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#ingame_HUD_KeybindingOverlay {
position: absolute;
@include S(top, 10px);
@include S(left, 10px);
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
> .binding {
display: inline-grid;
@include PlainText;
align-items: center;
@include S(margin-bottom, 3px);
grid-auto-flow: column;
@include S(grid-gap, 2px);
i {
display: inline-block;
@include S(height, 10px);
width: 1px;
@include S(margin, 0, 3px);
background-color: #ccc;
transform: rotate(10deg);
// @include S(margin, 0, 3px);
code {
position: relative;
top: unset;
left: unset;
margin: 0;
&.rightMouse {
background: #fff uiResource("icons/mouse_right.png") center center / 85% no-repeat;
&.leftMouse {
background: #fff uiResource("icons/mouse_left.png") center center / 85% no-repeat;
label {
color: $accentColorDark;
@include SuperSmallText;
text-transform: uppercase;
@include S(margin-left, 5px);
&:not(.placementActive) .binding.placementOnly {
display: none;
&.placementActive .binding.noPlacementOnly {
display: none;
&:not(.placementActive) .binding.noPlacementOnly {
transform-origin: 0% 50%;
@include InlineAnimation(0.3s ease-in-out) {
0% {
color: $colorRedBright;
transform: scale(1.2);
.keybinding.shift {
transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
transition-property: background-color, color, border-color;
background: $colorRedBright;
border-color: $colorRedBright;
color: #fff;
&.shiftDown .keybinding.shift {
border-color: darken($colorRedBright, 40);
body.uiHidden #ingame_HUD_KeybindingOverlay .binding:not(.hudToggle) {
display: none;