Apparently the GitHub strips styles anyway.

Justin Hileman 9 years ago
parent 3c5bb9d86a
commit 50b45f7004

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ This theme is based loosely on [agnoster][agnoster].
* _If you use virtualenv, you will probably need to disable the default virtualenv prompt, since it doesn't play nice with fish: `set -x VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1`_
* Abbreviated parent directory
* Current directory, or Git or Mercurial project name
* Current project's repo branch (<img width="16" alt="branch-glyph" src="" style="vertical-align:bottom"> master) or detached head (`➦` d0dfd9b)
* Current project's repo branch (<img width="16" alt="branch-glyph" src=""> master) or detached head (`➦` d0dfd9b)
* Git or Mercurial status, via colors and flags:
* Dirty working directory (**`*`**)
* Untracked files (**`…`**)
