* [:scroll:](digital_video_stabilization_and_rolling_shutter_correction_using_gyroscopes.pdf) [Digital Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Correction using Gyroscopes](http://graphics.stanford.edu/papers/stabilization/karpenko_gyro.pdf)
This is a really great paper that is both complex and straightforward. This paper "present a robust, real-time video stabilization and rolling shutter correction technique based on gyroscopes". I think this is a great paper because it makes a clever use of a commodity technology (smartphones' gyroscopes) to make a state-of-the-art improvement to a central components of phones: video cameras by removing the shakes and rolling shutter artifacts of a video in real-time.
* [KinectFusion: Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera](http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/155416/kinectfusion-uist-comp.pdf)
### Object modeling
* [3-Sweep: Extracting Editable Objects from a Single Photo](http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~dcor/articles/2013/3-Sweep-Extracting-Editable-Objects.pdf) - [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oie1ZXWceqM)