Clean up glyphs in README a bit, fix branch glyph.

Justin Hileman 9 years ago
parent da9bf50279
commit a195c0dea1

@ -35,24 +35,24 @@ This theme is based loosely on [agnoster][agnoster].
### The Prompt
* Flags:
* Previous command failed (!)
* Background jobs (%)
* You currently have superpowers ($)
* Previous command failed (`!`)
* Background jobs (`%`)
* You currently have superpowers (`$`)
* User@Host (unless you're the default user)
* Current RVM or rbenv (Ruby) version
* Current virtualenv (Python) version
* _If you use virtualenv, you will probably need to disable the default virtualenv prompt, since it doesn't play nice with fish: `set -x VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1`_
* Abbreviated parent directory
* Current directory, or Git or Mercurial project name
* Current project's repo branch ( master) or detached head (➦ d0dfd9b)
* Current project's repo branch (<img width="16" alt="branch-glyph" src=""> master) or detached head (➦ d0dfd9b)
* Git or Mercurial status, via colors and flags:
* Dirty working directory (*)
* Untracked files (…)
* Staged changes (~)
* Stashed changes ($)
* Unpulled commits (-)
* Unpushed commits (+)
* Unpulled *and* unpushed commits (±)
* Dirty working directory (`*`)
* Untracked files (``)
* Staged changes (`~`)
* Stashed changes (`$`)
* Unpulled commits (`-`)
* Unpushed commits (`+`)
* Unpulled *and* unpushed commits (`±`)
* _Note that not all of these have been implemented for hg yet :)_
* Abbreviated project-relative path
