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998 B

4 years ago
// Removes the unit (px, %, etc) from a value
@function strip-unit($number) {
@if type-of($number) == "number" and not unitless($number) {
@return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
@return $number;
// Helper method to scale a value, for use in calc() etc
@function D($v) {
$baseValue: strip-unit($v) * 1px;
@return calc(#{$baseValue} * var(--ui-scale));
// Helper method to scale the font size
@mixin ScaleFont($fontSize, $lineHeight) {
font-size: D($fontSize * $mainFontScale);
line-height: D($lineHeight * $mainFontScale);
// Helper method to scale a property value
@mixin S($propName, $v1, $v2: "", $v3: "", $v4: "", $important: false) {
$impSuffix: "";
@if $important == true {
$impSuffix: "!important";
$v1: D($v1);
@if $v2 != "" {
$v2: D($v2);
@if $v3 != "" {
$v3: D($v3);
@if $v4 != "" {
$v4: D($v4);
#{$propName}: #{$v1} #{$v2} #{$v3} #{$v4} #{$impSuffix};