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import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config";
import { DrawParameters } from "../../core/draw_parameters";
import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging";
import { Rectangle } from "../../core/rectangle";
import { enumDirection, enumDirectionToVector, Vector } from "../../core/vector";
import { BaseItem } from "../base_item";
import { ItemEjectorComponent } from "../components/item_ejector";
import { Entity } from "../entity";
import { GameSystemWithFilter } from "../game_system_with_filter";
const logger = createLogger("systems/ejector");
export class ItemEjectorSystem extends GameSystemWithFilter {
constructor(root) {
super(root, [ItemEjectorComponent]);
this.root.signals.entityAdded.add(this.checkForCacheInvalidation, this);
this.root.signals.entityDestroyed.add(this.checkForCacheInvalidation, this);
this.root.signals.postLoadHook.add(this.recomputeCache, this);
* @type {Rectangle}
this.areaToRecompute = null;
* @param {Entity} entity
checkForCacheInvalidation(entity) {
if (!this.root.gameInitialized) {
if (!entity.components.StaticMapEntity) {
// Optimize for the common case: adding or removing one building at a time. Clicking
// and dragging can cause up to 4 add/remove signals.
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
const bounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds();
const expandedBounds = bounds.expandedInAllDirections(2);
if (this.areaToRecompute) {
this.areaToRecompute = this.areaToRecompute.getUnion(expandedBounds);
} else {
this.areaToRecompute = expandedBounds;
* Precomputes the cache, which makes up for a huge performance improvement
recomputeCache() {
if (this.areaToRecompute) {
logger.log("Recomputing cache using rectangle");
if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.renderChanges) {
this.areaToRecompute = null;
} else {
logger.log("Full cache recompute");
if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.renderChanges) {
new Rectangle(-1000, -1000, 2000, 2000),
// Try to find acceptors for every ejector
for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) {
const entity = this.allEntities[i];
* Recomputes the cache in the given area
recomputeAreaCache() {
const area = this.areaToRecompute;
let entryCount = 0;
logger.log("Recomputing area:", area.x, area.y, "/", area.w, area.h);
// Store the entities we already recomputed, so we don't do work twice
const recomputedEntities = new Set();
for (let x = area.x; x < area.right(); ++x) {
for (let y = area.y; y < area.bottom(); ++y) {
const entities =, y);
for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) {
const entity = entities[i];
// Recompute the entity in case its relevant for this system and it
// hasn't already been computed
if (!recomputedEntities.has(entity.uid) && entity.components.ItemEjector) {
return entryCount;
* @param {Entity} entity
recomputeSingleEntityCache(entity) {
const ejectorComp = entity.components.ItemEjector;
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
for (let slotIndex = 0; slotIndex < ejectorComp.slots.length; ++slotIndex) {
const ejectorSlot = ejectorComp.slots[slotIndex];
// Clear the old cache.
ejectorSlot.cachedDestSlot = null;
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = null;
ejectorSlot.cachedBeltPath = null;
// Figure out where and into which direction we eject items
const ejectSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(ejectorSlot.pos);
const ejectSlotWsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(ejectorSlot.direction);
const ejectSlotWsDirectionVector = enumDirectionToVector[ejectSlotWsDirection];
const ejectSlotTargetWsTile = ejectSlotWsTile.add(ejectSlotWsDirectionVector);
// Try to find the given acceptor component to take the item
// Since there can be cross layer dependencies, check on all layers
const targetEntities =
for (let i = 0; i < targetEntities.length; ++i) {
const targetEntity = targetEntities[i];
const targetStaticComp = targetEntity.components.StaticMapEntity;
const targetBeltComp = targetEntity.components.Belt;
// Check for belts (special case)
if (targetBeltComp) {
const beltAcceptingDirection = targetStaticComp.localDirectionToWorld(;
if (ejectSlotWsDirection === beltAcceptingDirection) {
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = targetEntity;
ejectorSlot.cachedBeltPath = targetBeltComp.assignedPath;
// Check for item acceptors
const targetAcceptorComp = targetEntity.components.ItemAcceptor;
if (!targetAcceptorComp) {
// Entity doesn't accept items
const matchingSlot = targetAcceptorComp.findMatchingSlot(
if (!matchingSlot) {
// No matching slot found
// A slot can always be connected to one other slot only
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = targetEntity;
ejectorSlot.cachedDestSlot = matchingSlot;
update() {
if (this.areaToRecompute) {
// Precompute effective belt speed
let progressGrowth = 2 * this.root.dynamicTickrate.deltaSeconds;
if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.instantBelts) {
progressGrowth = 1;
// Go over all cache entries
for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) {
const sourceEntity = this.allEntities[i];
const sourceEjectorComp = sourceEntity.components.ItemEjector;
if (!sourceEjectorComp.enabled) {
const slots = sourceEjectorComp.slots;
for (let j = 0; j < slots.length; ++j) {
const sourceSlot = slots[j];
const item = sourceSlot.item;
if (!item) {
// No item available to be ejected
const targetEntity = sourceSlot.cachedTargetEntity;
// Advance items on the slot
sourceSlot.progress = Math.min(
sourceSlot.progress +
progressGrowth *
this.root.hubGoals.getBeltBaseSpeed() *
// Check if we are still in the process of ejecting, can't proceed then
if (sourceSlot.progress < 1.0) {
// Check if we are ejecting to a belt path
const destPath = sourceSlot.cachedBeltPath;
if (destPath) {
// Try passing the item over
if (destPath.tryAcceptItem(item)) {
sourceSlot.item = null;
// Always stop here, since there can *either* be a belt path *or*
// a slot
// Check if the target acceptor can actually accept this item
const destSlot = sourceSlot.cachedDestSlot;
if (destSlot) {
const targetAcceptorComp = targetEntity.components.ItemAcceptor;
if (!targetAcceptorComp.canAcceptItem(destSlot.index, item)) {
// Try to hand over the item
if (this.tryPassOverItem(item, targetEntity, destSlot.index)) {
// Handover successful, clear slot
targetAcceptorComp.onItemAccepted(destSlot.index, destSlot.acceptedDirection, item);
sourceSlot.item = null;
* @param {BaseItem} item
* @param {Entity} receiver
* @param {number} slotIndex
tryPassOverItem(item, receiver, slotIndex) {
// Try figuring out how what to do with the item
// TODO: Kinda hacky. How to solve this properly? Don't want to go through inheritance hell.
// Also its just a few cases (hope it stays like this .. :x).
const beltComp = receiver.components.Belt;
if (beltComp) {
const path = beltComp.assignedPath;
assert(path, "belt has no path");
if (path.tryAcceptItem(item)) {
return true;
// Belt can have nothing else
return false;
const itemProcessorComp = receiver.components.ItemProcessor;
if (itemProcessorComp) {
// @todo HACK
// Check if there are pins, and if so if they are connected
const pinsComp = receiver.components.WiredPins;
if (pinsComp && pinsComp.slots.length === 1) {
const network = pinsComp.slots[0].linkedNetwork;
if (!network || !network.currentValue) {
return false;
// Its an item processor ..
if (itemProcessorComp.tryTakeItem(item, slotIndex)) {
return true;
// Item processor can have nothing else
return false;
const undergroundBeltComp = receiver.components.UndergroundBelt;
if (undergroundBeltComp) {
// Its an underground belt. yay.
if (
) {
return true;
// Underground belt can have nothing else
return false;
const storageComp = receiver.components.Storage;
if (storageComp) {
// It's a storage
if (storageComp.canAcceptItem(item)) {
return true;
// Storage can't have anything else
return false;
return false;
* Draws everything
* @param {DrawParameters} parameters
draw(parameters) {
this.forEachMatchingEntityOnScreen(parameters, this.drawSingleEntity.bind(this));
* @param {DrawParameters} parameters
* @param {Entity} entity
drawSingleEntity(parameters, entity) {
const ejectorComp = entity.components.ItemEjector;
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
if (!staticComp.shouldBeDrawn(parameters)) {
for (let i = 0; i < ejectorComp.slots.length; ++i) {
const slot = ejectorComp.slots[i];
const ejectedItem = slot.item;
if (!ejectedItem) {
// No item
const realPosition = slot.pos.rotateFastMultipleOf90(staticComp.rotation);
const realDirection = Vector.transformDirectionFromMultipleOf90(
const realDirectionVector = enumDirectionToVector[realDirection];
const tileX =
staticComp.origin.x + realPosition.x + 0.5 + realDirectionVector.x * 0.5 * slot.progress;
const tileY =
staticComp.origin.y + realPosition.y + 0.5 + realDirectionVector.y * 0.5 * slot.progress;
const worldX = tileX * globalConfig.tileSize;
const worldY = tileY * globalConfig.tileSize;
ejectedItem.draw(worldX, worldY, parameters);