On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages (#553)

* Update README.md
Stephen De Gabrielle 5 years ago committed by Darren
parent 27e3f28b9e
commit ca04e2da74

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Programming language theory (PLT) is a branch of computer science that deals wit
## Included Papers
* [On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016764239190036W) (Matthias Felleisen): "The literature on programming languages contains an abundance of informal
* :scroll: [On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages](scp91-felleisen.ps.gz) [sciencedirect](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016764239190036W)(Matthias Felleisen): "The literature on programming languages contains an abundance of informal
claims on the relative expressive power of programming languages, but there
is no framework for formalizing such statements nor for deriving interesting
consequences. As a first step in this direction, we develop a formal notion

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