You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
4.1 KiB

"name": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"repository": "",
"author": "Tobias Springer <>",
"license": "MIT",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "cd gulp && yarn gulp main.serveDev",
Achievements (#1087) * [WIP] Add boilerplate for achievement implementation * Add config.local.template.js and rm cached copy of config.local.js * [WIP] Implement painting, cutting, rotating achievements (to log only) * [WIP] Refactor achievements, jsdoc fixes, add npm script - Refactor achievements to make use of Signals - Move implemented achievement interfaces to appropriate platform folders (SteamAchievements in currently in use in browser wrapper for testing) - Fix invalid jsdocs - Add dev-standalone script to package.json scripts * Add steam/greenworks IPC calls and optional private-artifact dependency * Include private artifacts in standalone builds * Uncomment appid include * [WIP] Add steam overlay fix, add hash to artifact dependency * Update electron, greenworks. Add task to add local config if not present * Add more achievements, refactor achievement code * Add receiver flexibility and more achievements - Add check to see if necessary to create achievement and add receiver - Add remove receiver functionality when achievement is unlocked * Add achievements and accommodations for switching states - Fix startup code to avoid clobbering achievements on state switch - Add a few more achievements * Add achievements, ids. Update names, keys for consistency * Add play time achievements * [WIP] Add more achievements * Add more achievements. Add bulk achievement check signal * [WIP] Add achievements. Start savefile migration * Add achievements. Add savefile migration * Remove superfluous achievement stat * Update lock files, fix merge conflict
4 years ago
"devStandalone": "cd gulp && yarn gulp main.serveStandalone",
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"lint": "eslint src/js",
"prettier-all": "prettier --write src/**/*.* && prettier --write gulp/**/*.*",
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"publishOnItchLinux": "butler push tmp_standalone_files/ tobspr/shapezio:linux --userversion-file version",
"publishOnItch": "yarn publishOnItchWindows && yarn publishOnItchLinux",
"publishOnSteam": "cd gulp/steampipe && ./upload.bat",
"publishStandalone": "yarn publishOnItch && yarn publishOnSteam",
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