Address first pass of comments

Hans Larsen 2 years ago
parent c1cf2db05c
commit 34a18148a9

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ set -g theme_newline_prompt '$ '
- `theme_display_ruby`. Use `no` to completely hide all information about Ruby version. By default Ruby version displayed if there is the difference from default settings.
- `theme_display_node`. If set to `always`, will display current NPM, NVM or FNM node version. If set to `yes`, will display the version if an `.nvmrc`, `.node-version` or `package.json` file is found in the parent directories.
- `theme_display_rustc`. If set to `always`, will always show the rustc version. If set to `yes`, will show the version when inside a Cargo project. Use `diff` to show the rustc version if there is a difference from global rustc installed (if any). By default, we do not show the information.
- `theme_display_rustc`. Use `no` to completely hide all information about the Rust compiler version. By default the Rust compiler version will be displayed if there is a difference from the globally installed one.
- `theme_display_vagrant`. This feature is disabled by default, use `yes` to display Vagrant status in your prompt. Please note that only the VirtualBox and VMWare providers are supported.
- `theme_display_vi`. By default the vi mode indicator will be shown if vi or hybrid key bindings are enabled. Use `no` to hide the indicator, or `yes` to show the indicator.
- `theme_display_k8s_context`. This feature is disabled by default. Use `yes` to show the current kubernetes context (`> kubectl config current-context`).

@ -847,14 +847,16 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_rubies -S -d 'Display current Ruby information'
echo -ns $ruby_glyph $ruby_version ' '
function __bobthefish_get_cargo_version -S -d 'Display the cargo version in a directory'
pushd $argv[1]
command rustc --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2
function __bobthefish_get_global_rustc_version -S -d 'Display the global cargo version'
command fish -c "cd /; rustc --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2"
function __bobthefish_get_local_rustc_version -S -d 'Display the local cargo version in the CWD'
rustc --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2
function __bobthefish_prompt_rustc -S -d 'Display current cargo version if different than system'
[ "$theme_display_rustc" = '' ]
[ "$theme_display_rustc" = 'no' ]
and return
type -fq rustc
@ -865,17 +867,14 @@ function __bobthefish_prompt_rustc -S -d 'Display current cargo version if diffe
switch "$theme_display_rustc"
case always
set local_rustc_version (__bobthefish_get_cargo_version (__bobthefish_pwd))
set local_rustc_version (__bobthefish_get_local_rustc_version)
case yes
cargo locate-project --message-format plain --quiet >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
and set local_rustc_version (__bobthefish_get_cargo_version (__bobthefish_pwd))
case diff
if not set -q __bobthefish_global_cargo_version
set -g __bobthefish_global_cargo_version (__bobthefish_get_cargo_version /)
if not set -q __bobthefish_global_rustc_version
set -g __bobthefish_global_rustc_version (__bobthefish_get_global_rustc_version)
set local_rustc_version (__bobthefish_get_cargo_version (__bobthefish_pwd))
if [ "$local_rustc_version" = "$__bobthefish_global_cargo_version" ]
set local_rustc_version (__bobthefish_get_local_rustc_version)
if [ "$local_rustc_version" = "$__bobthefish_global_rustc_version" ]
set local_rustc_version ''
