You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

643 lines
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/* typehints:start */
import { Application } from "../application";
import { Entity } from "../game/entity";
import { GameRoot } from "../game/root";
import { THEMES } from "../game/theme";
/* typehints:end */
import { enumAnalyticsDataSource } from "../game/production_analytics";
import { ShapeDefinition } from "../game/shape_definition";
import { ShapeItem } from "../game/items/shape_item";
import { globalConfig } from "../core/config";
export const ACHIEVEMENTS = {
belt500Tiles: "belt500Tiles",
blueprint100k: "blueprint100k",
blueprint1m: "blueprint1m",
completeLvl26: "completeLvl26",
cutShape: "cutShape",
darkMode: "darkMode",
destroy1000: "destroy1000",
irrelevantShape: "irrelevantShape",
level100: "level100",
level50: "level50",
logoBefore18: "logoBefore18",
mam: "mam",
mapMarkers15: "mapMarkers15",
noBeltUpgradesUntilBp: "noBeltUpgradesUntilBp",
noInverseRotater: "noInverseRotater",
oldLevel17: "oldLevel17",
openWires: "openWires",
paintShape: "paintShape",
place5000Wires: "place5000Wires",
placeBlueprint: "placeBlueprint",
placeBp1000: "placeBp1000",
play1h: "play1h",
play10h: "play10h",
play20h: "play20h",
produceLogo: "produceLogo",
produceMsLogo: "produceMsLogo",
produceRocket: "produceRocket",
rotateShape: "rotateShape",
speedrunBp30: "speedrunBp30",
speedrunBp60: "speedrunBp60",
speedrunBp120: "speedrunBp120",
stack4Layers: "stack4Layers",
stackShape: "stackShape",
store100Unique: "store100Unique",
storeShape: "storeShape",
throughputBp25: "throughputBp25",
throughputBp50: "throughputBp50",
throughputLogo25: "throughputLogo25",
throughputLogo50: "throughputLogo50",
throughputRocket10: "throughputRocket10",
throughputRocket20: "throughputRocket20",
trash1000: "trash1000",
unlockWires: "unlockWires",
upgradesTier5: "upgradesTier5",
upgradesTier8: "upgradesTier8",
/** @type {keyof typeof THEMES} */
const DARK_MODE = "dark";
const HOUR_1 = 3600; // Seconds
const HOUR_10 = HOUR_1 * 10;
const HOUR_20 = HOUR_1 * 20;
const ITEM_SHAPE = ShapeItem.getId();
const MINUTE_30 = 1800; // Seconds
const MINUTE_60 = MINUTE_30 * 2;
const MINUTE_120 = MINUTE_30 * 4;
const ROTATER_CCW_CODE = 12;
const ROTATER_180_CODE = 13;
const SHAPE_BP = "CbCbCbRb:CwCwCwCw";
const SHAPE_LOGO = "RuCw--Cw:----Ru--";
const SHAPE_MS_LOGO = "RgRyRbRr";
const SHAPE_OLD_LEVEL_17 = "WrRgWrRg:CwCrCwCr:SgSgSgSg";
const SHAPE_ROCKET = "CbCuCbCu:Sr------:--CrSrCr:CwCwCwCw";
/** @type {Layer} */
const WIRE_LAYER = "wires";
export class AchievementProviderInterface {
/* typehints:start */
collection = /** @type {AchievementCollection|undefined} */ (null);
/* typehints:end */
/** @param {Application} app */
constructor(app) { = app;
* Initializes the achievement provider.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
initialize() {
return Promise.reject();
* Opportunity to do additional initialization work with the GameRoot.
* @param {GameRoot} root
* @returns {Promise<void>}
onLoad(root) {
return Promise.reject();
/** @returns {boolean} */
hasLoaded() {
return false;
* Call to activate an achievement with the provider
* @param {string} key - Maps to an Achievement
* @returns {Promise<void>}
activate(key) {
return Promise.reject();
* Checks if achievements are supported in the current build
* @returns {boolean}
hasAchievements() {
return false;
export class Achievement {
/** @param {string} key - An ACHIEVEMENTS key */
constructor(key) {
this.key = key;
this.activate = null;
this.activatePromise = null;
this.receiver = null;
this.signal = null;
init() {}
isValid() {
return true;
unlock() {
if (!this.activatePromise) {
this.activatePromise = this.activate(this.key);
return this.activatePromise;
export class AchievementCollection {
* @param {function} activate - Resolves when provider activation is complete
constructor(activate) { = new Map();
this.activate = activate;
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.belt500Tiles, {
isValid: this.isBelt500TilesValid,
signal: "entityAdded",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.blueprint100k, this.createBlueprintOptions(100000));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.blueprint1m, this.createBlueprintOptions(1000000));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.completeLvl26, this.createLevelOptions(26));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.darkMode, {
isValid: this.isDarkModeValid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.destroy1000, {
isValid: this.isDestroy1000Valid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.irrelevantShape, {
isValid: this.isIrrelevantShapeValid,
signal: "shapeDelivered",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.level100, this.createLevelOptions(100));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.level50, this.createLevelOptions(50));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.logoBefore18, {
isValid: this.isLogoBefore18Valid,
signal: "itemProduced",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.mam, {
isValid: this.isMamValid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.mapMarkers15, {
isValid: this.isMapMarkers15Valid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.noBeltUpgradesUntilBp, {
isValid: this.isNoBeltUpgradesUntilBpValid,
signal: "storyGoalCompleted",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.noInverseRotater, {
init: this.initNoInverseRotater,
isValid: this.isNoInverseRotaterValid,
signal: "storyGoalCompleted",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.oldLevel17, this.createShapeOptions(SHAPE_OLD_LEVEL_17));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.openWires, {
isValid: this.isOpenWiresValid,
signal: "editModeChanged",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.place5000Wires, {
isValid: this.isPlace5000WiresValid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.placeBlueprint, {
isValid: this.isPlaceBlueprintValid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.placeBp1000, {
isValid: this.isPlaceBp1000Valid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.play1h, this.createTimeOptions(HOUR_1));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.play10h, this.createTimeOptions(HOUR_10));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.play20h, this.createTimeOptions(HOUR_20));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.produceLogo, this.createShapeOptions(SHAPE_LOGO));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.produceRocket, this.createShapeOptions(SHAPE_ROCKET));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.produceMsLogo, this.createShapeOptions(SHAPE_MS_LOGO));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.speedrunBp30, this.createSpeedOptions(12, MINUTE_30));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.speedrunBp60, this.createSpeedOptions(12, MINUTE_60));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.speedrunBp120, this.createSpeedOptions(12, MINUTE_120));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.stack4Layers, {
isValid: this.isStack4LayersValid,
signal: "itemProduced",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.store100Unique, {
init: this.initStore100Unique,
isValid: this.isStore100UniqueValid,
signal: "shapeDelivered",
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.storeShape, {
init: this.initStoreShape,
isValid: this.isStoreShapeValid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.throughputBp25, this.createRateOptions(SHAPE_BP, 25));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.throughputBp50, this.createRateOptions(SHAPE_BP, 50));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.throughputLogo25, this.createRateOptions(SHAPE_LOGO, 25));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.throughputLogo50, this.createRateOptions(SHAPE_LOGO, 50));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.throughputRocket10, this.createRateOptions(SHAPE_ROCKET, 10));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.throughputRocket20, this.createRateOptions(SHAPE_ROCKET, 20));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.trash1000, {
init: this.initTrash1000,
isValid: this.isTrash1000Valid,
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.unlockWires, this.createLevelOptions(20));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.upgradesTier5, this.createUpgradeOptions(5));
this.add(ACHIEVEMENTS.upgradesTier8, this.createUpgradeOptions(8));
/** @param {GameRoot} root */
initialize(root) {
this.root = root;
this.root.signals.achievementCheck.add(this.unlock, this);
this.root.signals.bulkAchievementCheck.add(this.bulkUnlock, this);
for (let [key, achievement] of {
if (achievement.signal) {
achievement.receiver = this.unlock.bind(this, key);
if (achievement.init) {
if (!this.hasDefaultReceivers()) {
* @param {string} key - Maps to an Achievement
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {function} [options.init]
* @param {function} [options.isValid]
* @param {string} [options.signal]
add(key, options = {}) {
if (G_IS_DEV) {
assert(ACHIEVEMENTS[key], "Achievement key not found: ", key);
const achievement = new Achievement(key);
achievement.activate = this.activate;
if (options.init) {
achievement.init = options.init.bind(this, achievement);
if (options.isValid) {
achievement.isValid = options.isValid.bind(this);
if (options.signal) {
achievement.signal = options.signal;
}, achievement);
bulkUnlock() {
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) {
this.unlock(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]);
* @param {string} key - Maps to an Achievement
* @param {any} data - Data received from signal dispatches for validation
unlock(key, data) {
if (! {
const achievement =;
if (!achievement.isValid(data)) {
.then(() => {
this.onActivate(null, key);
.catch(err => {
this.onActivate(err, key);
* Cleans up after achievement activation attempt with the provider. Could
* utilize err to retry some number of times if needed.
* @param {?Error} err - Error is null if activation was successful
* @param {string} key - Maps to an Achievement
onActivate(err, key) {
if (!this.hasDefaultReceivers()) {
/** @param {string} key - Maps to an Achievement */
remove(key) {
const achievement =;
if (achievement) {
if (achievement.receiver) {
* Check if the collection-level achievementCheck receivers are still
* necessary.
hasDefaultReceivers() {
if (! {
return false;
for (let achievement of {
if (!achievement.signal) {
return true;
return false;
* Remaining methods exist to extend Achievement instances within the
* collection.
hasAllUpgradesAtLeastAtTier(tier) {
const upgrades = this.root.gameMode.getUpgrades();
for (let upgradeId in upgrades) {
if (this.root.hubGoals.getUpgradeLevel(upgradeId) < tier - 1) {
return false;
return true;
* @param {ShapeItem} item
* @param {string} shape
* @returns {boolean}
isShape(item, shape) {
return item.getItemType() === ITEM_SHAPE && item.definition.getHash() === shape;
createBlueprintOptions(count) {
return {
init: ({ key }) => this.unlock(key, ShapeDefinition.fromShortKey(SHAPE_BP)),
isValid: definition =>
definition.cachedHash === SHAPE_BP && this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes[SHAPE_BP] >= count,
signal: "shapeDelivered",
createLevelOptions(level) {
return {
init: ({ key }) => this.unlock(key, this.root.hubGoals.level),
isValid: currentLevel => currentLevel > level,
signal: "storyGoalCompleted",
createRateOptions(shape, rate) {
return {
isValid: () => {
return (
) /
globalConfig.analyticsSliceDurationSeconds >=
createShapeOptions(shape) {
return {
isValid: item => this.isShape(item, shape),
signal: "itemProduced",
createSpeedOptions(level, time) {
return {
isValid: currentLevel => currentLevel >= level && < time,
signal: "storyGoalCompleted",
createTimeOptions(duration) {
return {
isValid: () => >= duration,
createUpgradeOptions(tier) {
return {
init: ({ key }) => this.unlock(key, null),
isValid: () => this.hasAllUpgradesAtLeastAtTier(tier),
signal: "upgradePurchased",
/** @param {Entity} entity @returns {boolean} */
isBelt500TilesValid(entity) {
return entity.components.Belt && entity.components.Belt.assignedPath.totalLength >= 500;
/** @returns {boolean} */
isDarkModeValid() {
return === DARK_MODE;
/** @param {number} count @returns {boolean} */
isDestroy1000Valid(count) {
return count >= 1000;
/** @param {ShapeDefinition} definition @returns {boolean} */
isIrrelevantShapeValid(definition) {
const levels = this.root.gameMode.getLevelDefinitions();
for (let i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {
if (definition.cachedHash === levels[i].shape) {
return false;
const upgrades = this.root.gameMode.getUpgrades();
for (let upgradeId in upgrades) {
for (const tier in upgrades[upgradeId]) {
const requiredShapes = upgrades[upgradeId][tier].required;
for (let i = 0; i < requiredShapes.length; i++) {
if (definition.cachedHash === requiredShapes[i].shape) {
return false;
return true;
/** @param {ShapeItem} item @returns {boolean} */
isLogoBefore18Valid(item) {
return this.root.hubGoals.level < 18 && this.isShape(item, SHAPE_LOGO);
/** @returns {boolean} */
isMamValid() {
return this.root.hubGoals.level > 27 && !this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.failedMam;
/** @param {number} count @returns {boolean} */
isMapMarkers15Valid(count) {
return count >= 15;
* @param {number} level
* @returns {boolean}
isNoBeltUpgradesUntilBpValid(level) {
return level >= 12 && this.root.hubGoals.upgradeLevels.belt === 0;
initNoInverseRotater() {
if (this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.usedInverseRotater === true) {
const entities = this.root.entityMgr.componentToEntity.StaticMapEntity;
let usedInverseRotater = false;
for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
const entity = entities[i].components.StaticMapEntity;
if (entity.code === ROTATER_CCW_CODE || entity.code === ROTATER_180_CODE) {
usedInverseRotater = true;
this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.usedInverseRotater = usedInverseRotater;
/** @param {number} level @returns {boolean} */
isNoInverseRotaterValid(level) {
return level >= 14 && !this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.usedInverseRotater;
/** @param {string} currentLayer @returns {boolean} */
isOpenWiresValid(currentLayer) {
return currentLayer === WIRE_LAYER;
/** @param {Entity} entity @returns {boolean} */
isPlace5000WiresValid(entity) {
return (
entity.components.Wire &&
entity.registered &&
entity.root.entityMgr.componentToEntity.Wire.length >= 5000
/** @param {number} count @returns {boolean} */
isPlaceBlueprintValid(count) {
return count != 0;
/** @param {number} count @returns {boolean} */
isPlaceBp1000Valid(count) {
return count >= 1000;
/** @param {ShapeItem} item @returns {boolean} */
isStack4LayersValid(item) {
return item.getItemType() === ITEM_SHAPE && item.definition.layers.length === 4;
/** @param {Achievement} achievement */
initStore100Unique({ key }) {
this.unlock(key, null);
/** @returns {boolean} */
isStore100UniqueValid() {
return Object.keys(this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes).length >= 100;
/** @param {Achievement} achievement */
initStoreShape({ key }) {
this.unlock(key, null);
/** @returns {boolean} */
isStoreShapeValid() {
const entities =;
if (entities.length === 0) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
if (entities[i].components.Storage.storedCount > 0) {
return true;
return false;
/** @param {Achievement} achievement */
initTrash1000({ key }) {
if (Number(this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.trashedCount)) {
this.unlock(key, 0);
this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.trashedCount = 0;
/** @param {number} count @returns {boolean} */
isTrash1000Valid(count) {
this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.trashedCount += count;
return this.root.savegame.currentData.stats.trashedCount >= 1000;