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import { globalConfig } from "../../core/config";
import { DrawParameters } from "../../core/draw_parameters";
import { fastArrayDelete } from "../../core/utils";
import { enumDirectionToVector } from "../../core/vector";
import { ItemAcceptorComponent } from "../components/item_acceptor";
import { Entity } from "../entity";
import { GameSystemWithFilter } from "../game_system_with_filter";
import { enumLayer } from "../root";
export class ItemAcceptorSystem extends GameSystemWithFilter {
constructor(root) {
super(root, [ItemAcceptorComponent]);
update() {
const progress = this.root.dynamicTickrate.deltaSeconds * 2; // * 2 because its only a half tile
for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) {
const entity = this.allEntities[i];
const aceptorComp = entity.components.ItemAcceptor;
const animations = aceptorComp.itemConsumptionAnimations;
// Process item consumption animations to avoid items popping from the belts
for (let animIndex = 0; animIndex < animations.length; ++animIndex) {
const anim = animations[animIndex];
anim.animProgress +=
progress * this.root.hubGoals.getBeltBaseSpeed() * globalConfig.itemSpacingOnBelts;
if (anim.animProgress > 1) {
// Original
// animations.splice(animIndex, 1);
// Faster variant
fastArrayDelete(animations, animIndex);
animIndex -= 1;
* Draws the acceptor items
* @param {DrawParameters} parameters
draw(parameters) {
this.forEachMatchingEntityOnScreen(parameters, this.drawEntityRegularLayer.bind(this));
* @param {DrawParameters} parameters
* @param {Entity} entity
drawEntityRegularLayer(parameters, entity) {
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
const acceptorComp = entity.components.ItemAcceptor;
if (!staticComp.shouldBeDrawn(parameters)) {
for (let animIndex = 0; animIndex < acceptorComp.itemConsumptionAnimations.length; ++animIndex) {
const { item, slotIndex, animProgress, direction } = acceptorComp.itemConsumptionAnimations[
const slotData = acceptorComp.slots[slotIndex];
const slotWorldPos = staticComp.applyRotationToVector(slotData.pos).add(staticComp.origin);
const fadeOutDirection = enumDirectionToVector[staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(direction)];
const finalTile = slotWorldPos.subScalars(
fadeOutDirection.x * (animProgress / 2 - 0.5),
fadeOutDirection.y * (animProgress / 2 - 0.5)
(finalTile.x + 0.5) * globalConfig.tileSize,
(finalTile.y + 0.5) * globalConfig.tileSize,