papers-we-love_papers-we-love/mathematics/daniel litt. graph isomorphism and representation theory. graphs-sl2.pdf
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Programmers work with graphs often (file system, greplin, trees, "graph isomorphism problem" (who cares) ).   But have you ever tried to construct a simpler building-block (basis) with which graphs could be built? Or at least a different building block to build the same old things.

This <10-page paper also uses 𝔰𝔩₂(ℂ), a simple mathematical object you haven’t heard of, but which is a nice lead-in to an area of real mathematics—rep theory—that (1) contains actual insights (1a) that you aren’t using (2) is simple (3) isn’t pretentious.
2019-06-28 20:40:33 -04:00

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