Created Slovenian translation for Steam page

I will translate also other stuff later this week :)
zanknafelc 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 10d82a72fb
commit a23ebd0dd0
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
# This is the short text appearing on the steam page
shortText: is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
shortText: je igra grajenja tovarne katere cilj je avtomatiziranje kreiranja in procesiranja vse bolj zapletenih oblik na neskončni ravnini.
# This is the text shown above the discord link
discordLink: Official Discord - Chat with me!
discordLink: Uradni Discord - Pridruži se klepetu!
# This is the long description for the steam page - It is contained here so you can help to translate it, and I will regulary update the store page.
@ -33,56 +33,54 @@ steamPage:
longText: >-
[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/store_page_gif.gif[/img] is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map.
Upon delivering the requested shapes you will progress within the game and unlock upgrades to speed up your factory. je igra grajenja tovarne katere cilj je avtomatiziranje kreiranja in procesiranja vse bolj zapletenih oblik na neskončni ravnini.
Ob dostavi zahtevanih oblik boste napredovali v igri in odklenili nadgradnje, da boste pospešili tovarno.
As the demand for shapes increases, you will have to scale up your factory to meet the demand - Don't forget about resources though, you will have to expand across the [b]infinite map[/b]!
Ko se bo povpraševanje po oblikah povečalo, boste morali prilagoditi svojo tovarno, da bo zadostilo povpraševanju. Ne pozabite na vire, morali pa se boste razširiti čez [b] neskončno ravnino [/ b]!
Soon you will have to mix colors and paint your shapes with them - Combine red, green and blue color resources to produce different colors and paint shapes with it to satisfy the demand.
This game features 18 progressive levels (Which should keep you busy for hours already!) but I'm constantly adding new content - There is a lot planned!
Purchasing the game gives you access to the standalone version which has additional features and you'll also receive access to newly developed features.
Kmalu boste morali mešati barve in z njimi barvati svoje oblike - Združite rdeče, zelene in modre barvne vire, da ustvarite različne barve in z njimi barvate oblike, da zadostite povpraševanju.
V tej igri je 18 progresivnih stopenj (ki vas bodo zaposlile za več ur!), Vendar nenehno dodajam novo vsebino - načrtovanih novosti je veliko!
Nakup igre vam omogoča dostop do samostojne različice, ki ima dodatne funkcije, prav tako pa boste imeli dostop do novo razvitih funkcij.
[*] Dark Mode
[*] Unlimited Waypoints
[*] Unlimited Savegames
[*] Additional settings
[*] Coming soon: Wires & Energy! Aiming for (roughly) end of July 2020.
[*] Coming soon: More Levels
[*] Allows me to further develop ❤️
[*] Temna tema
[*] Neomejeno označb
[*] Neomejeno shranjenih tovarn
[*] Dodatne nastavitve
[*] Prihaja kmalu: Žice in energija! Prihajajo (približno) konec julija 2020.
[*] Prihaja kmalu: Več stopenj
[*] Omogoča mi nadaljni razvoj ❤️
I am updating the game very often and trying to push an update at least every week!
Igro posodabljam zelo pogosto in poskušam dodati novosti vsaj vsak teden!
[*] Different maps and challenges (e.g. maps with obstacles)
[*] Puzzles (Deliver the requested shape with a restricted area / set of buildings)
[*] A story mode where buildings have a cost
[*] Configurable map generator (Configure resource/shape size/density, seed and more)
[*] Additional types of shapes
[*] Performance improvements (The game already runs pretty well!)
[*] And much more!
[*] Različni zemljevidi in izzivi (npr. Zemljevidi z ovirami)
[*] Izzivi (vnesite želeno obliko z omejenim območjem / nizom zgradb)
[*] Način zgodbe, kjer imajo stavbe stroške/cene
[*] Nastavljiv generator zemljevidov (konfigurirajte velikost / gostoto oblik /, seme in več)
[*] Dodatne vrste oblik
[*] Izboljšanje zmogljivosti (igra že sedaj deluje zelo dobro!)
[*] In veliko več!
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration where possible.
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
Vsakdo lahko prispeva, aktivno sem vključen v skupnost in poskušam pregledati vse predloge in upoštevati povratne informacije, kjer je to mogoče.
Bodite prepričani, da si oglejte mojo Trello ploščo za celoten načrt!
[*] [url=]Official Discord[/url]
[*] [url=]Roadmap[/url]
[*] [url=]Uradni Discord[/url]
[*] [url=]Načrtovane posodobitve[/url]
[*] [url=]Subreddit[/url]
[*] [url=]Source code (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=]Help translate[/url]
[*] [url=]Izvorna Koda (GitHub)[/url]
[*] [url=]Pomagaj pri prevodu[/url]
