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import { FILE_NOT_FOUND, StorageInterface } from "../storage";
import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging";
const logger = createLogger("storage/browser");
const LOCAL_STORAGE_UNAVAILABLE = "local-storage-unavailable";
const LOCAL_STORAGE_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION = "local-storage-no-write-permission";
let randomDelay = () => 0;
if (G_IS_DEV) {
// Random delay for testing
// randomDelay = () => 500;
export class StorageImplBrowser extends StorageInterface {
constructor(app) {
this.currentBusyFilename = false;
initialize() {
logger.error("Using localStorage, please update to a newer browser");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Check for local storage availability in general
if (!window.localStorage) {
alert("Local storage is not available! Please upgrade to a newer browser!");
// Check if we can set and remove items
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("storage_availability_test", "1");
} catch (e) {
// alert(
// "It seems we don't have permission to write to local storage! Please update your browsers settings or use a different browser!"
// );
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
writeFileAsync(filename, contents) {
if (this.currentBusyFilename === filename) {
logger.warn("Attempt to write", filename, "while write process is not finished!");
this.currentBusyFilename = filename;
window.localStorage.setItem(filename, contents);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.currentBusyFilename = false;
}, 0);
readFileAsync(filename) {
if (this.currentBusyFilename === filename) {
logger.warn("Attempt to read", filename, "while write progress on it is ongoing!");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const contents = window.localStorage.getItem(filename);
if (!contents) {
// File not found
setTimeout(() => reject(FILE_NOT_FOUND), randomDelay());
// File read, simulate delay
setTimeout(() => resolve(contents), 0);
deleteFileAsync(filename) {
if (this.currentBusyFilename === filename) {
logger.warn("Attempt to delete", filename, "while write progres on it is ongoing!");
this.currentBusyFilename = filename;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.currentBusyFilename = false;
}, 0);