Add basic LDAP bind functionality

garrettmills 4 years ago
parent 226b90b7bf
commit 68cc90899c
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ const FlitterUnits = {
'Upload' : require('flitter-upload/UploadUnit'),
'LDAPServer' : require('./app/unit/LDAPServerUnit'),
'LDAPRegistry' : require('./app/unit/LDAPRegistry'),
'LDAPMiddleware': require('./app/unit/LDAPMiddlewareUnit'),
'LDAPController': require('./app/unit/LDAPControllerUnit'),
'LDAPRoutingUnit': require('./app/unit/LDAPRoutingUnit'),
* The Core Flitter Units

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const LDAPController = require('./LDAPController')
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
class UsersController extends LDAPController {
static get services() {
return [, 'output', 'ldap_server', 'models']
async search_people(req, res, next) {
global.ireq = req
async bind(req, res, next) {
const auth_dn = this.ldap_server.auth_dn()
// Make sure the DN is valid
if ( !req.dn.childOf(auth_dn) ) {
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError())
// Get the user
const user = await this.get_user_from_dn(req.dn)
if ( !user ) {
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError())
// Make sure the password matches the user record
if ( !await user.check_password(req.credentials) ) {
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError())
// Make sure the user has permission to bind
if ( !user.can('ldap:bind') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
this.output.success(`Successfully bound user ${user.uid} as DN: ${req.dn.format({skipSpace: true})}.`)
return res.end()
get_uid_from_dn(dn) {
const uid_field = this.ldap_server.config.schema.auth.user_id
try {
if ( typeof dn === 'string' ) dn = LDAP.parseDN(dn)
return dn.rdns[0].attrs[uid_field].value
} catch (e) {}
async get_user_from_dn(dn) {
const uid = this.get_uid_from_dn(dn)
if ( uid ) {
const User = this.models.get('auth:User')
return User.findOne({uid})
module.exports = exports = UsersController

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
const LDAPMiddleware = require('./LDAPMiddleware')
const LDAP = require('ldapjs')
class BindUserMiddleware extends LDAPMiddleware {
static get services() {
return [, 'canon', 'output', 'ldap_server']
async test(req, res, next) {
const bind_dn = req.connection.ldap.bindDN
if ( bind_dn.equals(this.ldap_server.anonymous()) ) {
this.output.warn(`Blocked anonymous LDAP request on user-protected route.`)
return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError())
const user = this.user_controller().get_uid_from_dn(bind_dn)
if ( !user || !user.can('ldap:bind') ) {
return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError())
req.user = user
req.bindDN = bind_dn
return next()
user_controller() {
module.exports = exports = BindUserMiddleware

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
const LDAPMiddleware = require('./LDAPMiddleware')
class LDAPLoggerMiddleware extends LDAPMiddleware {
static get services() {
return [, 'app', 'output']
async test(req, res, next) {
let bind_dn = req.connection.ldap.bindDN`${req.json.protocolOp} - as ${bind_dn ? bind_dn.format({skipSpace: true}) : 'N/A'} - target ${req.dn.format({skipSpace: true})}`)
return next()
module.exports = exports = LDAPLoggerMiddleware

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
const example_routes = {
prefix: 'dc=base',
middleware: [
search: {
bind: {
add: {
del: {
module.exports = exports = example_routes

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
const users_routes = {
prefix: false, // false | string
middleware: [
search: {
'ou=people': [
bind: {
'ou=people': ['ldap_controller::Users.bind'],
add: {
del: {
module.exports = exports = users_routes

@ -6,13 +6,23 @@ const AuthUser = require('flitter-auth/model/User')
* properties here as you need.
class User extends AuthUser {
static get services() {
return [, 'auth']
static get schema() {
return {...super.schema, ...{
// other schema fields here
// Other members and methods here
async check_password(password) {
return this.get_provider().check_user_auth(this, password)
get_provider() {
return this.auth.get_provider(this.provider)
module.exports = exports = User

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
* HomeLogger Middleware
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* This is a sample middleware. It simply prints a console message when
* the route that it is tied to is accessed. By default, it is called if
* the '/' route is accessed. It can be injected in routes globally using
* the global mw() function.
const Middleware = require('libflitter/middleware/Middleware')
class HomeLogger extends Middleware {
static get services() {
return [, 'output']
* Run the middleware test.
* This method is required by all Flitter middleware.
* It should either call the next function in the stack,
* or it should handle the response accordingly.
test(req, res, next, args) {
this.output.debug('Home was accessed!')
* Call the next function in the stack.
module.exports = HomeLogger

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ const index = {
* handler's exec() method.
middleware: [
['HomeLogger', {note: 'arguments can be specified as the second element in this array'}],
// 'MiddlewareName', // Or without arguments

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
const CanonicalUnit = require('libflitter/canon/CanonicalUnit')
const LDAPController = require('../ldap/controllers/LDAPController')
const StopError = require('libflitter/errors/StopError')
class LDAPControllerUnit extends CanonicalUnit {
static get name() {
return 'ldap_controllers'
static get services() {
return [, 'output']
constructor(base_directory = './app/ldap/controllers') {
this.canonical_item = 'ldap_controller'
this.suffix = '.controller.js'
async init_canonical_file({app, name, instance}) {
if ( instance.prototype instanceof LDAPController ) {
this.output.debug(`Registering LDAP controller: ${name}`)
return new instance()
} else {
this.output.error(`LDAP Controller ${name} must extend base class LDAPController.`)
throw new StopError(`LDAP Controller ${name} must extend base class LDAPController.`)
* Resolve an unqualified canonical name to a registered canonical controller or method.
* @param {string} name
// * @returns {module:libflitter/controller/Controller~Controller|function}
get(name) {
const name_parts = name.split('.')
const controller_instance = this.canonical_items[name_parts[0]]
if ( name_parts.length > 1 ) {
const method_instance = controller_instance[name_parts[1]].bind(controller_instance)
if ( name_parts > 2 ) {
let descending_value = method_instance
name_parts.slice(2).forEach(part => {
descending_value = descending_value[part]
return descending_value
} else {
return method_instance
// TODO this is a bug in libflitter too!
return controller_instance
module.exports = exports = LDAPControllerUnit

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const CanonicalUnit = require('libflitter/canon/CanonicalUnit')
const LDAPMiddleware = require('../ldap/middleware/LDAPMiddleware')
const StopError = require('libflitter/errors/StopError')
class LDAPMiddlewareUnit extends CanonicalUnit {
static get services() {
return [, 'output']
static get name() {
return 'ldap_middleware'
constructor(base_directory = './app/ldap/middleware') {
this.canonical_item = 'ldap_middleware'
this.suffix = '.middleware.js'
async init_canonical_file({app, name, instance}) {
if ( instance.prototype instanceof LDAPMiddleware ) {
this.output.debug(`Registering LDAP middleware: ${name}`)
return new instance()
} else {
this.output.error(`LDAP middleware class ${name} must be an instance of LDAPMiddleware.`)
throw new StopError(`LDAP middleware class ${name} must be an instance of LDAPMiddleware.`)
get(name) {
const item = super.get(name)
if ( item instanceof LDAPMiddleware ) {
return item.test.bind(item)
return item
module.exports = exports = LDAPMiddlewareUnit

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
const Unit = require('libflitter/Unit')
class LDAPRegistry extends Unit {
static get name() {
return 'ldap_registry'
static get services() {
return [, 'output']
async go(app) {
async cleanup(app) {
module.exports = exports = LDAPRegistry

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
const CanonicalUnit = require('libflitter/canon/CanonicalUnit')
class LDAPRoutingUnit extends CanonicalUnit {
static get name() {
return 'ldap_routers'
static get services() {
return [, 'output', 'canon', 'ldap_server']
constructor(base_directory = './app/ldap/routes') {
this.canonical_item = 'ldap_router'
this.suffix = '.routes.js'
async init_canonical_file({app, name, instance}) {
const router_middleware = []
if ( !instance ) {
this.output.warn(`Skipping LDAP routing file ${name}. No members were exported.`)
}`Building LDAP routes for router ${name}.`)
// Load the router-level middleware functions
if ( Array.isArray(instance.middleware) ) {
for ( const mw of instance.middleware ) {
const mw_instance =`ldap_middleware::${mw}`)
if ( !mw_instance ) {
const msg = `Unable to create LDAP routes. Invalid or unknown LDAP middleware: ldap_middleware::${mw} in router ${name}.`
throw new Error(msg)
this.output.debug(`Found ${router_middleware.length} router-level middlewares.`)
// Determine the prefix (suffix) and total suffix from config
let suffix = []
if ( instance.prefix && typeof instance.prefix === 'string' ) {
} else if ( instance.prefix !== false ) {
this.output.warn(`No prefix specified for LDAP routing file ${name}.`)
// If the server has a base DC=...,DC=... &c. suffix, include that
if ( this.ldap_server.config.schema.base_dc ) {
suffix = suffix.join(',')
// Load the individual routes
const supported_ldap_types = [
'search', 'bind', 'add', 'del', 'modify', 'compare', 'modifyDN', 'exop', 'unbind',
// Iterate over the various query types that might be in the definition
for ( const type of supported_ldap_types ) {
if ( typeof instance[type] === 'object' ) {
// Iterate over each of the route definitions in the type definition
for ( const route_prefix in instance[type] ) {
if ( !instance[type].hasOwnProperty(route_prefix) ) continue
let route_handlers = instance[type][route_prefix]
if ( typeof route_handlers === 'string' ) route_handlers = [route_handlers]
if ( !Array.isArray(route_handlers) ) {
const msg = `Invalid route handlers for route ${route_prefix} (${type}) in router ${name}.`
throw new Error(msg)
let route_functions = [...router_middleware]
// For each of the route handler definitions, resolve the canonical
for ( const route_handler_name of route_handlers ) {
const route_handler =
if ( !route_handler || typeof route_handler !== 'function' ) {
const msg = `Unable to resolve route handler for route ${route_prefix} (${type}) in router ${name}. Handler name: ${route_handler_name}`
throw new Error(msg)
this.output.debug(`Registering route ${type} :: ${[route_prefix, suffix].join(',')} with ${route_functions.length} handlers.`)
this.ldap_server.server[type]([route_prefix, suffix].join(','), ...route_functions)
} else {
this.output.warn(`Missing or invalid LDAP protocol definition ${type} in router ${name}. The protocol will be skipped.`)
module.exports = exports = LDAPRoutingUnit

@ -10,6 +10,20 @@ class LDAPServerUnit extends Unit {
return [, 'configs', 'express', 'output']
auth_dn() {
return this.build_dn(this.config.schema.authentication_base)
anonymous() {
return LDAP.parseDN('cn=anonymous')
build_dn( {
parts = parts.flat()
return LDAP.parseDN(parts.join(','))
async go(app) {
this.config = this.configs.get('ldap:server')
const server_config = {}
@ -17,7 +31,7 @@ class LDAPServerUnit extends Unit {
// If Flitter is configured to use an SSL certificate,
// use it to enable LDAPS in the server.
if ( ) {'[LDAP Server] Using configured SSL certificate to enable LDAPS.')'Using configured SSL certificate. The LDAP server will require an ldaps:// connection.')
server_config.certificate = await
server_config.key = await
@ -28,9 +42,10 @@ class LDAPServerUnit extends Unit {
this.server.maxConnections = this.config.max_connections
}`[LDAP Server] Will listen on ${this.config.interface}:${this.config.port}`)`Will listen on ${this.config.interface}:${this.config.port}`)
await new Promise((res, rej) => {
this.server.listen(this.config.port, this.config.interface, () => {
this.output.success(`LDAP server listening on port ${this.config.port}...`)

@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
// LDAP Server Configuration
const ldap_server = {
port: env('LDAP_SERVER_PORT', 389),
max_connections: env('LDAP_MAX_CONNECTIONS'),
interface: env('LDAP_LISTEN_INTERFACE', ''),
schema: {
base_dc: env('LDAP_BASE_DC', 'dc=example,dc=com'),
authentication_base: env('LDAP_AUTH_BASE', 'ou=people'),
auth: {
user_id: 'uid',
module.exports = exports = ldap_server

@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ const server_config = {
* The logging level. Usually, 1-4.
* The higher the level, the more information is logged.
level: env("LOGGING_LEVEL", 1)
level: env("LOGGING_LEVEL", 1),
include_timestamp: env("LOGGING_TIMESTAMP", false),
session: {

@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
"flitter-orm": "^0.2.4",
"flitter-upload": "^0.8.0",
"ldapjs": "^1.0.2",
"libflitter": "^0.47.0"
"libflitter": "^0.48.1"

@ -1571,10 +1571,10 @@ leven@^1.0.2:
resolved ""
integrity sha1-kUS27ryl8dBoAWnxpncNzqYLdcM=
version "0.47.0"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-M01HtrkD1bFwrslYzA/5V3Ozv67iwJAoFBuh3c5BmADCchur6x84w3jPnl8tr7tdDjHr7HtH8ahOgFhI1QZGAw==
version "0.48.1"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-C5GvIvl/vpWd9j+9HieI7qQa3edN6RaodyV5w6lLcJmuOsIMqd47sALbz8og+jPjE5rQuIo5l/zE5OrgxrPI1w==
colors "^1.3.3"
connect-mongodb-session "^2.2.0"
