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import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config";
import { types } from "../../savegame/serialization";
import { BaseItem } from "../base_item";
import { Component } from "../component";
import { Entity } from "../entity";
import { typeItemSingleton } from "../item_resolver";
/** @enum {string} */
export const enumUndergroundBeltMode = {
sender: "sender",
receiver: "receiver",
* @typedef {{
* entity: Entity,
* distance: number
* }} LinkedUndergroundBelt
export class UndergroundBeltComponent extends Component {
static getId() {
return "UndergroundBelt";
static getSchema() {
return {
pendingItems: types.array(types.pair(typeItemSingleton, types.float)),
* @param {object} param0
* @param {enumUndergroundBeltMode=} param0.mode As which type of belt the entity acts
* @param {number=} param0.tier
constructor({ mode = enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender, tier = 0 }) {
this.mode = mode;
this.tier = tier;
* The linked entity, used to speed up performance. This contains either
* the entrance or exit depending on the tunnel type
* @type {LinkedUndergroundBelt}
this.cachedLinkedEntity = null;
clear() {
/** @type {Array<{ item: BaseItem, progress: number }>} */
this.consumptionAnimations = [];
* Used on both receiver and sender.
* Reciever: Used to store the next item to transfer, and to block input while doing this
* Sender: Used to store which items are currently "travelling"
* @type {Array<[BaseItem, number]>} Format is [Item, ingame time to eject the item]
this.pendingItems = [];
* Tries to accept an item from an external source like a regular belt or building
* @param {BaseItem} item
* @param {number} beltSpeed How fast this item travels
tryAcceptExternalItem(item, beltSpeed) {
if (this.mode !== enumUndergroundBeltMode.sender) {
// Only senders accept external items
return false;
if (this.pendingItems.length > 0) {
// We currently have a pending item
return false;
this.pendingItems.push([item, 0]);
return true;
* Tries to accept a tunneled item
* @param {BaseItem} item
* @param {number} travelDistance How many tiles this item has to travel
* @param {number} beltSpeed How fast this item travels
* @param {number} now Current ingame time
tryAcceptTunneledItem(item, travelDistance, beltSpeed, now) {
if (this.mode !== enumUndergroundBeltMode.receiver) {
// Only receivers can accept tunneled items
return false;
// Notice: We assume that for all items the travel distance is the same
const maxItemsInTunnel = (2 + travelDistance) / globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts;
if (this.pendingItems.length >= maxItemsInTunnel) {
// Simulate a real belt which gets full at some point
return false;
// This corresponds to the item ejector - it needs 0.5 additional tiles to eject the item.
// So instead of adding 1 we add 0.5 only.
// Additionally it takes 1 tile for the acceptor which we just add on top.
const travelDuration = (travelDistance + 1.5) / beltSpeed / globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts;
this.pendingItems.push([item, now + travelDuration]);
return true;