Optimize ejector cache for common case

This commit optimizes the ejector cache for clicking and dragging belts,
or adding/removing a building. It's a big performance improvement for
large maps; on average, it only has to visit 60 slots per update,
compared to 20,000+ slots.
Phlosioneer 4 years ago
parent 36cf28029e
commit aef96cff6e

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { Entity } from "../entity";
import { GameSystemWithFilter } from "../game_system_with_filter";
import { Math_min } from "../../core/builtins";
import { createLogger } from "../../core/logging";
import { Rectangle } from "../../core/rectangle";
const logger = createLogger("systems/ejector");
@ -18,10 +19,30 @@ export class ItemEjectorSystem extends GameSystemWithFilter {
this.root.signals.entityAdded.add(this.invalidateCache, this);
this.root.signals.entityDestroyed.add(this.invalidateCache, this);
* @type {Rectangle[]}
this.smallCacheAreas = [];
invalidateCache() {
* @param {Entity} entity
invalidateCache(entity) {
if (!entity.components.StaticMapEntity) {
this.cacheNeedsUpdate = true;
// Optimize for the common case: adding or removing one building at a time. Clicking
// and dragging can cause up to 4 add/remove signals.
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
const bounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds();
const expandedBounds = bounds.expandedInAllDirections(2);
@ -30,67 +51,103 @@ export class ItemEjectorSystem extends GameSystemWithFilter {
recomputeCache() {
logger.log("Recomputing cache");
// Try to find acceptors for every ejector
let entryCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) {
const entity = this.allEntities[i];
const ejectorComp = entity.components.ItemEjector;
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
if (this.smallCacheAreas.length <= 4) {
// Only recompute caches of entities inside the rectangles.
for (let i = 0; i < this.smallCacheAreas.length; i++) {
entryCount += this.recomputeAreaCaches(this.smallCacheAreas[i]);
} else {
// Try to find acceptors for every ejector
for (let i = 0; i < this.allEntities.length; ++i) {
const entity = this.allEntities[i];
entryCount += this.recomputeSingleEntityCache(entity);
// Clear the old cache.
ejectorComp.cachedConnectedSlots = null;
// For every ejector slot, try to find an acceptor
for (let ejectorSlotIndex = 0; ejectorSlotIndex < ejectorComp.slots.length; ++ejectorSlotIndex) {
const ejectorSlot = ejectorComp.slots[ejectorSlotIndex];
// Clear the old cache.
ejectorSlot.cachedDestSlot = null;
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = null;
// Figure out where and into which direction we eject items
const ejectSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(ejectorSlot.pos);
const ejectSlotWsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(ejectorSlot.direction);
const ejectSlotWsDirectionVector = enumDirectionToVector[ejectSlotWsDirection];
const ejectSlotTargetWsTile = ejectSlotWsTile.add(ejectSlotWsDirectionVector);
// Try to find the given acceptor component to take the item
const targetEntity = this.root.map.getTileContent(ejectSlotTargetWsTile);
if (!targetEntity) {
// No consumer for item
logger.log("Found", entryCount, "entries to update");
const targetAcceptorComp = targetEntity.components.ItemAcceptor;
const targetStaticComp = targetEntity.components.StaticMapEntity;
if (!targetAcceptorComp) {
// Entity doesn't accept items
this.smallCacheAreas = [];
* @param {Rectangle} area
recomputeAreaCaches(area) {
let entryCount = 0;
for (let x = area.x; x < area.right(); ++x) {
for (let y = area.y; y < area.bottom(); ++y) {
const entity = this.root.map.getTileContentXY(x, y);
if (entity && entity.components.ItemEjector) {
entryCount += this.recomputeSingleEntityCache(entity);
return entryCount;
const matchingSlot = targetAcceptorComp.findMatchingSlot(
* @param {Entity} entity
recomputeSingleEntityCache(entity) {
const ejectorComp = entity.components.ItemEjector;
const staticComp = entity.components.StaticMapEntity;
if (!matchingSlot) {
// No matching slot found
// Clear the old cache.
ejectorComp.cachedConnectedSlots = null;
// Ok we found a connection
if (ejectorComp.cachedConnectedSlots) {
} else {
ejectorComp.cachedConnectedSlots = [ejectorSlot];
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = targetEntity;
ejectorSlot.cachedDestSlot = matchingSlot;
entryCount += 1;
// For every ejector slot, try to find an acceptor
let entryCount = 0;
for (let ejectorSlotIndex = 0; ejectorSlotIndex < ejectorComp.slots.length; ++ejectorSlotIndex) {
const ejectorSlot = ejectorComp.slots[ejectorSlotIndex];
// Clear the old cache.
ejectorSlot.cachedDestSlot = null;
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = null;
// Figure out where and into which direction we eject items
const ejectSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(ejectorSlot.pos);
const ejectSlotWsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(ejectorSlot.direction);
const ejectSlotWsDirectionVector = enumDirectionToVector[ejectSlotWsDirection];
const ejectSlotTargetWsTile = ejectSlotWsTile.add(ejectSlotWsDirectionVector);
// Try to find the given acceptor component to take the item
const targetEntity = this.root.map.getTileContent(ejectSlotTargetWsTile);
if (!targetEntity) {
// No consumer for item
logger.log("Found", entryCount, "entries to update");
const targetAcceptorComp = targetEntity.components.ItemAcceptor;
const targetStaticComp = targetEntity.components.StaticMapEntity;
if (!targetAcceptorComp) {
// Entity doesn't accept items
const matchingSlot = targetAcceptorComp.findMatchingSlot(
if (!matchingSlot) {
// No matching slot found
// Ok we found a connection
if (ejectorComp.cachedConnectedSlots) {
} else {
ejectorComp.cachedConnectedSlots = [ejectorSlot];
ejectorSlot.cachedTargetEntity = targetEntity;
ejectorSlot.cachedDestSlot = matchingSlot;
entryCount += 1;
return entryCount;
update() {
