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4 years ago
import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js'
import { auth_api } from '../service/AuthApi.service.js'
import { location_service } from '../service/Location.service.js'
const template = `
<div class="coreid-auth-page col-lg-6 col-md-8 col-sm-10 col-xs-12 offset-lg-3 offset-md-2 offset-sm-1 offset-xs-0 text-left">
<div class="coreid-auth-page-inner">
<div class="coreid-header font-weight-light">{{ app_name }}</div>
<span v-if="step === 0">
<div class="coreid-message">
We're going to walk you through setting up multi-factor authentication for your account.
Once this is completed, you will need to provide your second factor of authentication whenever you sign in with your {{ app_name }} account.
You'll need some kind of MFA token generator such as Google Authenticator.
<div class="buttons text-right pad-top">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click="back_click">Cancel</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click="continue_click">Continue</button>
<span v-if="step === 1">
<div class="coreid-message">
Scan the QR code below with your authenticator app to add your {{ app_name }} account.
Once you've done this, we'll ask for one of the generated codes to verify that MFA is working correctly.
<div class="coreid-auth-image text-center">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="qr_data">
<br><br><small>Secret: {{ secret }}</small>
<div class="buttons text-right pad-top">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" @click="continue_click">Continue</button>
<span v-if="step === 2">
<div class="coreid-message">
Now, enter the code displayed in your authenticator app. {{ app_name }} will verify that the code is
correct. Then, you can enable MFA for your account.
<div class="form-group">
placeholder="2FA Code"
<div v-if="error_message" class="error-message">{{ error_message }}</div>
<div v-if="other_message" class="other-message">{{ other_message }}</div>
<div class="buttons text-right pad-top">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" @click="back_click">Back</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" @click="continue_click" :disabled="!verify_success">Enable 2FA</button>
<div class="coreid-loading-spinner" v-if="loading"><div class="inner"></div></div>
export default class MFASetupPage extends Component {
static get selector() { return 'coreid-mfa-setup-page' }
static get props() { return ['app_name'] }
static get template() { return template }
loading = false
step = 0
qr_data = ''
otpauth_url = ''
secret = ''
verify_code = ''
verify_success = false
error_message = ''
other_message = ''
async watch_verify_code(new_verify_code, old_verify_code) {
if ( new_verify_code.length === 6 ) {
this.loading = true
const result = await auth_api.mfa_attempt(new_verify_code)
this.verify_success = result && result.is_valid
this.loading = false
if ( !this.verify_success ) {
this.other_message = ''
this.error_message = `Uh, oh! It looks like that's not the right code. Please try again.`
} else {
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = `Success! That code matched what ${this.app_name} was expecting. You can now enable multi-factor authentication for your account.`
} else if ( new_verify_code.length > 6 ) {
this.verify_code = old_verify_code
async back_click() {
if ( this.step === 0 ) await location_service.back()
else this.step -= 1
async on_key_up(event) {
if ( event.keyCode === 13 ) {
// Enter was pressed - don't submit the form
return false
async continue_click() {
if ( this.step === 0 ) {
// Get the MFA token
// TODO try/catch this
this.loading = true
const result = await auth_api.mfa_generate()
this.qr_data = result.qr_code
this.otpauth_url = result.otpauth_url
this.secret = result.secret
this.step = 1
this.loading = false
} else if ( this.step === 1 ) {
this.step = 2
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = ''
this.$nextTick(() => {
} else if ( this.step === 2 ) {
this.loading = true
try {
await auth_api.mfa_enable()
this.error_message = ''
this.other_message = 'MFA has been enabled for your account! For security purposes, you will be asked to sign in again.'
await location_service.redirect('/auth/login', 3000)
} catch(e) {
this.loading = false
this.error_message = 'Sorry, an unknown error occurred, and we were unable to continue.'
this.other_message = ''