#114 Add asdf ruby version to ruby version prompt

Followed established pattern for chruby and rbenv, adding the ruby
version number from asdf to the ruby prompt, only when the local
ruby version differs from the system ruby.

Note that asdf tracks its versions in a dot file (.tool-versions) so
the concept of what is global/system vs what is local simply depends
upon what file asdf is using to determine the correct version.
Fortunately, asdf reports the .tool-versions file when querying for
the current version.

The downside to this is that correct behavior of this patch will
depend upon the format asdf uses for their provenance string.

See https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf for details about asdf
John Schank 6 years ago committed by Justin Hileman
parent ab7123e063
commit 753189f173

@ -603,6 +603,15 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_rubies -S -d 'Display current Ruby information'
[ "$ruby_version" = "$global_ruby_version" ]; and return
else if type -q chruby
set ruby_version $RUBY_VERSION
else if type -q asdf
set -l asdf_ruby_version_str (asdf current ruby ^ /dev/null)
if test $status -eq 0
set -l asdf_system_origin "(set by $HOME/.tool-versions)"
set -l asdf_current_version_provenance (string split -m 1 ' ' $asdf_ruby_version_str)[2]
set ruby_version (string split -m 1 ' ' $asdf_ruby_version_str)[1]
[ "$asdf_current_version_provenance" = "$asdf_system_origin" ]; and return
[ -z "$ruby_version" ]; and return
__bobthefish_start_segment $__color_rvm
