You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
2.4 KiB

import {Component, HostListener, Input, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {EditorNodeContract} from '../EditorNode.contract';
import {EditorService} from '../../../service/editor.service';
import {v4} from 'uuid';
selector: 'editor-markdown',
templateUrl: './markdown.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./markdown.component.scss'],
export class MarkdownComponent extends EditorNodeContract implements OnInit {
// @ViewChild('editable') editable;
@Input() nodeId: string;
// public isFocused = false;
public initialValue = 'Click to edit...';
protected savedValue = 'Click to edit...';
public contents = '';
private dirtyOverride = false;
public showEditor = false;
protected hadOneFocusOut = false;
public editorOptions = {
language: 'markdown',
uri: v4(),
readOnly: false,
automaticLayout: true,
wordWrap: 'on',
public readonly editorService: EditorService,
) {
this.contents = this.initialValue;
this.savedValue = this.initialValue;
ngOnInit() {
this.editorService.registerNodeEditor(this.nodeId, this).then(() => {
if ( !this.node.Value ) {
this.node.Value = {};
if ( this.node.Value.Value ) {
this.initialValue = this.node.Value.Value;
this.savedValue = this.node.Value.Value;
this.contents = this.initialValue;
public isDirty(): boolean | Promise<boolean> {
return this.dirtyOverride || this.contents !== this.savedValue;
public writeChangesToNode(): void | Promise<void> {
this.node.Value.Mode = 'markdown';
this.node.Value.Value = this.contents;
this.node.value = this.contents;
this.savedValue = this.contents;
onContentsChanged(event) {
if ( event !== this.savedValue ) {
onFocusIn() {
this.showEditor = true;
@HostListener('document:keyup.escape', ['$event'])
onFocusOut(event) {
if ( !this.hadOneFocusOut ) {
this.hadOneFocusOut = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.hadOneFocusOut = false;
}, 500);
} else {
this.hadOneFocusOut = false;
this.showEditor = false;