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import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part";
import { makeDiv, round3Digits, round2Digits } from "../../../core/utils";
import { Math_round } from "../../../core/builtins";
import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach";
import { KEYMAPPINGS } from "../../key_action_mapper";
export class HUDDebugInfo extends BaseHUDPart {
createElements(parent) {
this.element = makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_DebugInfo", []);
this.tickRateElement = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["tickRate"], "Ticks /s: 120");
this.fpsElement = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["fps"], "FPS: 60");
this.tickDurationElement = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["tickDuration"], "Update time: 0.5ms");
initialize() {
this.lastTick = 0;
this.visible = false;
this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.element);
this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.ingame.toggleFPSInfo).add(() => this.toggle());
toggle() {
this.visible = !this.visible;
update() {
const now = this.root.time.realtimeNow();
if (now - this.lastTick > 0.25 && this.visible) {
this.lastTick = now;
this.tickRateElement.innerText = "Tickrate: " + this.root.dynamicTickrate.currentTickRate;
this.fpsElement.innerText =
"FPS: " +
Math_round(this.root.dynamicTickrate.averageFps) +
" (" +
round2Digits(1000 / this.root.dynamicTickrate.averageFps) +
" ms)";
this.tickDurationElement.innerText =
"Tick Dur: " + round3Digits(this.root.dynamicTickrate.averageTickDuration) + "ms";