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const fs = require('fs')
const openpgp = require('openpgp')
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
class TestClient {
constructor(keyName, id) {
this.keyName = keyName = id
this.publicKey = fs.readFileSync(`./${this.keyName}.public.gpg.key`).toString('utf-8')
this.privateKey = fs.readFileSync(`./${this.keyName}.private.gpg.key`).toString('utf-8')
this.salt = fs.readFileSync(`./${this.keyName}.salt`).toString('utf-8')
getHash(otherClientId) {
const [lesserId, greaterId] = [otherClientId,].sort()
return bcrypt.hashSync(`${lesserId}-${greaterId}`, this.salt)
async interactWith(otherClient) {
const hash = otherClient.getHash(
const message = openpgp.Message.fromText(hash)
const signature = (await openpgp.sign({
message, privateKeys: await openpgp.readKey({
armoredKey: this.privateKey
return {
combinedHash: hash,
timestamp: (new Date).getTime(),
encodedGPSLocation: JSON.stringify({ none: true }),
partnerPublicKey: otherClient.publicKey,
validationSignature: signature
;(async () => {
const client_a = new TestClient('test_a', 'a893irwe')
const client_b = new TestClient('test_b', 'bawesfdi')
const a_transact = await client_a.interactWith(client_b)
const b_transact = await client_b.interactWith(client_a)
console.log(a_transact, b_transact)