Fix 404 papers (#577)

* Update link to Interactive Horizon Mapping: Shadows for bump-mapped surfaces
* Update link to A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography (1945)
Michael Jalkio 5 years ago committed by Darren
parent ec34be84a2
commit 1624d6d39c

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This is a really great paper that is both complex and straightforward. This pape
* [Light Propagation Volumes in CryEngine 3](
### Bump mapping
* [Interactive Horizon Mapping: Shadows for bump-mapped surfaces](
* [Interactive Horizon Mapping: Shadows for bump-mapped surfaces](
### Interior mapping
* [Interior Mapping: A new technique for rendering realistic buildings](

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* [Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2 (2017)]( (Mathy Vanhoef, Frank Piessens)
## Related Works
### [A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography (1945)]( - Shannon
### [A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography (1945)]( - Shannon
The original classified memo for Bell Labs that was republished in 1949 as ["Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems"](communication-theory-of-secrecy-systems.pdf).
### :scroll: [A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948)](../information_theory/a-mathematical-theory-of-communication-1948.pdf) - Shannon
