Implement longest-block consensus algo

Garrett Mills 3 years ago
parent 0580d2274f
commit 546663901a
Signed by: garrettmills
GPG Key ID: D2BF5FBA8298F246

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ export interface BlockEncounterTransaction {
combinedHash: string;
timestamp: number;
encodedGPSLocation: string;
uuid: string;
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ export interface BlockEncounterTransaction {
export interface BlockInfectionTransaction {
clientID: string;
timestamp: number;
uuid: string;
/** Union type of all possible block transactions. */

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {AsyncCollection} from "@extollo/util"
* Interface representing a client-submitted encounter transaction.
export interface ExposureResourceItem extends FirebaseResourceItem {
uuid?: string;
clientID: string; // the exposed client's ID - used as one half of the hashes
timestamp: number; // the unix-time in milliseconds when the interaction occurred

@ -318,60 +318,49 @@ export class Blockchain extends Unit {
this.logging.debug('Called refresh().')
const peers = this.getPeers()
const time_x_block: {[key: string]: Block} = {}
const time_x_blocks: {[key: string]: Block[]} = {}
const time_x_peer: {[key: string]: Peer | true} = {}
await Promise.all( peer => {
const blocks: Block[] | undefined = await this.getPeerSubmit(peer)
if ( blocks && await this.validate(blocks) ) {
const block = blocks.slice(-1)[0]
if ( !block ) return // TODO fixme
const penalty = blocks.slice(0, 10)
.map(block => block.peer ===
.filter(Boolean).length * this.PENALTY_INTERVAL
* (Math.min(peers.length, this.MAX_PEERS_PENALTY))
block.waitTime += penalty
time_x_block[block.waitTime] = block
time_x_blocks[block.waitTime] = blocks.reverse()
time_x_peer[block.waitTime] = peer
} else {
console.log('validation fail!')
let longestChain: Block[] = []
const chains = await Promise.all( => this.getPeerSubmit(peer))
for ( const chain of chains ) {
if (
&& chain.length > longestChain.length
&& await this.validate(chain)
) {
longestChain = chain
console.log(time_x_blocks, time_x_peer, time_x_block)
const submitBlock = this.getSubmitBlock()
if ( submitBlock ) {
time_x_block[submitBlock.waitTime] = submitBlock
time_x_peer[submitBlock.waitTime] = true
console.log('submit block', submitBlock)
const submitted = this.getSubmitBlock()
if ( (this.approvedChain.length + (submitted ? 1 : 0)) > longestChain.length ) {
// Our chain is longer, so push the submit block onto it
if ( submitted ) {
this.pendingTransactions = []
} else {
const temp: Block[] = this.approvedChain.reverse()
this.approvedChain = => {
if ( !x.transactions ) {
x.transactions = []
const min = Math.min(...Object.keys(time_x_block).map(parseFloat))
const peer = time_x_peer[min]
return x
console.log('peer?', peer)
for ( const block of temp ) {
const found = this.approvedChain.some(otherBlock => {
return otherBlock.uuid === block.uuid
if ( peer === true ) {
// Our version of the chain was accepted
this.pendingTransactions = []
} else if ( peer ) {
// A different server's chain was accepted
this.approvedChain = (time_x_blocks[min] || []).map(block => {
if (!block.transactions) {
block.transactions = []
if ( !found ) {
this.pendingTransactions.concat(...(block.transactions || []))
} else {
return block
console.log('approved chain', this.approvedChain)
@ -443,7 +432,14 @@ export class Blockchain extends Unit {
* @param exposures
public submitExposures(...exposures: ExposureResourceItem[]) {
// @ts-ignore
this.pendingTransactions.push( => {
if ( !exposure.uuid ) {
exposure.uuid = uuid_v4()
return exposure
@ -503,6 +499,7 @@ export class Blockchain extends Unit {
protected getEncounterTransaction(item: TransactionResourceItem): BlockEncounterTransaction {
return {
uuid: uuid_v4(),
combinedHash: item.combinedHash,
timestamp: item.timestamp,
encodedGPSLocation: item.encodedGPSLocation,
