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import 'package:openpgp/model/bridge.pb.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'dart:io';
class KeyFileManager {
static KeyPair keyPair = KeyPair();
static Future<String> get _localPath async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return directory.path;
static Future<File> get _pubKeyFile async {
final path = await _localPath;
return File('$path/');
static Future<File> get _privKeyFile async {
final path = await _localPath;
return File('$path/rsa');
static Future<KeyPair> readKeyPair() async {
if (keyPair.hasPublicKey() && keyPair.hasPrivateKey()) {
return keyPair;
try {
String privKey = await _privKeyFile.then(
(file) => file.readAsString(),
String pubKey = await _pubKeyFile.then(
(file) => file.readAsString(),
keyPair.publicKey = pubKey;
keyPair.privateKey = privKey;
return keyPair;
} catch (e) {
return KeyPair();
static Future<void> writeKeyPair(KeyPair pair) async {
keyPair = pair;
final File privKeyFile = await _privKeyFile;
final File pubKeyFile = await _pubKeyFile;