: { $in: group_ids },
approval_type: 'allow',
active: true,
const group_denials = await this.find({
entity_id: { $in: group_ids },
approval_type: 'deny',
active: true,
// IF user has explicit denial, deny
if ( user_denials.length > 0 ) return false
// ELSE IF user has explicit approval, approve
if ( user_approvals.length > 0 ) return true
// ELSE IF group has denial, deny
if ( group_denials.length > 0 ) return false
// ELSE IF group has approval, approve
if ( group_approvals.length > 0 ) return true
// ELSE deny
return false
async to_api() {
let entity_display = ''
if ( this.entity_type === 'user' ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(this.entity_id)
entity_display = `User: ${user.last_name}, ${user.first_name} (${user.uid})`
} else if ( this.entity_type === 'group' ) {
const Group = this.models.get('auth:Group')
const group = await Group.findById(this.entity_id)
entity_display = `Group: ${} (${group.user_ids.length} users)`
let target_display = ''
if ( this.target_type === 'application' ) {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
const app = await Application.findById(this.target_id)
target_display = `Application: ${}`
return {
entity_type: this.entity_type,
entity_id: this.entity_id,
access_type: this.access_type,
target_type: this.target_type,
target_id: this.target_id,
module.exports = exports = PolicyModel

@ -35,15 +35,23 @@ class ClientModel extends Model {
return client
async invoke() {
this.last_invocation = new Date
async user() {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
return User.findById(this.user_id)
async application() {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
return Application.findOne({ active: true, ldap_client_ids: })
async to_api() {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(this.user_id)
const role_permissions = => this.configs.get('auth.roles')[x])
return {

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
const uuid = require('uuid/v4')
* OAuth2 Client Model
* ---------------------------------------------------
* Represents a single OAuth2 client. This class contains logic
* to create/update/delete the associated Flitter-Auth Oauth2Client
* instance.
class ClientModel extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
uuid: {type: String, default: uuid},
secret: {type: String, default: uuid},
active: {type: Boolean, default: true},
api_scopes: [String],
redirect_url: String,
can(scope) {
return this.api_scopes.includes()
async application() {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
return Application.findOne({ active: true, oauth_client_ids: })
async update_auth_client() {
const Oauth2Client = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2Client')
let client = await Oauth2Client.findOne({ clientID: this.uuid })
// There's an associated client, but we're not active, so delete the assoc
if ( client && ! ) {
await client.delete()
if ( !client ) {
client = new Oauth2Client({
grants: ['authorization_code'],
client.clientID = this.uuid
client.clientSecret = this.secret =
client.redirectUris = [this.redirect_url]
async save() {
// Save the associated flitter-auth-compatible client.
await this.update_auth_client()
async to_api() {
return {
uuid: this.uuid,
secret: this.secret,
api_scopes: this.api_scopes,
redirect_url: this.redirect_url,
// See flitter-auth/User
_array_allow_permission(array_of_permissions, permission) {
const permission_parts = permission.split(':')
for ( let i = permission_parts.length; i > 0; i-- ) {
const permission_string = permission_parts.slice(0, i).join(':')
if ( array_of_permissions.includes(permission_string) ) return true
return false
// See flitter-auth/User
return this._array_allow_permission(this.api_scopes, scope)
module.exports = exports = ClientModel

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
const { Model } = require('flitter-orm')
class ServiceProviderModel extends Model {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
static get schema() {
return {
name: String,
@ -11,6 +15,11 @@ class ServiceProviderModel extends Model {
async application() {
const Application = this.models.get('Application')
return Application.findOne({ active: true, saml_service_provider_ids: })
to_api() {
return {

@ -2,6 +2,16 @@ const { Middleware } = require('libflitter')
class PermissionMiddleware extends Middleware {
async test(req, res, next, { check }) {
// If the request was authorized using an OAuth2 bearer token,
// make sure the associated client has permission to access this endpoint.
if ( req?.oauth?.client ) {
if ( !req.oauth.client.can(check) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions (OAuth2 Client).')
// Make sure the user has permission
if ( !req.user.can(check) )
return res.status(401)
.message('Insufficient permissions.')

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
const { Middleware } = require('libflitter')
class APIRouteMiddleware extends Middleware {
static get services() {
return [, 'models']
async test(req, res, next, { allow_token = true, allow_user = true }) {
// First, check if there is a user in the session.
if ( allow_user && req.is_auth ) {
return next()
} else if ( allow_token ) {
return, res, async e => {
if ( e ) return next(e)
// Look up the OAuth2 client an inject it into the route
if ( req.user && ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
const user = await User.findById(
if ( !user )
return res.status(401)
.message('The user this token is associated with no longer exists.')
req.user = user
req.is_auth = true
// Look up the token and the associated client
const Oauth2BearerToken = this.models.get('auth::Oauth2BearerToken')
const Client = this.models.get('oauth:Client')
// e.g. "Bearer XYZ".split(' ')[1] -> "XYZ"
const bearer = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]
const token = await Oauth2BearerToken.findOne({ accessToken: bearer })
if ( !token )
return res.status(401)
.message('Unable to lookup OAuth2 token.')
const client = await Client.findOne({uuid: token.clientID})
if ( !client )
return res.status(401)
.message('This OAuth2 client is no longer authorized.')
req.oauth.token = token
req.oauth.client = client
} else
return res.status(401)
.message('Unable to lookup user associated with that token.')
return res.status(401).api()
module.exports = exports = APIRouteMiddleware

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const app_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/applications',
middleware: [
get: {
'/': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:applications:list' }],
'/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:applications:get' }],
post: {
'/': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:applications:create' }],
patch: {
'/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:applications:update' }],
delete: {
'/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:applications:delete' }],
module.exports = exports = app_routes

@ -9,30 +9,100 @@ const auth_routes = {
'/mfa/enable/date': ['middleware::auth:UserOnly', 'controller::api:v1:Auth.get_mfa_enable_date'],
'/roles': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:roles:list' }],
'/users': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:users:list' }],
'/groups': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:groups:list' }],
'/users/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:users:get' }],
'/groups/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:groups:get' }],
post: {
'/validate/username': ['controller::api:v1:Auth.validate_username'],
'/attempt': [ 'controller::api:v1:Auth.attempt' ],
'/mfa/generate': ['middleware::auth:UserOnly', 'controller::api:v1:Auth.generate_mfa_key'],
'/mfa/attempt': ['middleware::auth:DMZOnly', 'controller::api:v1:Auth.attempt_mfa'],
'/validate/username': [
'/attempt': [
'/mfa/generate': [
'/mfa/attempt': [
'/mfa/enable': [
['middleware::auth:RequireTrust', { scope: 'mfa.enable', deplete: true }],
'/mfa/disable': [
['middleware::auth:RequireTrust', { scope: 'mfa.disable', deplete: true }],
'/groups': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:groups:create' }],
'/users': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:users:create' }],
patch: {
'/groups/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:groups:update' }],
'/users/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:users:update' }],
delete: {
'/groups/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:groups:delete' }],
'/users/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:auth:users:delete' }],

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
const iam_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/iam',
middleware: [
get: {
'/policy': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:policy:list' }],
'/policy/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:policy:get' }],
post: {
'/policy': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:policy:create' }],
'/check_entity_access': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:check_entity_access' }],
'/check_user_access': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:check_user_access' }],
patch: {
'/policy/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:policy:update' }],
delete: {
'/policy/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:iam:policy:delete' }],
module.exports = exports = iam_routes

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const ldap_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/ldap',
middleware: [
get: {

@ -2,15 +2,21 @@ const message_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/message',
middleware: [
get: {
'/banners': ['controller::api:v1:Message.get_banners'],
'/banners': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:message:banners:get' }],
post: {
'/banners/read/:banner_id': ['controller::api:v1:Message.read_banner'],
'/banners/read/:banner_id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:message:banners:update' }],

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const oauth_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/oauth',
middleware: [
get: {
'/clients': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:oauth:clients:list' }],
'/clients/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:oauth:clients:get' }],
post: {
'/clients': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:oauth:clients:create' }],
patch: {
'/clients/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:oauth:clients:update' }],
delete: {
'/clients/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:oauth:clients:delete' }],
module.exports = exports = oauth_routes

@ -2,16 +2,25 @@ const password_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/password',
middleware: [
get: {
'/resets': ['controller::api:v1:Password.get_resets'],
'/app_passwords': ['controller::api:v1:Password.get_app_passwords'],
'/resets': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:password:resets:get' }],
'/app_passwords': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:password:app_passwords:get' }],
post: {
'/app_passwords': ['controller::api:v1:Password.create_app_password'],
'/app_passwords': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:password:app_passwords:create' }],
'/resets': [
['middleware::auth:RequireTrust', { scope: 'password.reset' }],
@ -19,7 +28,10 @@ const password_routes = {
delete: {
'/app_passwords/:uuid': ['controller::api:v1:Password.delete_app_password'],
'/app_passwords/:uuid': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:password:app_passwords:delete' }],

@ -2,17 +2,19 @@ const profile_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/profile',
middleware: [
get: {
'/:user_id': [ // user_id | 'me'
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:profile:get' }],
patch: {
'/:user_id': [ // user_id | 'me'
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:profile:update' }],

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
const reflect_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/reflect',
middleware: [
get: {
'/scopes': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:scopes' }],
'/tokens': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:tokens:list' }],
'/tokens/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:tokens:get' }],
post: {
'/tokens': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:tokens:create'}],
'/check_permissions': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:check_permissions' }],
patch: {
'/tokens/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:tokens:update' }],
delete: {
'/tokens/:id': [
['middleware::api:Permission', { check: 'v1:reflect:tokens:delete' }],
module.exports = exports = reflect_routes

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const saml_routes = {
prefix: '/api/v1/saml',
middleware: [
get: {

@ -105,10 +105,12 @@ class LDAPServerUnit extends Unit {
async port_free() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const server = net.createServer()
server.once('error', rej)
server.once('error', (e) => {
server.once('listening', () => {

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const auth_config = {
servers: {
// OAuth2 authorization server
oauth2: {
enable: env('OAUTH2_SERVER_ENABLE', false),
enable: env('OAUTH2_SERVER_ENABLE', true),
// Grants that are available to clients. Supported types are authorization_code, password
grants: ['authorization_code'],
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ const auth_config = {
// Get the token user's data
user: {
enable: env('OAUTH2_SERVER_ENABLE', true),
// enable: env('OAUTH2_SERVER_ENABLE', false),
enable: false,
// Fields to return to the endpoint
// The keys are the keys in the request. The values are the keys in the user.
@ -177,6 +178,20 @@ const auth_config = {
coreid_base: ['my:profile'],
saml_admin: ['v1:saml', 'saml'],
base_user: [
// Message Service
// Permission Checks
// Profile
// Password API

@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"email-validator": "^2.0.4",
"flitter-auth": "^0.18.2",
"flitter-auth": "^0.19.0",
"flitter-cli": "^0.16.0",
"flitter-di": "^0.5.0",
"flitter-flap": "^0.5.2",
"flitter-forms": "^0.8.1",
"flitter-less": "^0.5.3",
"flitter-upload": "^0.8.0",
"is-absolute-url": "^3.0.3",
"ldapjs": "^1.0.2",
"libflitter": "^0.51.0",
"moment": "^2.24.0",

@ -1779,10 +1779,10 @@ flat@^4.1.0:
is-buffer "~2.0.3"
version "0.18.2"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-kJGHf0zOo8ICerVt8jgyDiaDrJ+Ob3KVh9wpwpDo6aI37U26bTYfSUrJdU6ge0rLwnTTbInXVpndEjd465bQAw==
version "0.19.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-WoNkIGG981Zy3L0qqvml0rpxwNyfVAfAXjvZE6i6XnDJeLdsqHxCAVPllJlOhfJmuFPCr2TGXPl8WhAQaoG6Bw==
axios "^0.19.0"
bcrypt "^3.0.4"
@ -2299,6 +2299,11 @@ ipaddr.js@1.8.0:
resolved ""
integrity sha1-6qM9bd16zo9/b+DJygRA5wZzix4=
version "3.0.3"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-opmNIX7uFnS96NtPmhWQgQx6/NYFgsUXYMllcfzwWKUMwfo8kku1TvE6hkNcH+Q1ts5cMVrsY7j0bxXQDciu9Q==
version "2.1.0"
resolved ""
@ -4909,12 +4914,7 @@ xmldom@=0.1.15:
resolved ""
integrity sha1-swSAYvG91S7cQhQkRZ8G3O6y+U0=
version "0.1.19"
resolved ""
integrity sha1-Yx/Ad3bv2EEYvyUXGzftTQdaCrw=
xmldom@=0.1.19, xmldom@auth0/xmldom#v0.1.19-auth0_1:
version "0.1.19"
resolved ""
