Use `command` for a few more things that get overridden

Justin Hileman 8 years ago
parent 088a0f44e0
commit aa83e34148

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ end
function __bobthefish_hg_branch -S -d 'Get the current hg branch'
set -l branch (command hg branch ^/dev/null)
set -l book (command hg book | grep \* | cut -d\ -f3)
set -l book (command hg book | command grep \* | cut -d\ -f3)
echo "$__bobthefish_branch_glyph $branch @ $book"
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ function __bobthefish_git_ahead_verbose -S -d 'Print a more verbose ahead/behind
set -l commits (command git rev-list --left-right '@{upstream}...HEAD' ^/dev/null)
[ $status != 0 ]; and return
set -l behind (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | grep '^<'))
set -l ahead (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | grep -v '^<'))
set -l behind (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | command grep '^<'))
set -l ahead (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | command grep -v '^<'))
switch "$ahead $behind"
case '' # no upstream
@ -147,12 +147,16 @@ function __bobthefish_start_segment -S -d 'Start a prompt segment'
function __bobthefish_path_segment -S -a current_dir -d 'Display a shortened form of a directory'
if [ -w "$current_dir" ]
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_grey $__bobthefish_med_grey
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_red $__bobthefish_lt_red
set -l bg_color $__bobthefish_dk_grey
set -l fg_color $__bobthefish_med_grey
if not [ -w "$current_dir" ]
set bg_color $__bobthefish_dk_red
set fg_color $__bobthefish_lt_red
__bobthefish_start_segment $bg_color $fg_color
set -l directory
set -l parent
@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ end
function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vbox -S -d 'Display VirtualBox Vagrant status'
set -l vagrant_status
for id in (__bobthefish_vagrant_ids)
set -l vm_status (VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable $id ^/dev/null | grep 'VMState=' | tr -d '"' | cut -d '=' -f 2)
set -l vm_status (VBoxManage showvminfo --machinereadable $id ^/dev/null | command grep 'VMState=' | tr -d '"' | cut -d '=' -f 2)
switch "$vm_status"
case 'running'
set vagrant_status "$vagrant_status$__bobthefish_vagrant_running_glyph"
@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_git -S -a current_dir -d 'Display the actual git st
set -l ahead (__bobthefish_git_ahead)
set -l new ''
set -l show_untracked (git config --bool bash.showUntrackedFiles)
set -l show_untracked (command git config --bool bash.showUntrackedFiles)
if [ "$theme_display_git_untracked" != 'no' -a "$show_untracked" != 'false' ]
set new (command git ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory)
if [ "$new" ]
