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import { SavegameInterface_V1000 } from "./1000.js";
import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging.js";
import { T } from "../../translations.js";
import { TypeVector, TypeNumber, TypeString, TypeNullable } from "../serialization_data_types.js";
const schema = require("./1001.json");
const logger = createLogger("savegame_interface/1001");
export class SavegameInterface_V1001 extends SavegameInterface_V1000 {
getVersion() {
return 1001;
getSchemaUncached() {
return schema;
* @param {import("../savegame_typedefs.js").SavegameData} data
static migrate1000to1001(data) {
logger.log("Migrating 1000 to 1001");
const dump = data.dump;
if (!dump) {
return true;
dump.pinnedShapes = {
shapes: [],
dump.waypoints = {
waypoints: [
label: T.ingame.waypoints.hub,
center: { x: 0, y: 0 },
zoomLevel: 3,
deletable: false,
const entities = dump.entities;
for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) {
const entity = entities[i];
* @typedef {{
* origin: TypeVector,
* tileSize: TypeVector,
* rotation: TypeNumber,
* originalRotation: TypeNumber,
* spriteKey?: string,
* blueprintSpriteKey: string,
* silhouetteColor: string
* }} OldStaticMapEntity
// Here we mock the old type of the StaticMapEntity before the change to using
// a building ID based system (see building_codes.js) to stop the linter from
// complaining that the type doesn't have the properties.
// The ignored error is the error that the types do not overlap. In the case
// of a v1000 save though, the data will match the mocked type above.
/** @type OldStaticMapEntity **/
// @ts-ignore
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
const beltComp = entity.components.Belt;
if (staticComp) {
if (staticComp.spriteKey) {
staticComp.blueprintSpriteKey = staticComp.spriteKey.replace(
} else {
if (entity.components.Hub) {
staticComp.blueprintSpriteKey = "";
} else if (beltComp) {
const direction = beltComp.direction;
staticComp.blueprintSpriteKey = "sprites/blueprints/belt_" + direction + ".png";
} else {
assertAlways(false, "Could not deduct entity type for migrating 1000 -> 1001");