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20 lines
657 B

set -l required_version 2.3.0
set -l installed_version 1
if set -q FISH_VERSION
set installed_version $FISH_VERSION
else if set -q version
set installed_version $version
set -l latest_version (echo -e "$required_version\\n$installed_version" | command sort -r -n -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 | command head -n 1)
if [ "$installed_version" != "$latest_version" ]
set_color red ^/dev/null
echo "Fish $required_version or greater is required for bobthefish."
echo "To use bobthefish with Fish $installed_version, checkout the `support/fish-2.2.x` branch"
echo "in $OMF_PATH/themes/bobthefish/"
set color normal ^/dev/null