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* @typedef {{ w: number, h: number }} Size
* @typedef {{ x: number, y: number }} Position
* @typedef {{
* frame: Position & Size,
* rotated: boolean,
* spriteSourceSize: Position & Size,
* sourceSize: Size,
* trimmed: boolean
* }} SpriteDefinition
* @typedef {{
* app: string,
* version: string,
* image: string,
* format: string,
* size: Size,
* scale: string,
* smartupdate: string
* }} AtlasMeta
* @typedef {{
* frames: Object.<string, SpriteDefinition>,
* meta: AtlasMeta
* }} SourceData
export class AtlasDefinition {
* @param {SourceData} sourceData
constructor({ frames, meta }) {
this.meta = meta;
this.sourceData = frames;
this.sourceFileName = meta.image;
getFullSourcePath() {
return this.sourceFileName;
/** @type {AtlasDefinition[]} **/
export const atlasFiles = require
// @ts-ignore
.context("../../../res_built/atlas/", false, /.*\.json/i)
.map(f => f.replace(/^\.\//gi, ""))
.map(f => require("../../../res_built/atlas/" + f))
.map(data => new AtlasDefinition(data));