You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

833 lines
32 KiB

# Contributing:
# If you want to contribute, please make a pull request on this respository
# and I will have a look.
# Placeholders:
# Do *not* replace placeholders! Placeholders have a special syntax like
# `Hotkey: <key>`. They are encapsulated within angle brackets. The correct
# translation for this one in German for example would be: `Taste: <key>` (notice
# how the placeholder stayed '<key>' and was not replaced!)
# Adding a new language:
# If you want to add a new language, ask me in the discord and I will setup
# the basic structure so the game also detects it.
# This is the short text appearing on the steam page
shortText: és un joc que té com a objectiu construir i automatitzar fàbriques per tal de produir figures cada cop més complexes en un mapa infinit.
# This is the long description for the steam page - It is contained here so you can help to translate it, and I will regulary update the store page.
# - Do not translate the first line (This is the gif image at the start of the store)
# - Please keep the markup (Stuff like [b], [list] etc) in the same format
longText: >-
[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/store_page_gif.gif[/img] és un joc que té com a objectiu construir i automatitzar fàbriques per tal de produir i combinar figures. Al entregar-les, es progressa en el joc desbloquejant millores per les línies de producció.
En augmentar la demanda serà necessari redissenyar les línies de producció per tal de saciar les demandes - Sense oblidar-se dels recursos bàsics, serà necessari expandir-se en el [b]mapa infinit[/b]!
Ja que les figures simples poden ser avorrides serà necessari mesclar colors i pintar-les - Combina vermell, verd i blau per produir diferents colors i així pintar les figures per assolir el nivell de demanda adequat.
El joc compta amb 18 nivells (Que et mantindran ocupat durant hores!) però estic afegint constantment nou contingut - Tinc moltes coses planejades!
[b]Avantatges del joc complet[/b]
[*] Balises o marcadors, punts de referència en el mapa
[*] Guardar partides de forma il·limitada
[*] Mode fosc/nocturn
[*] Més opcions
[*] Em permet seguir desenvolupant ❤️
[*] Més característiques en el futur!
[b]Característiques planejades i suggerències de la comunitat[/b]
Aquest joc es de codi obert - Qualsevol pot contribuir! A més, tinc [b]molt present[/b] a la comunitat! Intento/e llegir tots els suggeriments i proporcionar tot el feedback que m'és possible.
[*] Cables!
[*] Mode història on els edificis tenen un cost en figures
[*] Més nivells i edificis (exclusiu de la versió completa)
[*] Mapes diferents i potser obstacles dins d'aquest
[*] Configurar la generació del mapa (número i mida dels recursos, la seed i més)
[*] Més tipus de figures
[*] Millorar el rendiment (Tot i que el joc ja funciona molt bé!)
[*] I molt més!
Assegurat de revisar el taulell de Trello per veure el full de ruta!
loading: Carregant
error: Error
# How big numbers are rendered, e.g. "10,000"
thousandsDivider: ","
# The suffix for large numbers, e.g. 1.3k, 400.2M, etc.
thousands: k
millions: M
billions: B
trillions: T
# Shown for infinitely big numbers
infinite: inf
# Used for formatting past time dates
oneSecondAgo: fa un segon
xSecondsAgo: fa <x> segons
oneMinuteAgo: fa un minut
xMinutesAgo: fa <x> minuts
oneHourAgo: fa una hora
xHoursAgo: fa <x> hores
oneDayAgo: fa un dia
xDaysAgo: fa <x> dies
# Short formats for times, e.g. '5h 23m'
secondsShort: <seconds>s
minutesAndSecondsShort: <minutes>m <seconds>s
hoursAndMinutesShort: <hours>h <minutes>m
xMinutes: <x> minuts
tab: TAB
control: CTRL
alt: ALT
escape: ESC
shift: SHIFT
space: ESPAI
# This is the "advertisement" shown in the main menu and other various places
title: Demo - Versió de prova
intro: >-
Aconsegueix el joc complet per obtenir totes les característiques!
play: Jugar
continue: Continuar
newGame: Nou joc
changelog: Historial de canvis
subreddit: Reddit
importSavegame: Importar
openSourceHint: Aquest joc es de codi obert!
discordLink: Servidor Discord oficial
helpTranslate: Ajuda a traduir-lo!
madeBy: Creat per <author-link>
# This is shown when using firefox and other browsers which are not supported.
browserWarning: >-
Disculpa, però el joc funcionarà lent al teu navegador! Aconsegueix el joc complet o descarregat chrome per una millor experiència.
savegameLevel: Nivell <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nivell desconegut
title: "Concurs #01"
desc: Guanya <strong>$25</strong> per la base més impresionant!
longDesc: >-
Per tal de mantenir el feedback he pensat que molaria fer concursos setmanals!
<strong>El tema d'aquesta setmana:</strong> Construeix la base més impresionant!
Aquest es el procés:<br>
<ul class="bucketList">
<li>Envia una captura de pantalla de la teva base <strong></strong></li>
<li>Punts extra si ho comparteixes en xarxes socials!</li>
<li>Seleccionare aa 5 captures i les proposaré a la comunitat de <strong>discord</strong> per que votin/en.</li>
<li>El premi és <strong>$25</strong> (Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, whatever you prefer)</li>
<li>Deadline: 07.06.2020 12:00 AM CEST</li>
Estic esperant per les vostres increïbles creacions!
showInfo: Veure
contestOver: Aquest concurs ha conclòs- Entra a discord per assabentar-te de nous concursos!
ok: OK
delete: Eliminar
cancel: Cancel·lar
later: Més tard
restart: Tornar a començar
reset: Reiniciar
getStandalone: Obtenir versió completa
deleteGame: Se el que em faig
viewUpdate: Veure actualitzacions
showUpgrades: Mostrar millores
showKeybindings: Mostrar dreceres de teclat
title: Error a l'importar
text: >-
Failed to import your savegame:
title: Importar
text: >-
La partida ha sigut importada amb èxit.
title: No es pot càrregar la partida guardada
text: >-
Failed to load your savegame:
title: Eliminar
text: >-
Estàs segur que vols eliminar la partida guardada?
title: Error al eliminar
text: >-
Failed to delete the savegame:
title: Reiniciar
text: >-
És necessari reiniciar el joc per aplicar els canvis.
title: Cambiar dreceres de teclat
desc: Pressiona la tecla o botó del ratolí que vols designar o ESC per cancel·lar.
title: Reiniciar dreceres de teclat
desc: Això reiniciarà tots els canvis realitzats, n'estàs segur?
title: Cambiar dreceres de teclat
desc: Les dreceres han tornat en el seu estat predeterminat!
title: Demo - Versió de prova
desc: Has intentat accedir a una característica (<feature>) que no està disponible en la demo. Considera en obtenir el joc complet per una experiència completa!
title: Partides guardades limitades
desc: Només pots tenir una sola partida guardada a la versió de demostració. Si us plau elimina la ja existent o fes-te amb la versió completa del joc!
title: Nova actualització!
desc: >-
Aquí tens els canvis des de l'últim cop que vas jugar:
title: Desbloquejar millora
desc: >-
Totes les figures poden ser usades per desbloquejar millores - <strong>No eliminis les teves fabriques anteriors!</strong>
La pestanya de millores està a la part superior dreta de la pantalla.
title: Eliminar edificis
desc: >-
Estàs esborrant molts edificis de cop (<count> per ser exactes)! Estàs segur que vols seguir?
title: Tallar edificis
desc: >-
Estàs esborrant molts edificis de cop (<count> per ser exactes)! Estàs segur que vols seguir?
title: Encara no s'ha desbloquejat
desc: >-
Completa el nivell 12 per poder desbloquejar aquesta característica.
title: Dreceres de teclat útils
desc: >-
El joc té moltes dreceres que faciliten la feina a l'hora de construir grans línies de producció.
Aquí tens algunes, però asegurat de <strong>revisar les dreceres de teclat</strong>!<br><br>
<code class='keybinding'>CTRL</code> + Arrossegar: Selecciona una àrea.<br>
<code class='keybinding'>SHIFT</code>: Mentè pressionat per col·locar vàries vegades el mateix edifici.<br>
<code class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Invertir la orientació de les cintes transportades ja col·locades.<br>
title: Nou Marcador
desc: Dona-li un nom significatiu, també pots usar <strong>claus</strong> de les figures (Pots generarles a: <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)
desc: En la Demo només pots crear dos marcadors, aconsegueix la versió completa per gaudir de l'experiència completa!
title: Export screenshot
desc: You requested to export your base as a screenshot. Please note that this can be quite slow for a big base and even crash your game!
# This is shown in the top left corner and displays useful keybindings in
# every situation
moveMap: Move
selectBuildings: Select area
stopPlacement: Stop placement
rotateBuilding: Rotate building
placeMultiple: Place multiple
reverseOrientation: Reverse orientation
disableAutoOrientation: Disable auto orientation
toggleHud: Toggle HUD
placeBuilding: Place building
createMarker: Create Marker
delete: Delete
pasteLastBlueprint: Paste last blueprint
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
plannerSwitchSide: Flip planner side
cutSelection: Cut
copySelection: Copy
clearSelection: Clear Selection
pipette: Pipette
switchLayers: Switch Layers
# Names of the colors, used for the color blind mode
red: Red
green: Green
blue: Blue
yellow: Yellow
purple: Purple
cyan: Cyan
white: White
uncolored: No color
# Everything related to placing buildings (I.e. as soon as you selected a building
# from the toolbar)
# Buildings can have different variants which are unlocked at later levels,
# and this is the hint shown when there are multiple variants available.
cycleBuildingVariants: Press <key> to cycle variants.
# Shows the hotkey in the ui, e.g. "Hotkey: Q"
hotkeyLabel: >-
Hotkey: <key>
speed: Speed
range: Range
storage: Storage
oneItemPerSecond: 1 item / second
itemsPerSecond: <x> items / s
itemsPerSecondDouble: (x2)
tiles: <x> tiles
# The notification when completing a level
# <level> is replaced by the actual level, so this gets 'Level 03' for example.
levelTitle: Level <level>
completed: Completed
unlockText: Unlocked <reward>!
buttonNextLevel: Next Level
# Notifications on the lower right
newUpgrade: A new upgrade is available!
gameSaved: Your game has been saved.
# The "Upgrades" window
title: Upgrades
buttonUnlock: Upgrade
# Gets replaced to e.g. "Tier IX"
tier: Tier <x>
# The roman number for each tier
tierLabels: [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X]
maximumLevel: MAXIMUM LEVEL (Speed x<currentMult>)
# The "Statistics" window
title: Statistics
title: Stored
description: Displaying amount of stored shapes in your central building.
title: Produced
description: Displaying all shapes your whole factory produces, including intermediate products.
title: Delivered
description: Displaying shapes which are delivered to your central building.
noShapesProduced: No shapes have been produced so far.
# Displays the shapes per minute, e.g. '523 / m'
shapesPerMinute: <shapes> / m
# Settings menu, when you press "ESC"
playtime: Playtime
buildingsPlaced: Buildings
beltsPlaced: Belts
continue: Continue
settings: Settings
menu: Return to menu
# Bottom left tutorial hints
title: Need help?
showHint: Show hint
hideHint: Close
# When placing a blueprint
cost: Cost
# Map markers
waypoints: Markers
hub: HUB
description: Left-click a marker to jump to it, right-click to delete it.<br><br>Press <keybinding> to create a marker from the current view, or <strong>right-click</strong> to create a marker at the selected location.
creationSuccessNotification: Marker has been created.
# Shape viewer
title: Layers
empty: Empty
copyKey: Copy Key
# Interactive tutorial
title: Tutorial
1_1_extractor: Place an <strong>extractor</strong> on top of a <strong>circle shape</strong> to extract it!
1_2_conveyor: >-
Connect the extractor with a <strong>conveyor belt</strong> to your hub!<br><br>Tip: <strong>Click and drag</strong> the belt with your mouse!
1_3_expand: >-
This is <strong>NOT</strong> an idle game! Build more extractors and belts to finish the goal quicker.<br><br>Tip: Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> to place multiple extractors, and use <strong>R</strong> to rotate them.
# All shop upgrades
name: Belts, Distributor & Tunnels
description: Speed x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Extraction
description: Speed x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Cutting, Rotating & Stacking
description: Speed x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
name: Mixing & Painting
description: Speed x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
# Buildings and their name / description
deliver: Deliver
toUnlock: to unlock
levelShortcut: LVL
name: &belt Conveyor Belt
description: Transports items, hold and drag to place multiple.
name: &wire Wire
description: Allows to transport energy
miner: # Internal name for the Extractor
name: &miner Extractor
description: Place over a shape or color to extract it.
name: Extractor (Chain)
description: Place over a shape or color to extract it. Can be chained.
underground_belt: # Internal name for the Tunnel
name: &underground_belt Tunnel
description: Allows to tunnel resources under buildings and belts.
name: Tunnel Tier II
description: Allows to tunnel resources under buildings and belts.
splitter: # Internal name for the Balancer
name: &splitter Balancer
description: Multifunctional - Evenly distributes all inputs onto all outputs.
name: Merger (compact)
description: Merges two conveyor belts into one.
name: Merger (compact)
description: Merges two conveyor belts into one.
name: &cutter Cutter
description: Cuts shapes from top to bottom and outputs both halfs. <strong>If you use only one part, be sure to destroy the other part or it will stall!</strong>
name: Cutter (Quad)
description: Cuts shapes into four parts. <strong>If you use only one part, be sure to destroy the other parts or it will stall!</strong>
name: &advanced_processor Advanced Processor
description: Advanced shape processing
name: &rotater Rotate
description: Rotates shapes clockwise by 90 degrees.
name: Rotate (CCW)
description: Rotates shapes counter clockwise by 90 degrees.
name: &stacker Stacker
description: Stacks both items. If they can not be merged, the right item is placed above the left item.
name: &mixer Color Mixer
description: Mixes two colors using additive blending.
name: &painter Painter
description: &painter_desc Colors the whole shape on the left input with the color from the top input.
name: *painter
description: *painter_desc
name: Painter (Double)
description: Colors the shapes on the left inputs with the color from the top input.
name: Painter (Quad)
description: Allows to color each quadrant of the shape with a different color.
name: &trash Trash
description: Accepts inputs from all sides and destroys them. Forever.
name: Storage
description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Can be used as an overflow gate.
deliver: Deliver
# This will be shown before the amount, so for example 'For 123 Energy'
toGenerateEnergy: For
name: &energy_generator Energy Generator
description: Generates energy by consuming shapes. Each energy generator requires a different shapes.
# Those are the rewards gained from completing the store
title: Cutting Shapes
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong> - it cuts shapes half from <strong>top to bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise <strong>it will stall</strong> - For this purpose I gave you a trash, which destroys everything you put into it!
title: Rotating
desc: The <strong>rotater</strong> has been unlocked! It rotates shapes clockwise by 90 degrees.
title: Painting
desc: >-
The <strong>painter</strong> has been unlocked - Extract some color veins (just as you do with shapes) and combine it with a shape in the painter to color them!<br><br>PS: If you are colorblind, there is a <strong>color blind mode</strong> in the settings!
title: Color Mixing
desc: The <strong>mixer</strong> has been unlocked - Combine two colors using <strong>additive blending</strong> with this building!
title: Combiner
desc: You can now combine shapes with the <strong>combiner</strong>! Both inputs are combined, and if they can be put next to each other, they will be <strong>fused</strong>. If not, the right input is <strong>stacked on top</strong> of the left input!
title: Splitter/Merger
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
title: Tunnel
desc: The <strong>tunnel</strong> has been unlocked - You can now tunnel items through belts and buildings with it!
title: CCW Rotating
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>rotater</strong> - It allows to rotate counter clockwise! To build it, select the rotater and <strong>press 'T' to cycle its variants</strong>!
title: Chaining Extractor
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>chaining extractor</strong>! It can <strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you can more efficiently extract resources!
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the <strong>tunnel</strong> - It has a <strong>bigger range</strong>, and you can also mix-n-match those tunnels now!
title: Compact Balancer
desc: >-
You have unlocked a compact variant of the <strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts two inputs and merges them into one!
title: Quad Cutting
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>cutter</strong> - It allows you to cut shapes in <strong>four parts</strong> instead of just two!
title: Double Painting
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>painter</strong> - It works as the regular painter but processes <strong>two shapes at once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
title: Quad Painting
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>painter</strong> - It allows to paint each part of the shape individually!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>trash</strong> - It allows to store items up to a given capacity!
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is planned for the standalone!)
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select an area (Hold CTRL, then drag with your mouse), and press 'C' to copy it.<br><br>Pasting it is <strong>not free</strong>, you need to produce <strong>blueprint shapes</strong> to afford it! (Those you just delivered).
# Special reward, which is shown when there is no reward actually
title: Next level
desc: >-
This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong> those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!
title: Wires
desc: TODO
title: Next level
desc: >-
Congratulations! By the way, more content is planned for the standalone!
title: Settings
game: Game
app: Application
dev: Development
staging: Staging
prod: Production
buildDate: Built <at-date>
title: Interface scale
description: >-
Changes the size of the user interface. The interface will still scale based on your device resolution, but this setting controls the amount of scale.
super_small: Super small
small: Small
regular: Regular
large: Large
huge: Huge
title: Autosave Interval
description: >-
Controls how often the game saves automatically. You can also disable it entirely here.
one_minute: 1 Minute
two_minutes: 2 Minutes
five_minutes: 5 Minutes
ten_minutes: 10 Minutes
twenty_minutes: 20 Minutes
disabled: Disabled
title: Zoom sensitivity
description: >-
Changes how sensitive the zoom is (Either mouse wheel or trackpad).
super_slow: Super slow
slow: Slow
regular: Regular
fast: Fast
super_fast: Super fast
title: Movement speed
description: >-
Changes how fast the view moves when using the keyboard.
super_slow: Super slow
slow: Slow
regular: Regular
fast: Fast
super_fast: Super Fast
extremely_fast: Extremely Fast
title: Language
description: >-
Change the language. All translations are user contributed and might be incomplete!
title: Color Blind Mode
description: >-
Enables various tools which allow to play the game if you are color blind.
title: Fullscreen
description: >-
It is recommended to play the game in fullscreen to get the best experience. Only available in the standalone.
title: Mute Sounds
description: >-
If enabled, mutes all sound effects.
title: Mute Music
description: >-
If enabled, mutes all music.
title: Game theme
description: >-
Choose the game theme (light / dark).
dark: Dark
light: Light
title: Simulation Target
description: >-
If you have a 144hz monitor, change the refresh rate here so the game will properly simulate at higher refresh rates. This might actually decrease the FPS if your computer is too slow.
title: Multiplace
description: >-
If enabled, all buildings will stay selected after placement until you cancel it. This is equivalent to holding SHIFT permanently.
title: Hints & Tutorials
description: >-
Whether to offer hints and tutorials while playing. Also hides certain UI elements onto a given level to make it easier to get into the game.
title: Smart Tunnels
description: >-
When enabled, placing tunnels will automatically remove unnecessary belts. This also enables to drag tunnels and excess tunnels will get removed.
title: Vignette
description: >-
Enables the vignette which darkens the screen corners and makes text easier to read.
title: Rotation by building type
description: >-
Each building type remembers the rotation you last set it to individually. This may be more comfortable if you frequently switch between placing different building types.
title: Compact Building Infos
description: >-
Shortens info boxes for buildings by only showing their ratios. Otherwise a description and image is shown.
title: Disable Cut/Delete Warnings
description: >-
Disable the warning dialogs brought up when cutting/deleting more than 100 entities.
title: Keybindings
hint: >-
Tip: Be sure to make use of CTRL, SHIFT and ALT! They enable different placement options.
resetKeybindings: Reset Keybindings
general: Application
ingame: Game
navigation: Navigating
placement: Placement
massSelect: Mass Select
buildings: Building Shortcuts
placementModifiers: Placement Modifiers
confirm: Confirm
back: Back
mapMoveUp: Move Up
mapMoveRight: Move Right
mapMoveDown: Move Down
mapMoveLeft: Move Left
mapMoveFaster: Move Faster
centerMap: Center Map
mapZoomIn: Zoom in
mapZoomOut: Zoom out
createMarker: Create Marker
menuOpenShop: Upgrades
menuOpenStats: Statistics
toggleHud: Toggle HUD
toggleFPSInfo: Toggle FPS and Debug Info
switchLayers: Switch layers
exportScreenshot: Export whole Base as Image
belt: *belt
splitter: *splitter
underground_belt: *underground_belt
miner: *miner
cutter: *cutter
advanced_processor: *advanced_processor
rotater: *rotater
stacker: *stacker
mixer: *mixer
energy_generator: *energy_generator
painter: *painter
trash: *trash
wire: *wire
pipette: Pipette
rotateWhilePlacing: Rotate
rotateInverseModifier: >-
Modifier: Rotate CCW instead
cycleBuildingVariants: Cycle Variants
confirmMassDelete: Delete area
pasteLastBlueprint: Paste last blueprint
cycleBuildings: Cycle Buildings
lockBeltDirection: Enable belt planner
switchDirectionLockSide: >-
Planner: Switch side
massSelectStart: Hold and drag to start
massSelectSelectMultiple: Select multiple areas
massSelectCopy: Copy area
massSelectCut: Cut area
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Disable automatic orientation
placeMultiple: Stay in placement mode
placeInverse: Invert automatic belt orientation
title: About this Game
body: >-
This game is open source and developed by <a href="" target="_blank">Tobias Springer</a> (this is me).<br><br>
If you want to contribute, check out <a href="<githublink>" target="_blank"> on github</a>.<br><br>
This game wouldn't have been possible without the great discord community around my games - You should really join the <a href="<discordlink>" target="_blank">discord server</a>!<br><br>
The soundtrack was made by <a href="" target="_blank">Peppsen</a> - He's awesome.<br><br>
Finally, huge thanks to my best friend <a href="" target="_blank">Niklas</a> - Without our factorio sessions this game would never have existed.
title: Changelog
restoringGames: Restoring savegames
importingGames: Importing savegames
oneGameLimit: Limited to one savegame
customizeKeybindings: Customizing Keybindings
exportingBase: Exporting whole Base as Image
settingNotAvailable: Not available in the demo.