You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

176 lines
6.4 KiB

3 years ago
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:nearby_connections/nearby_connections.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
class Connect {
3 years ago
final serviceId = "com.yourdomain.appname";
final Strategy strategy = Strategy.P2P_STAR;
late final _userName;
Map<String, ConnectionInfo> endpointMap = Map();
Connect() {
.then((s) => _userName = s.getString('userName') ?? '0');
void startConnect() async {
3 years ago
// final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
// final userName = prefs.getString('userName') ?? " ";
try {
bool advertise = await Nearby().startAdvertising(
3 years ago
onConnectionInitiated: (String id, ConnectionInfo info) {
// Called whenever a discoverer requests connection
3 years ago
// onConnectionInit
onConnectionResult: (String id, Status status) {
// Called when connection is accepted/rejected
3 years ago
// if connection is accepted send the transaction
onDisconnected: (String id) {
// Callled whenever a discoverer disconnects from advertiser
serviceId: serviceId, // uniquely identifies your app
3 years ago
bool discovery = await Nearby().startDiscovery(
3 years ago
onEndpointFound: (String id, String userName, String serviceId) {
// called when an advertiser is found
onEndpointLost: (String? id) {
//called when an advertiser is lost (only if we weren't connected to it )
serviceId: serviceId, // uniquely identifies your app
} catch (exception) {
// platform exceptions like unable to start bluetooth or insufficient permissions
3 years ago
// ElevatedButton(
// child: Text("Send Random Bytes Payload"),
// onPressed: () async {
// endpointMap.forEach((key, value) {
// String a = Random().nextInt(100).toString();
// showSnackbar("Sending $a to ${value.endpointName}, id: $key");
// Nearby()
// .sendBytesPayload(key, Uint8List.fromList(a.codeUnits));
// });
// },
// ),
// void onConnectionInit(String id, ConnectionInfo info) {
// showModalBottomSheet(
// context: context,
// builder: (builder) {
// return Center(
// child: Column(
// children: <Widget>[
// Text("id: " + id),
// Text("Token: " + info.authenticationToken),
// Text("Name" + info.endpointName),
// Text("Incoming: " + info.isIncomingConnection.toString()),
// ElevatedButton(
// child: Text("Accept Connection"),
// onPressed: () {
// Navigator.pop(context);
// setState(() {
// endpointMap[id] = info;
// });
// Nearby().acceptConnection(
// id,
// onPayLoadRecieved: (endid, payload) async {
// if (payload.type == PayloadType.BYTES) {
// String str = String.fromCharCodes(payload.bytes!);
// showSnackbar(endid + ": " + str);
// if (str.contains(':')) {
// // used for file payload as file payload is mapped as
// // payloadId:filename
// int payloadId = int.parse(str.split(':')[0]);
// String fileName = (str.split(':')[1]);
// if (map.containsKey(payloadId)) {
// if (await tempFile!.exists()) {
// tempFile!.rename(
// tempFile!.parent.path + "/" + fileName);
// } else {
// showSnackbar("File doesn't exist");
// }
// } else {
// //add to map if not already
// map[payloadId] = fileName;
// }
// }
// } else if (payload.type == PayloadType.FILE) {
// showSnackbar(endid + ": File transfer started");
// tempFile = File(payload.filePath!);
// }
// },
// onPayloadTransferUpdate: (endid, payloadTransferUpdate) {
// if (payloadTransferUpdate.status ==
// PayloadStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
// print(payloadTransferUpdate.bytesTransferred);
// } else if (payloadTransferUpdate.status ==
// PayloadStatus.FAILURE) {
// print("failed");
// showSnackbar(endid + ": FAILED to transfer file");
// } else if (payloadTransferUpdate.status ==
// PayloadStatus.SUCCESS) {
// showSnackbar(
// "$endid success, total bytes = ${payloadTransferUpdate.totalBytes}");
// if (map.containsKey( {
// //rename the file now
// String name = map[]!;
// tempFile!.rename(tempFile!.parent.path + "/" + name);
// } else {
// //bytes not received till yet
// map[] = "";
// }
// }
// },
// );
// },
// ),
// ElevatedButton(
// child: Text("Reject Connection"),
// onPressed: () async {
// Navigator.pop(context);
// try {
// await Nearby().rejectConnection(id);
// } catch (e) {
// showSnackbar(e);
// }
// },
// ),
// ],
// ),
// );
// },
// );
// }
// }