Update ruby asdf support for output of asdf v0.8.1

- asdf not output three columns for for `asdf current version`, the first being the plugin name
- Update the provenance format to match
Shane Mook 3 years ago
parent 626bd39b00
commit 39118580df

@ -830,10 +830,10 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_rubies -S -d 'Display current Ruby information'
set -l asdf_current_ruby (asdf current ruby 2>/dev/null)
or return
echo "$asdf_current_ruby" | read -l asdf_ruby_version asdf_provenance
echo "$asdf_current_ruby" | read -l _asdf_plugin asdf_ruby_version asdf_provenance
# If asdf changes their ruby version provenance format, update this to match
[ (string trim -- "$asdf_provenance") = "(set by $HOME/.tool-versions)" ]
[ (string trim -- "$asdf_provenance") = "$HOME/.tool-versions" ]
and return
set ruby_version $asdf_ruby_version
