You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

331 lines
8.9 KiB

import {Component, Host, HostListener, Input, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewChildren} from '@angular/core';
import HostRecord from '../../structures/HostRecord';
import PageRecord from '../../structures/PageRecord';
import {PageService} from '../../service/page.service';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {LoadingController, PopoverController} from '@ionic/angular';
4 years ago
import {NodePickerComponent} from '../../components/editor/node-picker/node-picker.component';
import {HostOptionsComponent} from '../../components/editor/host-options/host-options.component';
import {EditorService} from '../../service/editor.service';
selector: 'app-editor',
templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class EditorPage implements OnInit {
// @ViewChildren('editorHosts') editorHosts;
// @ViewChild('titleBar') titleBar;
public typeIcons = {
branch: 'fa fa-folder',
node: 'fa fa-quote-left',
norm: 'fa fa-quote-left',
page: 'fa fa-sticky-note',
db: 'fa fa-database',
code: 'fa fa-code',
code_ref: 'fa fa-code',
@Input() pageId: string;
public pageName = '';
protected route: ActivatedRoute,
protected router: Router,
protected loader: LoadingController,
protected popover: PopoverController,
public readonly editorService: EditorService,
) {
this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
this.pageId =;
ngOnInit() {}
ionViewDidEnter() {
if ( this.pageId ) {
} else {
@HostListener('document:keydown.control.s', ['$event'])
onManualSave(event) {
async onOptionsClick(event: MouseEvent, node: HostRecord) {
if ( !this.editorService.canEdit() ) {
const popover = await this.popover.create({
component: HostOptionsComponent,
componentProps: {
editor: this,
index: this.editorService.immutableNodes.indexOf(node),
hostRecord: node,
popover.onDidDismiss().then(result => {
if ( === 'delete_node' ) {
await popover.present();
async onAddClick(event: MouseEvent) {
if ( !this.editorService.canEdit() ) {
const popover = await this.popover.create({
component: NodePickerComponent,
// popover.onDidDismiss().then(arg => {
// const defValue = this.getDefaultValue(;
// const hostRec = new HostRecord(defValue);
// hostRec.type =;
// hostRec.PageId = this.pageRecord.UUID;
// if ( hostRec.type === 'ul' ) {
// hostRec.value = JSON.stringify([{value: '', indentationLevel: 0}]);
// }
// this.hostRecords.push(hostRec);
// if ( hostRec.isNorm() ) {
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.editorHosts.toArray().reverse()[0].takeFocus();
// }, 0);
// } else {
// this.onSaveClick();
// }
// });
await popover.present();
// buttonIsVisible(index) {
// return this.visibleButtons.includes(index);
// }
// makeVisible(index) {
// if ( !this.buttonIsVisible(index) ) {
// this.visibleButtons.push(index);
// }
// }
// makeInvisible(index) {
// this.visibleButtons = this.visibleButtons.filter(x => x !== index);
// }
// ionViewDidEnter() {
// if ( this.pageId ) {
// this.pages.load(this.pageId).subscribe(pageRecord => {
// this.pageRecord = pageRecord;
// this.pages.get_nodes(pageRecord).subscribe((hosts: Array<HostRecord>) => {
// this.hostRecords = hosts;
// if ( !pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// this.onSaveClick();
// }
// });
// });
// } else {
// this.router.navigate(['/home']);
// }
// }
// onHostRecordChange($event, i) {
// if ( !this.pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// this.hostRecords[i] = $event;
// }
// }
// async onAddClick($event) {
// if ( this.pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// return;
// }
// const popover = await this.popover.create({
// component: NodePickerComponent,
// event: $event,
// });
// popover.onDidDismiss().then(arg => {
// const defValue = this.getDefaultValue(;
// const hostRec = new HostRecord(defValue);
// hostRec.type =;
// hostRec.PageId = this.pageRecord.UUID;
// if ( hostRec.type === 'ul' ) {
// hostRec.value = JSON.stringify([{value: '', indentationLevel: 0}]);
// }
// this.hostRecords.push(hostRec);
// if ( hostRec.isNorm() ) {
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.editorHosts.toArray().reverse()[0].takeFocus();
// }, 0);
// } else {
// this.onSaveClick();
// }
// });
// await popover.present();
// }
// getDefaultValue(type: string) {
// if ( type === 'paragraph' ) {
// return '';
// } else if ( type === 'header1' ) {
// return '# ';
// } else if ( type === 'header2' ) {
// return '## ';
// } else if ( type === 'header3' ) {
// return '### ';
// } else if ( type === 'header4' ) {
// return '#### ';
// } else if ( type === 'block_code' ) {
// return '```';
// } else if ( type === 'click_link' ) {
// return 'https://';
// } else if ( type === 'page_sep' ) {
// return '===';
// } else {
// return '';
// }
// }
// onNewHostRequested($event) {
// if ( this.pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// return;
// }
// const insertAfter = this.getIndexFromRecord($event.record);
// const record = new HostRecord('');
// const newHosts = []
// this.hostRecords.forEach((rec, i) => {
// newHosts.push(rec);
// if ( i === insertAfter ) {
// newHosts.push(record);
// }
// })
// this.hostRecords = newHosts;
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.editorHosts.toArray()[insertAfter + 1].takeFocus();
// }, 0);
// }
// onDestroyHostRequested($event) {
// if ( this.pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// return;
// }
// let removedIndex = 0;
// const newHostRecords = this.editorHosts.filter((host, i) => {
// if ( $event.record === host.record ) {
// removedIndex = i;
// }
// return host.record !== $event.record;
// });
// const removedHost = this.editorHosts[removedIndex];
// const hostRecords = => host.record);
// this.hostRecords = hostRecords;
// setTimeout(() => {
// let focusIndex;
// if ( removedIndex === 0 && this.editorHosts.toArray().length ) {
// focusIndex = 0;
// } else if ( removedIndex !== 0 ) {
// focusIndex = removedIndex - 1;
// }
// if ( focusIndex >= 0 ) {
// this.editorHosts.toArray()[focusIndex].takeFocus(false);
// }
// }, 0);
// }
// protected getIndexFromRecord(record) {
// let index;
// this.editorHosts.toArray().forEach((host, i) => {
// if ( host.record === record ) {
// index = i;
// }
// });
// return index;
// }
// onSaveClick() {
// if ( this.pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// return;
// }
// this.loader.create({message: 'Saving changes...'}).then(loader => {
// loader.present().then(() => {
// this.pageRecord.Name = this.titleBar.el.innerText.trim();
// // First, save the page record itself
// => {
// this.pageRecord = pageRecord;
// // Now, save the nodes
// this.pages.save_nodes(pageRecord, this.hostRecords).subscribe(result => {
// this.hostRecords = result;
// loader.dismiss();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// }
// async onOptionsClick($event, i) {
// if ( this.pageRecord.isViewOnly() ) {
// return;
// }
// const popover = await this.popover.create({
// component: HostOptionsComponent,
// event: $event,
// componentProps: {
// editor: this,
// index: i,
// event: $event,
// hostRecord: this.hostRecords[i],
// }
// });
// popover.onDidDismiss().then((result) => {
// if ( === 'delete_node' ) {
// $event.record = this.hostRecords[i];
// this.onDestroyHostRequested($event);
// }
// })
// await popover.present();
// }
// onEditorKeydown($event) {
// if ( $event.key === 's' && $event.ctrlKey ) {
// $event.preventDefault();
// this.onSaveClick();
// }
// }