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export const DEPENDENCY_KEYS_METADATA_KEY = 'extollo:di:dependencies:ctor'
export const DEPENDENCY_KEYS_PROPERTY_METADATA_KEY = 'extollo:di:dependencies:properties'
export const DEPENDENCY_KEYS_SERVICE_TYPE_KEY = 'extollo:di:service_type'
* Interface that designates a particular value as able to be constructed.
export interface Instantiable<T> {
new(...args: any[]): T
* Returns true if the given value is instantiable.
* @param what
export function isInstantiable<T>(what: unknown): what is Instantiable<T> {
return (
&& (typeof what === 'object' || typeof what === 'function')
&& (what !== null)
&& 'constructor' in what
&& typeof what.constructor === 'function'
* Returns true if the given value is instantiable and, once instantiated,
* will create an instance of the given static class.
* @param what
* @param type
export function isInstantiableOf<T>(what: unknown, type: StaticClass<T, any>): what is Instantiable<T> {
return isInstantiable(what) && what.prototype instanceof type
* Type that identifies a value as a static class, even if it is not instantiable.
export type StaticClass<T, T2, TCtorParams extends any[] = any[]> = T2 & StaticThis<T, TCtorParams> // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
* Quasi-reference to a `this` type w/in a static member.
* @see
export type StaticThis<T, TCtorParams extends any[]> = { new (...args: TCtorParams): T }
* Type that identifies a value as a static class that instantiates to itself
export type StaticInstantiable<T> = StaticClass<T, Instantiable<T>>
* Returns true if the parameter is a static class.
* @param something
export function isStaticClass<T, T2>(something: unknown): something is StaticClass<T, T2> {
return typeof something === 'function' && typeof something.prototype !== 'undefined'
* Type used to represent a value that can identify a factory in the container.
export type DependencyKey = Instantiable<any> | StaticClass<any, any> | string
* A DependencyKey, but typed
export type TypedDependencyKey<T> = Instantiable<T> | StaticClass<T, any> | string
* Interface used to store dependency requirements by their place in the injectable
* target's parameters.
export interface DependencyRequirement {
paramIndex: number,
key: DependencyKey,
overridden: boolean,
* Interface used to store dependency requirements by the class property they should
* be injected into.
export interface PropertyDependency {
key: DependencyKey,
property: string | symbol,
debug?: boolean,
* Interface used to keep track of singleton factory values, by their dependency key.
export interface InstanceRef {
key: DependencyKey,
value: any,
* Interface used to keep track of the injection type of a class.
export interface InjectionType {
type: 'named' | 'singleton',
name?: string,