Merge pull request #47 from ohspite/color-schemes

Add configurable color schemes
Justin Hileman 8 years ago
commit 8d9e05e20e

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ set -g theme_powerline_fonts no
set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes
set -g theme_show_exit_status yes
set -g default_user your_normal_user
set -g theme_color_scheme dark
**Title options**
@ -97,6 +98,55 @@ set -g default_user your_normal_user
- `theme_show_exit_status`. Set this option to yes to have the prompt show the last exit code if it was non_zero instead of just the exclamation mark.
- `theme_git_worktree_support`. If you do any git worktree shenanigans, setting this to `yes` will fix incorrect project-relative path display. If you don't do any git worktree shenanigans, leave it disabled. It's faster this way :)
**Color scheme options**
You can use the function `__bobthefish_display_colors` to preview the prompts in
the current theme.
Set `theme_color_scheme` in a terminal session or in your fish startup files to
one of the following options to change the prompt colors.
- `dark`. The default bobthefish theme.
- `light`. A lighter version of the default theme.
- `solarized` (or `solarized-dark`), `solarized-light`. Dark and light variants
of Solarized.
- `base16` (or `base16-dark`), `base16-light`. Dark and light variants of the
default Base16 theme.
- `zenburn`. An adaptation of Zenburn.
Some of these may not look right if your terminal does not support 24 bit color,
in which case you can try one of the `terminal` schemes (below). However, if
you're using Solarized, Base16 (default), or Zenburn in your terminal and the
terminal *does* support 24 bit color, the built in schemes will look nicer.
There are several scheme that use whichever colors you currently have loaded
into your terminal. The advantage of using the schemes that fall through to the
terminal colors is that they automatically adapt to something acceptable
whenever you change the 16 colors in your terminal profile.
- `terminal` (or `terminal-dark` or `terminal-dark-black`)
- `terminal-dark-white`. Same as `terminal`, but use white as the foreground
color on top of colored segments (in case your colors are very dark).
- `terminal-light` (or `terminal-light-white`)
- `terminal-light-black`. Same as `terminal-light`, but use black as the
foreground color on top of colored segments (in case your colors are very
For some terminal themes, like dark base16 themes, the path segments in the
prompt will be indistinguishable from the background. In those cases, try one of
the following variations; they are identical to the `terminal` schemes except
for using bright black (`brgrey`) and dull white (`grey`) in the place of black
and bright white.
- `terminal2` (or `terminal2-dark` or `terminal2-dark-black`)
- `terminal2-dark-white`
- `terminal2-light` (or `terminal2-light-white`)
- `terminal2-light-black`
Finally, you can specify your very own color scheme by setting
`theme_color_scheme` to `user`. In that case, you also need to define some
variables to set the colors of the prompt. See the "Colors" section of
`` for details.

@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ function __bobthefish_start_segment -S -d 'Start a prompt segment'
function __bobthefish_path_segment -S -a current_dir -d 'Display a shortened form of a directory'
set -l bg_color $__bobthefish_dk_grey
set -l fg_color $__bobthefish_med_grey
set -l segment_color $__color_path
set -l segment_basename_color $__color_path_basename
if not [ -w "$current_dir" ]
set bg_color $__bobthefish_dk_red
set fg_color $__bobthefish_lt_red
set segment_color $__color_path_nowrite
set segment_basename_color $__color_path_nowrite_basename
__bobthefish_start_segment $bg_color $fg_color
__bobthefish_start_segment $segment_color
set -l directory
set -l parent
@ -213,14 +213,14 @@ function __bobthefish_path_segment -S -a current_dir -d 'Display a shortened for
echo -n $parent
set_color fff --bold
set_color -b $segment_basename_color
echo -ns $directory ' '
set_color normal
function __bobthefish_finish_segments -S -d 'Close open prompt segments'
if [ "$__bobthefish_current_bg" != '' ]
set_color -b normal
set_color normal
set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg
echo -ns $__bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph ' '
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vbox -S -d 'Display VirtualBox Vagrant stat
[ -z "$vagrant_status" ]; and return
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_vagrant fff --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vagrant
echo -ns $vagrant_status ' '
set_color normal
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_vagrant_vmware -S -d 'Display VMWare Vagrant status
[ -z "$vagrant_status" ]; and return
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_vagrant fff --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vagrant
echo -ns $vagrant_status ' '
set_color normal
@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_status -S -a last_status -d 'Display symbols for a
and set bg_jobs $__bobthefish_bg_job_glyph
if [ "$nonzero" -o "$superuser" -o "$bg_jobs" ]
__bobthefish_start_segment fff 000
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_initial_segment_exit
if [ "$nonzero" ]
set_color $__bobthefish_med_red --bold
set_color normal; set_color -b $__color_initial_segment_exit
if [ "$theme_show_exit_status" = 'yes' ]
echo -ns $last_status ' '
@ -321,12 +321,12 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_status -S -a last_status -d 'Display symbols for a
if [ "$superuser" ]
set_color $__bobthefish_med_green --bold
set_color normal; set_color -b $__color_initial_segment_su
echo -n $__bobthefish_superuser_glyph
if [ "$bg_jobs" ]
set_color $__bobthefish_slate_blue --bold
set_color normal; set_color -b $__color_initial_segment_jobs
echo -n $__bobthefish_bg_job_glyph
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ end
function __bobthefish_prompt_user -S -d 'Display actual user if different from $default_user'
if [ "$theme_display_user" = 'yes' ]
if [ "$USER" != "$default_user" -o -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_lt_grey $__bobthefish_slate_blue
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_username
set -l IFS .
hostname | read -l hostname __
echo -ns (whoami) '@' $hostname ' '
@ -352,28 +352,26 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_hg -S -a current_dir -d 'Display the actual hg stat
[ "$flags" ]
and set flags ""
set -l flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_green
set -l flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_green
set -l flag_colors $__color_repo
if [ "$dirty" ]
set flag_bg $__bobthefish_med_red
set flag_fg fff
set flag_colors $__color_repo_dirty
__bobthefish_path_segment $current_dir
__bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg
__bobthefish_start_segment $flag_colors
echo -ns $__bobthefish_hg_glyph ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $flag_colors
echo -ns (__bobthefish_hg_branch) $flags ' '
set_color normal
set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd $current_dir)
if [ "$project_pwd" ]
if [ -w "$PWD" ]
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_grey $__bobthefish_med_grey
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_red $__bobthefish_lt_red
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path_nowrite
echo -ns $project_pwd ' '
@ -403,19 +401,16 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_git -S -a current_dir -d 'Display the actual git st
[ "$flags" ]
and set flags " $flags"
set -l flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_green
set -l flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_green
set -l flag_colors $__color_repo
if [ "$dirty" ]
set flag_bg $__bobthefish_med_red
set flag_fg fff
set flag_colors $__color_repo_dirty
else if [ "$staged" ]
set flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_orange
set flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_orange
set flag_colors $__color_repo_staged
__bobthefish_path_segment $current_dir
__bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $flag_colors
echo -ns (__bobthefish_git_branch) $flags ' '
set_color normal
@ -423,9 +418,9 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_git -S -a current_dir -d 'Display the actual git st
set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd $current_dir)
if [ "$project_pwd" ]
if [ -w "$PWD" ]
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_grey $__bobthefish_med_grey
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_red $__bobthefish_lt_red
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path_nowrite
echo -ns $project_pwd ' '
@ -447,25 +442,22 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_git -S -a current_dir -d 'Display the actual git st
if [ "$project_pwd" -o "$work_dir" ]
set -l bg_color $__bobthefish_dk_grey
set -l fg_color $__bobthefish_med_grey
set -l colors $__color_path
if not [ -w "$PWD" ]
set bg_color $__bobthefish_med_red
set fg_color $__bobthefish_lt_red
set colors $__color_path_nowrite
__bobthefish_start_segment $bg_color $fg_color
__bobthefish_start_segment $colors
# handle work_dir != project dir
if [ "$work_dir" ]
set -l work_parent (dirname $work_dir | sed -e 's#^/##')
if [ "$work_parent" ]
set_color --background $bg_color $fg_color
echo -n "$work_parent/"
set_color fff --bold
set_color normal; set_color -b $__color_repo_work_tree
echo -n (basename $work_dir)
set_color --background $bg_color $fg_color
set_color normal; set_color --background $colors
[ "$project_pwd" ]
and echo -n '/'
@ -474,14 +466,12 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_git -S -a current_dir -d 'Display the actual git st
set project_pwd (echo $PWD | sed -e "s#^$current_dir##" -e 's#^/##')
if [ "$project_pwd" ]
set -l bg_color $__bobthefish_dk_grey
set -l fg_color $__bobthefish_med_grey
set -l colors $color_path
if not [ -w "$PWD" ]
set bg_color $__bobthefish_med_red
set fg_color $__bobthefish_lt_red
set colors $color_path_nowrite
__bobthefish_start_segment $bg_color $fg_color
__bobthefish_start_segment $colors
echo -ns $project_pwd ' '
@ -496,13 +486,13 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_vi -S -d 'Display vi mode'
[ "$theme_display_vi" = 'yes' -a "$fish_bind_mode" != "$theme_display_vi_hide_mode" ]; or return
switch $fish_bind_mode
case default
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_grey $__bobthefish_dk_grey --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vi_mode_default
echo -n 'N '
case insert
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_lt_green $__bobthefish_dk_grey --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vi_mode_insert
echo -n 'I '
case visual
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_lt_orange $__bobthefish_dk_grey --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vi_mode_visual
echo -n 'V '
set_color normal
@ -526,7 +516,7 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish -S -d "Display activated virtual enviro
[ "$theme_display_virtualenv" = 'no' -o -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; and return
set -l version_glyph (__bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version)
if [ "$version_glyph" ]
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_blue $__bobthefish_lt_grey
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_virtualfish
echo -ns $__bobthefish_virtualenv_glyph $version_glyph ' '
echo -ns (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") ' '
@ -603,7 +593,7 @@ function __bobthefish_show_ruby -S -d 'Current Ruby (rvm/rbenv)'
set ruby_version $RUBY_VERSION
[ -z "$ruby_version" ]; and return
__bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_ruby_red $__bobthefish_lt_grey --bold
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_rvm
echo -ns $__bobthefish_ruby_glyph $ruby_version ' '
set_color normal
@ -613,6 +603,110 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_rubies -S -d 'Display current Ruby information'
# ===========================
# Debugging functions
# ===========================
function __bobthefish_display_colors -d 'Print example prompts using the current color scheme'
set -g __bobthefish_display_colors
function __bobthefish_maybe_display_colors -S
if not set -q __bobthefish_display_colors
set -e __bobthefish_display_colors
set_color normal
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_initial_segment_exit
echo -n exit '! '
set_color -b $__color_initial_segment_su
echo -n su '$ '
set_color -b $__color_initial_segment_jobs
echo -n jobs '% '
set_color normal
echo -n "(<- color_initial_segment)"
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path
echo -n /color/path/
set_color -b $__color_path_basename
echo -ns basename ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path_nowrite
echo -n /color/path/nowrite/
set_color -b $__color_path_nowrite_basename
echo -ns basename ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path
echo -n /color/path/
set_color -b $__color_path_basename
echo -ns basename ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_repo
echo -ns $__bobthefish_branch_glyph ' '
echo -n "color-repo "
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path
echo -n /color/path/
set_color -b $__color_path_basename
echo -ns basename ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_repo_dirty
echo -ns $__bobthefish_branch_glyph ' '
echo -n "color-repo-dirty "
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_path
echo -n /color/path/
set_color -b $__color_path_basename
echo -ns basename ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_repo_staged
echo -ns $__bobthefish_branch_glyph ' '
echo -n "color-repo-staged "
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vi_mode_default
echo -ns vi_mode_default ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vi_mode_insert
echo -ns vi_mode_insert ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vi_mode_visual
echo -ns vi_mode_visual ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_vagrant
echo -n color_vagrant ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_username
echo -n color_username ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_rvm
echo -n color_rvm ' '
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_virtualfish
echo -ns color_virtualfish ' '
echo -e "\n"
# ===========================
# Apply theme
# ===========================
@ -663,30 +757,428 @@ function fish_prompt -d 'bobthefish, a fish theme optimized for awesome'
set -l __bobthefish_vagrant_unknown_glyph '!' # strange cases
# Colors
set -l __bobthefish_lt_green addc10
set -l __bobthefish_med_green 189303
set -l __bobthefish_dk_green 0c4801
set -l __bobthefish_lt_red C99
set -l __bobthefish_med_red ce000f
set -l __bobthefish_dk_red 600
set -l __bobthefish_ruby_red af0000
set -l __bobthefish_slate_blue 255e87
set -l __bobthefish_med_blue 005faf
set -l __bobthefish_lt_orange f6b117
set -l __bobthefish_dk_orange 3a2a03
set -l __bobthefish_dk_grey 333
set -l __bobthefish_med_grey 999
set -l __bobthefish_lt_grey ccc
set -l __bobthefish_dk_brown 4d2600
set -l __bobthefish_med_brown 803F00
set -l __bobthefish_lt_brown BF5E00
set -l __bobthefish_vagrant 48B4FB
switch "$theme_color_scheme"
case 'user'
# Do not set any variables in this section.
# If you want to create your own color scheme, set `theme_color_scheme` to
# `user` and define the `__color_*` variables listed below in your fish
# startup file (`$OMF_CONFIG/`, or similar).
# The value for each variable is an argument to pass to `set_color -b`.
# You can copy the commented code below as a base for your custom colors.
# Use `__bobthefish_display_colors` at the command line to easily see what
# these variables are used for.
# See the built-in color schemes below for more examples.
# # Example bobthefish color scheme:
# set -g theme_color_scheme user
# set -g __color_initial_segment_exit ffffff ce000f --bold
# set -g __color_initial_segment_su ffffff 189303 --bold
# set -g __color_initial_segment_jobs ffffff 255e87 --bold
# set -g __color_path 333333 999999
# set -g __color_path_basename 333333 ffffff --bold
# set -g __color_path_nowrite 660000 cc9999
# set -g __color_path_nowrite_basename 660000 cc9999 --bold
# set -g __color_repo addc10 0c4801
# set -g __color_repo_work_tree addc10 ffffff --bold
# set -g __color_repo_dirty ce000f ffffff
# set -g __color_repo_staged f6b117 3a2a03
# set -g __color_vi_mode_default 999999 333333 --bold
# set -g __color_vi_mode_insert 189303 333333 --bold
# set -g __color_vi_mode_visual f6b117 3a2a03 --bold
# set -g __color_vagrant 48b4fb ffffff --bold
# set -g __color_username cccccc 255e87
# set -g __color_rvm af0000 cccccc --bold
# set -g __color_virtualfish 005faf cccccc --bold
case 'terminal' 'terminal-dark*'
set -l colorfg black
[ $theme_color_scheme = 'terminal-dark-white' ]; and set colorfg white
set __color_initial_segment_exit white red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su white green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs white blue --bold
set __color_path black white
set __color_path_basename black white --bold
set __color_path_nowrite magenta $colorfg
set __color_path_nowrite_basename magenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo green $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree green $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty brred $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged yellow $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default brblue $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert brgreen $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual bryellow $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant brcyan $colorfg
set __color_username white black
set __color_rvm brmagenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish brblue $colorfg --bold
case 'terminal-light*'
set -l colorfg white
[ $theme_color_scheme = 'terminal-light-black' ]; and set colorfg black
set __color_initial_segment_exit black red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su black green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs black blue --bold
set __color_path white black
set __color_path_basename white black --bold
set __color_path_nowrite magenta $colorfg
set __color_path_nowrite_basename magenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo green $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree green $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty brred $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged yellow $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default brblue $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert brgreen $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual bryellow $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant brcyan $colorfg
set __color_username black white
set __color_rvm brmagenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish brblue $colorfg --bold
case 'terminal2' 'terminal2-dark*'
set -l colorfg black
[ $theme_color_scheme = 'terminal2-dark-white' ]; and set colorfg white
set __color_initial_segment_exit grey red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su grey green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs grey blue --bold
set __color_path brgrey white
set __color_path_basename brgrey white --bold
set __color_path_nowrite magenta $colorfg
set __color_path_nowrite_basename magenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo green $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree green $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty brred $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged yellow $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default brblue $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert brgreen $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual bryellow $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant brcyan $colorfg
set __color_username brgrey white
set __color_rvm brmagenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish brblue $colorfg --bold
case 'terminal2-light*'
set -l colorfg white
[ $theme_color_scheme = 'terminal2-light-black' ]; and set colorfg black
set __color_initial_segment_exit brgrey red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su brgrey green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs brgrey blue --bold
set __color_path grey black
set __color_path_basename grey black --bold
set __color_path_nowrite magenta $colorfg
set __color_path_nowrite_basename magenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo green $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree green $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty brred $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged yellow $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default brblue $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert brgreen $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual bryellow $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant brcyan $colorfg
set __color_username grey black
set __color_rvm brmagenta $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish brblue $colorfg --bold
case 'zenburn'
set -l grey 333333 # a bit darker than normal zenburn grey
set -l red CC9393
set -l green 7F9F7F
set -l yellow E3CEAB
set -l orange DFAF8F
set -l blue 8CD0D3
set -l white DCDCCC
set __color_initial_segment_exit $white $red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $white $green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $white $blue --bold
set __color_path $grey $white
set __color_path_basename $grey $white --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $grey $red
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $grey $red --bold
set __color_repo $green $grey
set __color_repo_work_tree $green $grey --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $red $grey
set __color_repo_staged $yellow $grey
set __color_vi_mode_default $grey $yellow --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $green $white --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $yellow $grey --bold
set __color_vagrant $blue $green --bold
set __color_username $grey $blue
set __color_rvm $red $grey --bold
set __color_virtualfish $blue $grey --bold
case 'base16-light'
set -l base00 181818
set -l base01 282828
set -l base02 383838
set -l base03 585858
set -l base04 b8b8b8
set -l base05 d8d8d8
set -l base06 e8e8e8
set -l base07 f8f8f8
set -l base08 ab4642 # red
set -l base09 dc9656 # orange
set -l base0A f7ca88 # yellow
set -l base0B a1b56c # green
set -l base0C 86c1b9 # cyan
set -l base0D 7cafc2 # blue
set -l base0E ba8baf # violet
set -l base0F a16946 # brown
set -l colorfg $base00
set __color_initial_segment_exit $base02 $base08 --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $base02 $base0B --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $base02 $base0D --bold
set __color_path $base06 $base02
set __color_path_basename $base06 $base01 --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $base06 $base08
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $base06 $base08 --bold
set __color_repo $base0B $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree $base0B $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $base08 $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged $base09 $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default $base04 $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $base0B $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $base09 $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant $base0C $colorfg --bold
set __color_username $base02 $base0D
set __color_rvm $base08 $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish $base0D $colorfg --bold
case 'base16' 'base16-dark'
set -l base00 181818
set -l base01 282828
set -l base02 383838
set -l base03 585858
set -l base04 b8b8b8
set -l base05 d8d8d8
set -l base06 e8e8e8
set -l base07 f8f8f8
set -l base08 ab4642 # red
set -l base09 dc9656 # orange
set -l base0A f7ca88 # yellow
set -l base0B a1b56c # green
set -l base0C 86c1b9 # cyan
set -l base0D 7cafc2 # blue
set -l base0E ba8baf # violet
set -l base0F a16946 # brown
set -l colorfg $base07
set __color_initial_segment_exit $base05 $base08 --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $base05 $base0B --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $base05 $base0D --bold
set __color_path $base02 $base05
set __color_path_basename $base02 $base06 --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $base02 $base08
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $base02 $base08 --bold
set __color_repo $base0B $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree $base0B $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $base08 $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged $base09 $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default $base03 $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $base0B $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $base09 $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant $base0C $colorfg --bold
set __color_username $base02 $base0D
set __color_rvm $base08 $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish $base0D $colorfg --bold
case 'solarized-light'
set -l base03 002b36
set -l base02 073642
set -l base01 586e75
set -l base00 657b83
set -l base0 839496
set -l base1 93a1a1
set -l base2 eee8d5
set -l base3 fdf6e3
set -l yellow b58900
set -l orange cb4b16
set -l red dc322f
set -l magenta d33682
set -l violet 6c71c4
set -l blue 268bd2
set -l cyan 2aa198
set -l green 859900
set colorfg $base03
set __color_initial_segment_exit $base02 $red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $base02 $green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $base02 $blue --bold
set __color_path $base2 $base00
set __color_path_basename $base2 $base01 --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $base2 $orange
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $base2 $orange --bold
set __color_repo $green $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree $green $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $red $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged $yellow $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default $blue $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $green $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $yellow $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant $violet $colorfg --bold
set __color_username $base2 $blue
set __color_rvm $red $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish $cyan $colorfg --bold
case 'solarized' 'solarized-dark'
set -l base03 002b36
set -l base02 073642
set -l base01 586e75
set -l base00 657b83
set -l base0 839496
set -l base1 93a1a1
set -l base2 eee8d5
set -l base3 fdf6e3
set -l yellow b58900
set -l orange cb4b16
set -l red dc322f
set -l magenta d33682
set -l violet 6c71c4
set -l blue 268bd2
set -l cyan 2aa198
set -l green 859900
set colorfg $base3
set __color_initial_segment_exit $base2 $red --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $base2 $green --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $base2 $blue --bold
set __color_path $base02 $base0
set __color_path_basename $base02 $base1 --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $base02 $orange
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $base02 $orange --bold
set __color_repo $green $colorfg
set __color_repo_work_tree $green $colorfg --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $red $colorfg
set __color_repo_staged $yellow $colorfg
set __color_vi_mode_default $blue $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $green $colorfg --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $yellow $colorfg --bold
set __color_vagrant $violet $colorfg --bold
set __color_username $base02 $blue
set __color_rvm $red $colorfg --bold
set __color_virtualfish $cyan $colorfg --bold
case 'light'
# light medium dark
# ------ ------ ------
set -l red cc9999 ce000f 660000
set -l green addc10 189303 0c4801
set -l blue 48b4fb 005faf 255e87
set -l orange f6b117 unused 3a2a03
set -l brown bf5e00 803f00 4d2600
set -l grey cccccc 999999 333333
set -l white ffffff
set -l black 000000
set -l ruby_red af0000
set __color_initial_segment_exit $grey[3] $red[2] --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $grey[3] $green[2] --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $grey[3] $blue[3] --bold
set __color_path $grey[1] $grey[2]
set __color_path_basename $grey[1] $grey[3] --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $red[1] $red[3]
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $red[1] $red[3] --bold
set __color_repo $green[1] $green[3]
set __color_repo_work_tree $green[1] $white --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $red[2] $white
set __color_repo_staged $orange[1] $orange[3]
set __color_vi_mode_default $grey[2] $grey[3] --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $green[2] $grey[3] --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $orange[1] $orange[3] --bold
set __color_vagrant $blue[1] $white --bold
set __color_username $grey[1] $blue[3]
set __color_rvm $ruby_red $grey[1] --bold
set __color_virtualfish $blue[2] $grey[1] --bold
case '*' # default dark theme
# light medium dark
# ------ ------ ------
set -l red cc9999 ce000f 660000
set -l green addc10 189303 0c4801
set -l blue 48b4fb 005faf 255e87
set -l orange f6b117 unused 3a2a03
set -l brown bf5e00 803f00 4d2600
set -l grey cccccc 999999 333333
set -l white ffffff
set -l black 000000
set -l ruby_red af0000
set __color_initial_segment_exit $white $red[2] --bold
set __color_initial_segment_su $white $green[2] --bold
set __color_initial_segment_jobs $white $blue[3] --bold
set __color_path $grey[3] $grey[2]
set __color_path_basename $grey[3] $white --bold
set __color_path_nowrite $red[3] $red[1]
set __color_path_nowrite_basename $red[3] $red[1] --bold
set __color_repo $green[1] $green[3]
set __color_repo_work_tree $green[1] $white --bold
set __color_repo_dirty $red[2] $white
set __color_repo_staged $orange[1] $orange[3]
set __color_vi_mode_default $grey[2] $grey[3] --bold
set __color_vi_mode_insert $green[2] $grey[3] --bold
set __color_vi_mode_visual $orange[1] $orange[3] --bold
set __color_vagrant $blue[1] $white --bold
set __color_username $grey[1] $blue[3]
set __color_rvm $ruby_red $grey[1] --bold
set __color_virtualfish $blue[2] $grey[1] --bold
if [ "$theme_nerd_fonts" = "yes" ]
set __bobthefish_virtualenv_glyph \uE73C ' '
@ -696,6 +1188,8 @@ function fish_prompt -d 'bobthefish, a fish theme optimized for awesome'
# Start each line with a blank slate
set -l __bobthefish_current_bg
__bobthefish_prompt_status $last_status
