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import {Directive, OptionDefinition} from '../Directive'
import * as colors from 'colors/safe'
import * as repl from 'repl'
import * as tsNode from 'ts-node'
import {globalRegistry} from '../../util'
* Launch an interactive REPL shell from within the application.
* This is very useful for debugging and testing things during development.
* By default, the shell launches a TypeScript interpreter, but you can use
* the `--js` flag to get a JavaScript interpreter.
* @example
* ```sh
* pnpm cli -- shell
* pnpm cli -- shell --js
* ```
export class ShellDirective extends Directive {
protected options: any = {
welcome: `powered by Extollo, © ${(new Date()).getFullYear()} Garrett Mills\nAccess your application using the "app" global and @extollo/lib using the "lib" global.`,
prompt: `${'(')}extollo${') ➤ ')}`,
* The created Node.js REPL server.
* @protected
protected repl?: repl.REPLServer
getDescription(): string {
return 'launch an interactive shell inside your application'
getKeywords(): string | string[] {
return ['shell']
getHelpText(): string {
return ''
getOptions(): OptionDefinition[] {
return [
'--js | launch in JavaScript mode instead of TypeScript',
async handle(): Promise<void> {
const state: any = {
lib: await import('../../index'),
exports: {},
await new Promise<void>(res => {
// Currently, there's no way to programmatically access the async context
// of the REPL from this directive w/o requiring the user to perform manual
// actions. So, instead, override the context on the GlobalRegistry to make
// the current one the global default.
// Create the ts-node compiler service.
const replService = tsNode.createRepl()
const service = tsNode.create({...replService.evalAwarePartialHost})
// We global these values into the REPL's state directly (using the `state` object
// above), but since we're using a separate ts-node interpreter, we need to make it
// aware of the globals using declaration syntax.
declare const lib: typeof import('@extollo/lib');
declare const app: typeof lib['Application'];
declare const globalRegistry: typeof lib['globalRegistry'];
// Print the welome message and start the interpreter
this.repl = repl.start({
// Causes the REPL to use the ts-node interpreter service:
eval: !this.option('js', false) ? (...args) => replService.nodeEval(...args) : undefined,
prompt: this.options.prompt,
useGlobal: true,
useColors: true,
terminal: true,
preview: true,
// Add our globals into the REPL's context
Object.assign(this.repl.context, state)
// Wait for the REPL to exit
this.repl.on('exit', () => res())